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*cricket noise* Hello? Anyone awake?
Sep 15, 2006 by SapAuthor

HELLOO PEOPLE. Is it just me or is no one posting anymore? There's like one a day, if that. Wakes up! Your making this whole place seem like it's in a time warp or something. Anything interesting happen to anyone recently? Anything SOAP related?

I'll start off, i'm starting to practice on this one rail that isoutside of compas, it has a nice slant, it's hard to get on becuase i have trouble going onto rails unless i go from a certain direction, so my right foot is first. the other side of the rail is thorn pushes lol. But, i'm starting to get it.

Sep 15, 2006Wesker

Pulled out ye ol' practice rail last week and did a couple of grinds with the Broadsides and realized how much I missed them and how much better they are than my Solomons :X

Sep 15, 2006Slidey

well, so far I've managed to get about 7 people to buy soaps, my team is growing! :D

Sep 15, 2006Jard39

im spreading the word around school. i got one person looking to buy and several others seem interested.

Sep 15, 2006Slidey

if you do all the tricks in school it really helps, i mean check out my school pic. EVERYONE there was intrested.

Sep 15, 2006Tatacker

Practicing Frontsides and Backsides on the PVC Pipe for now.

Making a box, and it's a modification. I'm adding a nice slant, so I can try different angles.

Sep 15, 2006SapAuthor

i found a really nice rail to practice on. It's a longer rail, slanted, only problem is it's a little too tall, very hard to jump up on. BUT, it's about a foot away from a fense, so you can climb up and push off the fense. Kind of weak but its good for a long grind and with some wax a nice smooth ride.

Someone saw me practicing with the bush rail thingy, he looked excited about it, too bad i couldn't show much lol.

i ahve 3 reported ppl from my site buying soaps after i showed the soap section, my friend kayla also got one, one of my dorm friends.

Sep 15, 2006snares

been practicing at the local skate park mostly. Still working on my balance as much as anything.
Almost got the hang of royale's, can 180 into frontslide most of the time.
Working on switching from reg to goofy (180) mid-grind (only on a Low P-rail). Its fun, gonna feel soo good when i get that trick down :D.
One of my mates just got a pair of Soaps also, which is nice.
We hit-up the park together and had a good days session. Its nice having some one else to motivate you and be there to offer advice on style/approach etc.
Oh and like a dumbass i ordered the wrong size BBK's from E-Bay (went by UK size not US - Doh!).
So now have 3 pairs of 11/12 BBK's just sitting here as i cant use em.
Have placed an order for the right size though, so looking forward to trying BBK's soon :). Should help with the royale (i use UHF at the mo)

Sep 15, 2006SapAuthor

BBKs are awesome. I'm getting some plates whenever i get another pair of size 13 shoes. Sucks that southernbelt hasn't put up the next batch yet >.<

What pair do you have right now?

Sep 16, 2006chip

i made thes new trick its a combnation of a ufo and a royale im still practiceing it

Sep 16, 2006SapAuthor

How would you do that? Ufo is feat angled in, Royale is feet angled one direction, the only other combination would be feet angled back and that's already a trick. I'm confused lol.

Sep 16, 2006chip

i mean your nees like a royale but your feet like an ufo

u get what im saying now?

Sep 16, 2006Ryozox

Soap is dead in my State... Arizona sucks

Sep 16, 2006chip

um i dont know about that
im on longisland there dead but there not u know what i mean

Sep 16, 2006SapAuthor

that sounds painful chip, lol, i wish you luck with it though.

If it weren't for all this darn homework i would be out there hitting that rail and getting some video *gonk* reading, projects, papers, studying, >.< college is suppose to be fun.

Sep 16, 2006snares

[quote] SapAuthor
BBKs are awesome. I'm getting some plates whenever i get another pair of size 13 shoes. Sucks that southernbelt hasn't put up the next batch yet >.<

What pair do you have right now? [/quote]

I have a pair of size 12 (UK), Graphite Cleans.

allready started thinking about my next shoe, lol. considering adding a pair of Sylon's to my collection.

Sep 16, 2006snares

sorry for the double post, just thought i'd put a little disclaimer here (of sorts).


i busted myself up a bit today when i fell off the low-rail at the skate park.
Lost my footing and landed right on the frikkin rail.
It was kinda funny though.
After my lower back connected with the rail winding me in the process. My body flopped off the rail and as it was on the funbox. I just slid down the slope untill i hit the ground. Must have looked really funny.
Hurt quite a bit, i had to just lay there a mo to kinda get my shit together.

So now i have some rather nice cuts/bruises/scrapes on my lower back and a deep cut on my shin from the rail.
fun fun fun.

Sep 16, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Ryozox, really? My Soap Sales Rep is telling me that he has only two (well now hopefully three!) area accounts in which Soap is performing for him … AZ(Phoenix) and TX(Dallas/Fort Worth).

snares, the Sylon is a great shoe with the BBK plate. If you can find one with the Octane plate, you're golden.

Sep 16, 2006SapAuthor

Sorry snares, same thing happened to me, well not totally same, but similar. Just remember to keep ur feet outside ur shoulders.

Sep 16, 2006Wesker

Sylon's are an awesome pair of Soaps to have :X

Sep 17, 2006AnthoFlex

WHat i went through today was no practice rail.....it was the famous Columbus Circle rail......I couldnt bring myself to do it.....Sweatstance.....thats all i had on my mind.....there were soo many people.....And then when i finally got the chance....i didnt take it....

Sep 17, 2006Wesker

Let's go hit up that rail :0

Sep 17, 2006SapAuthor

do this, get somoene really ballsy to mess with u till u do. peer pressure can help lol.

Sep 17, 2006Mart

Sweatstance is a pretty messy grind to do on Soaps. Have you practiced it on something low yet?

Sep 17, 2006AnthoFlex

yea, i thought it became my best trick......Its messy? really?.....

Ight Dario, lets go do it!.....hopefully i dunt pussy out again....

Sep 17, 2006AnthoFlex

I have, every other rail i do gets sweatstanced.......Just to be sure....Sweatstance is THIS right?....sorry AGAIN for the korny drawing.....

http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/Soap%20Shoes/Sweatstance.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

It already says it but, the black arrow indicates the direction of movement, The green is the rail, and MY stance is regular

Sep 17, 2006SapAuthor

drawing isn't bad due. dunno if that's right, hopefully this post will bump it back up so someone who does know will put it. looks good to me though.

Sep 17, 2006Mart

Yes, that is a Sweatstance. I thought we went through this when I was drunk last month

Sep 17, 2006SapAuthor

Wootz! I finally got the handrail down pat. I can jump up and go down it easily and with style. A lot of people were impressed, i also got some wax and there are a ton of rails around downtown tampa i'm gong to try to hit. ^.^ I r excitedish

Sep 18, 2006SapAuthor

umm..are boltars comfy? one person said they weren't, another said they were. I do'nt care about weight, just need a durable and comfy shoe with replacable plates.

Sep 19, 2006Go2Crew

So Trev, it looks like my pestering David at Southern Belt paid off. He's listed three size 13s. As for durablity and comfort, imho, the order of preference s/b Ordnance (which he has, but didn't list for some unknown reason?) Fader, Flow, and then Boltar. They are all comfortable styles of Soaps, so I tried to list them in most to least durable order. PS: the Faders should have BBK plates... Good luck bidding.

Sep 19, 2006SapAuthor

I thought boltars were suppose to be heavy duty. Go2, your post was kind of confusing. So the boltars are comfertable, but not durable?

Sep 19, 2006Mart

Don't go for the Flows, the plates are shite despite the fact that they look hot

Sep 19, 2006SapAuthor

that i know. I just want to know mroe about the boltars since i do need a comfy and ruggid shoe that can have bbk plates. Although not as asthetically pleasing, is the boltar really comfy and durable?

Sep 20, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Trev, sorry my comments weren’t clear.
Let me try again: All four styles are very durable and all four fit well. The Soaps made in that time frame were all built on the same shoe lasts (foot forms) which Soap had refined and gotten down to a great fitting shoe. Functionally all four are very durable. The Boltar specifically has exfoliation bars on the lateral and medial sides of the shoe upper to minimize the sanding effect on the upper when you do Royales and UFOs. It does have two small design weaknesses, however. If something is going to rip-off of the shoe during the abuse of a grind it will be the single-stitched lace guard on the top of the toe-cap or the rivet attached but not stitched-down trim flap of leather at the bottom of the eyelet stays. And I’ll stress that those are cosmetic … if either of those pieces gets ripped-up the shoe still functions great, you just cut them-off and continue on. Your pair just doesn’t match anymore unless you modify both shoes. Take a look at White version under the shoes section, to see what I'm talking about and feel fre to e-mail me if it still is not clear.

As for the Flow, Mart does not like the Impact plate, which was the common plate to the Flow, the Dash, and the Praba. But Mart, you are an advanced Soaper and I understand it most likely feels sloppy in a grind because of that. For a first run at fixed plates it is ok (hey the UHF was the first run at removable plates and Mart those advanced too at each next plate reiteration). I’ll agree, however, that it is not even halfway comparable to the Speedster plate, but also don’t discount the fact it is almost impossible to find a pair of Scorchers now-days.

Anyhow, I hope this help.

Sep 20, 2006SapAuthor

awesome that did help, i think i'll go for the boltars, just need a new pair so i can pull of some tricks.

Sep 20, 2006SapAuthor

crud someone bid on the boltars...i better have a backup plan. Those faders, how durable are they? If it gets down to it i'll be ready to bid on either, if i don't get the boltars i'll try to get the faders.

Sep 20, 2006Go2Crew

I personally like the smooth gangster-skater look of the Faders and they have some nice dense-weave nylon uppers. Same sole as the Goa and Boltar, so basically just as durable.

Sep 20, 2006SapAuthor

okay, hopefully no one will bid on them. Some morons alreayd started a small bid war and there is still 3 days till they close. I just want some more soaps darn it!

Sep 20, 2006SapAuthor

I've almost got that long rail outside the building. Sadly, i slipped and landed on my forearm, it's briused pretty bad and my right pinky is slow cuz of hte swollen muscle, lol. BUT what was cool is someone saw me grindingd own the rail and said he had a pair, he lovedt hem, but his pair is too big. I told him about the ordnance on ebay for 20 bucks, the size 10, he sounded excited about it, hopefully he will get htem and we can go soaping together.

Sep 21, 2006snares

AnthoFlex, what shoes do you have man.
sweatstance looks bastard hard in regular soaps, do you have a pair of prototypes or something with a full-sole plate ?
and is a shoe of this type necessary in order to pull off this grind or can you do it in a normal pair of soaps.
looks like the front foot would grip and make you face-plant.
i dont get it - lol.
looks like a nice grind though.

Sep 21, 2006Slidey

2day we all went soapin around the town outside our school, impressed a lot of people for just 30 mins of soaping, 1 guy even asked us for the address of where to buy them. The school kids loved the bench double we pulled off. Made a gr8 video too lol

Sep 21, 2006Wesker

Snares: He's got a pair of Broadsides (Check the shoes section) the only publicly released Soap shoe that featured a full sole plate. (Known as the "Slipknot" plates).

They don't make them anymore and they are extremely rare, but recently a few have been coming up on ebay. I think theres one there right now (Size 12).

Sep 21, 2006SapAuthor

hey slidey, rock on man! As soon as my arm is better i'm goign to hit that rail again, and as soon as i get to where i can ballance better i'll go around town. But the people that pass by looked impressed, and also one person asked where to get them. Also i got an email from a viewer saying what i put on the site inspired htem to get their own pair, so that's like 3 that found out about soaps on my site ^.^ I'm talking my other roommate into getting a pair too.

All in all, keep it up, it's working and we are getting more people interested in soaps again. i see a second wind coming for the original grind shoes.

Sep 21, 2006AnthoFlex

Yup, Me and Dario are rocking Broadside power!!!! and they arent Prototypes, they are the real thing

Sep 22, 2006Slidey

Yeah man! everyone keep practicin and pull off the sickest tricks! I'm workin on a rail walljump transfer to the school handrail for the next own clothes day we get (probz about the end of october) my friends say it would be sick to pull it off so lets all practice and lets all impress and spread the word! Soap on guys!!

Sep 22, 2006SapAuthor

i'm still working on the basics, but i can do small stair rails, and i'm working on regular rails, and as soon as i get the bbk plated shoes i'll work on tricks.

Sep 22, 2006SapAuthor

Hey all, i got a little vid from the rail. It's nothing spectacular, but tell me what you think. Right click the below and save target as, it's only 15 seconds, just two of the grinds (the only 2 full ones that i made it all the way). its about 2.75 mb in size.

http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/sample2.wmv"> here

Sep 23, 2006Jard39


Sep 23, 2006matrix8967

yeah, Soap is dead in my state too (Arkansas) but we have some awesome rails, and i'm drawing a crowd these days...I can't jump very high to get onto rails, I soap at the old playground at my school on the old balance beam, I almost broke a rip the other day...I only have Express, which are kinda lame...HSL shoes...good...but not as good as the first pair of soaps i tried (crowbars) and i want some broad sides...I got my express for 40 bucks though...I'm going to try and get a Soap revolution started again...i brought back the yo-yo a few years ago at my school, as well as candy cigarettes...so i'll try the Soap revolution and let you guys know how it goes, i'll probably be posting some pics and videos soon...


Sep 23, 2006SapAuthor

okay, but alex, the dots make you sound really tired and unethusiastic, u alright man?

Sep 23, 2006Slidey

nice sapAuthor, that rail from a frontside is thiegh hieght isn't it, I can ONLY JUST do hip hieght rails in backside soo keep goin man

Sep 23, 2006matrix8967

no, i just have a bad habit of typing "..." instead of other punctuation. and i am pretty tired in all honesty...marching band wears me out, I'm senior drumline captain...i do band stuff like 4-5 nights a week...(again i type"..."alot maybe i should try !!! instead :) ) anyway, no, i'm glad i'm getting back into soaping...i did it alot in 6th grade with my friend damien, now he's gone and it's just me...so i'm training some other kids and trying to get them to buy soaps, but i need a catchy name for my revolution...anyideas?


Sep 23, 2006SapAuthor

I dunno what name Alex, but i'm reserving either SSS Super Sonic Soapers or SSSSS Super Sonic soap and slide squad for hwen i get my own group together lol.

Also, thanks Slidey, i have some pretty good vert, but what i really lack is commitment when it comes to rails with a drop on one end. I have to get stright up i know, but i keep on leaning on the "safe" side. I'll just need towork on that.

Also, I'm limited in that i have to approach the rail from the right side, i can't do left -.- It really limits me. Any hints on how to do "regular" style (i'm goofy footed). Is it easier to just keep working at it, or learn to do a 180 onto a rail so you land goofy instead of regular.

Sep 23, 2006Slidey

nonono! lol. It would be death to try do that in your switch without at least a week of practice on lower rails. Get your backside jump up, its actually easier to jump higher with that (belive it or not). And what you need to learn about the safe side is that you should grab onto the rail when falling onto the otherside. Its not that dangerous to fall into a crapload of bushes and palm trees (ive smacked into a pole before lol).
Check the picture of me grinding the school kink, I had a practice on falling off on the unsafe side (over my head hieght of a drop) before attempting the full thing.

Sep 23, 2006Slidey

Remeber that speed comes from running along the rail rather than across it. so cut down some bushes or somthing if you want to get speed with a frontside on that rail.

Sep 23, 2006Slidey

so Snares, your getting the spectrum sylons from southern belt right? My friend is getting the dragonflys as soon as he has the money. So no1 be a dickhead and bid on them lol

Sep 23, 2006SapAuthor

dunno if i could manage to grab onto a rail while fallying off, but i'll work on that aspect, as well as work on my backside. I'll hit the skatepark of tampa sunday probaby and work on it, the same rail in the vid will be perfect to practice my backside since the in order to do frontside i had to jump from the bushes, so the other side is cement.

If i can get the frontside and backside down, i think it will open up a lot more opertunities.

Oh,and small wootz, just yesturday was my first time i got thrown out of a area for soaping by security, lol. Kind of funny, i'll have to go back later because there is this AWESOME rail that's very long, slight slope, and it's smooth cement on both sides. As soon as I get good, im going to have to do a sneak in and get the vid of that, it would be a killer for a vid.

Sep 23, 2006matrix8967

I just bought a pair of Ordnance for like 30 bucks (including s/h)...can't wait to try them out

Sep 23, 2006matrix8967

I just bought a pair of Ordnance for like 30 bucks (including s/h)...can't wait to try them out


Sep 23, 2006matrix8967

(sorry for the triple post, i go crazy if i forget my signature)


Sep 23, 2006SapAuthor

I just won the Boltar 13s for 48 after shipping. Matrix, i'm guessing your a size 10, right? the buy it now ordnance?

Sep 24, 2006matrix8967

yeah, size 10 :) (actually 9.5) i don't really like the color...i wanted either the blue and yellow, or the red/black/white ones...but i had to settle for grey/white/orange, but beggars can't be choosers, ordnance are ordnance. If i got some broadsides id loose bowel control, but i'll have to wait and try to get those...


Sep 24, 2006SapAuthor

dude, ordnance flint are a nice color scheme, ur going to be looking sweet in them.

Sep 24, 2006matrix8967

I just don't like the orange...but, it's alot better than what it could be, so i'm not complaining, i thought my express wouldn't look as good as they did, but i think i'll like these...especially with removable plates, so now i won't have to avoid wearing my soaps at work. I feel like a girl with so many shoes...cuz i bought soaps, and had to buy a pair of Vans so i could go up the ladder at work with out killing myself, and i couldnt use my old converse at work cuz i'm on my feet for like 14 hours and i got used to how good soaps feel, then converse have no arch support...and i have white converse for marching band...so lets see...2 pairs of soaps, 1 pair of vans, 2 pairs of converse, + dress shoes and the black marching shoes...14 pairs of shoes...i usually just wear soaps or vans...my girlfrined likes my converse so i wear them now and again for old-times sake...


Sep 24, 2006Slidey

I hate converse!! There super flimsy, like the OPPOSITE to soaps. I don't think it would be worth speniding more than £5 or $10 on a pair of shoes with such bad support... (stupid fashion trends)

Sep 24, 2006SapAuthor

Don't feel so bad matrix, i have my old school heelys, my warm fuzzy shoes (i get cold feet), sandles, soaps, getting another pair of soaps, and dress shoes. lol.

Sep 24, 2006matrix8967

I started wearing converse when i was in kindergarten, then i stopped and started again in like 8th grade...but soaps are good for now, i'm done with converse for a long time...and just as a side note, i'm thinking of naming my revolution "Viva La Soap" unless anyone else has anything clever...i'm in my schools E.A.S.T (enviromental and space technologies) class where we have to make projects for the community and i'm thinking i could do something like a Soap fund-raiser deal...but i'd actually have to call the company or something...find some rails, someone who will deny liability, helmets, and not to mention, alot of soaps...but maybe i can make it work...it'd be a good start for the revolution...we'll see...more info later, i'll have to talk to my teacher about getting it started...i don't think Soap will want to come to my small town...MAYBE in like 1000000 years they'd help me set up in Little Rock...(20ish miles north of my nowhere town) but i'll do what i can...


Sep 29, 2006SapAuthor

hope it turns out alex.

As for me, i just woke up, i had this weird dream, i was going around town and ended up in a pet cemetary. Why did i mention it here? Cuz in the dream i looked over and saw this sweet rail and i went down on my soaps. You know you got soaps on the brain when u start dreaming about hitting rails, lol.

Sep 30, 2006SapAuthor

Got some fan soap images finally and posted them on my site, but here they are, one of the guys from australia:


Sep 30, 2006SapAuthor

Dude!!! I found the perfect rail!!! 45 feet, secluded, slight slope, with level and soft ground around it, a straight rail behind it, and even a stair rail, all with no one around and no security to bust me! And best of all, I DID IT! I went all 45 feet!! ^.^ I'll take the video and put it on my site and post the link here. I'm So freaken happy right now :D

Sep 30, 2006AnthoFlex

Great for you dude

Sep 30, 2006AnthoFlex

I wanna see that video, sweet

Oct 1, 2006Jard39

u should add it to the SOAP video

i tried to get some footage today but the damned rain wouldn't stop

Oct 1, 2006masterbrain0


Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

Sorry guys, i've decided to take my time and make a compilation video of some of my most recent soaping. It will take some time, but should look good once all done. I'll just let the anticipation boil a bit ;)

Oct 1, 2006matrix8967

Amazing, my hat's off. I found some cool rails the other night...maybe i'll make a clip (not a full video...just a snippet) and give a link to it once i grind my dream rail (it's 100+ feet and it goes slope and straight...) but i can't jump high at all...so i'll have to work on jumping...

Oct 1, 2006matrix8967


(again, sorry but i flip if i forget my signature)

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

dude, you may want to get that whole signature checked out, it's verging on OCD and you may have it.

Anyways, that sounds like an awesome rail. I'm going to practice up on the rail i found and hopefully after i'm done i will be able to hit any rail with confidence. I can't wait to make this video of my stuff, sort of my warm up for the all soapers vid.

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

okay, i've been showing everyone, to impatient to wait to show you all. http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/small98.wmv> here it is. Tell me waht you think, 45 foot rail.

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

um, that didn't work...must have screwed up the html coding.


there, copy and paste, hehe. 45 ft rail.

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

aww crap, i think i broke this thread lol.

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

crud....when i typed the html link i put a ref instead of a href. that's why it's screwy, sorry about this -.-

Oct 1, 2006SapAuthor

i emailed broox to ask him to put in the h to fix it. anyways, the "i hope this fixed it" is the link to the thing too, tell me what you think, sorry for the ton of posts.

Oct 1, 2006Slidey

Wow! your vert is better than mine, Just not your balance lol :p

Oct 2, 2006SapAuthor

I just got my 13 boltars! ^.^ I love how comfy soaps are! These boltars look like monsters, can't wait to start practicing my tricks with the BBK plates!

Oct 3, 2006matrix8967

awesome, i convinced a friend of mine to get some Goa's (i think those are ugly, but they grind) and i've got alot of kids into it...Let the revolution begin! VIVA LA SOAP!


Oct 3, 2006Curtinator

Jesus i'm not reading all that, Anyways I havent posted for a while but i'm soaping still but not much longer because its getting to winter time.

Oct 3, 2006Curtinator

And i'll have to wait :(

Oct 4, 2006SapAuthor

why wait? Rails don't change during winter. They get slicker, which is like auto-wax, and if you fall, your in snow, softer. Bundle up and get out there!

Oct 4, 2006matrix8967

I LOVE SOAPING IN THE WINTER...it's so much better to me...Winter is SOAP season...(I guess because I started soaping in the winter)


Oct 4, 2006Jard39

I'm not much for witner SOAPing probably because im lazy and i dont like being cold

Oct 4, 2006AnthoFlex

I got my soaps i think a week after the HUGE blizzard......i wanted to hit sum serious snow stuff haha

Oct 4, 2006crazyheelykid

chip ur selling grinding heelys on longisland? I need some.

Oct 5, 2006Wesker

Sometimes Soaping in the winter is annoying (Not that it's stopped me before.) Personally I am just not a fan of cold weather.

Oct 5, 2006SapAuthor

I'll tell you wahtt hough, i would rather soap in winter than in the florida summer, i get so hot and sweaty i don't WANT to jump anymore lol

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh yea haha, that was when i was wondering what a sweatstance looked like

Oct 7, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Ren, have you given any thought to using this graphic to show the correct foot-placements for all of the grinding tricks and then perhaps asking Derek to put it on the site (sort of like an illustrated dance-step layout, except for grinds)? I don’t know, I thought it would be sort-of helpful and would make a good how-to sheet so that it could be printed-out by any one interested. Just a though! Heck, if you want, send me a copy to proof over and I’ll be happy to print a sheet and include it in any pairs I’m shipping, just to get the buzz-up on Soaps.


Oct 8, 2006AnthoFlex

I actually was thikning that but i thought it'd be kinda hard to show tweak.....i already have the feet and rail under layers in photoshop format so im ready to go....anyone got any ideas on how to show tweak?

Oct 8, 2006AnthoFlex

You know what, after i get home from chilling with Dario 2morrow i'll start it

Oct 8, 2006Jard39

maybe u could show it from two viewpoints, bottom and side

Oct 8, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Ren,
Got your e-mail on the Broadsides and I still have a pair of new size sevens, so I'll pop you some photos for the tricktionary graphics tomorrow. Good thinking, because as for illustrating tweekage the Soapshoes.com site's tricktionary photos work well (side-view), but what is lacking is the indication of direction of motion and any tricks that can be done with the full-sole plate (HSL didn't do the A-Side, so I quess they decided not to include those tricks either). What are you thinking, maybe a top-view and a side-view graphic on the tricks?

Oct 8, 2006matrix8967

If I had a pair of broad sides...my life would be complete...


Nov 2, 2006SapAuthor

Anyone do any sweet soaping things lately? I've been busy building the soap selling site, but what other sweet stuff have people been doing?

Nov 2, 2006matrix8967

alot, my crew is forming....read the soap revolution thread...


Nov 2, 2006Kru

I was gonna grind this huge rail at my college last night but I wasn't sure if it was safe.. there was no angle either but it there where all these vent ducts of the heater/AC unit which was on the other side, I would of had to take the risk of standing on them to grind it. Plus I bailed it would of been a long way down. I did pull a quick fastslide on it then jumped off.

I've also been looking around on the net for soap shoes. I found this website thats UK based that has alot of shoes still. I still feel kind of incomplete having heelys and not soaps but its all I can get at the moment in my size.

Nov 4, 2006SapAuthor

Kru it's okay. You have the option of either buying them on ebay and paying the shipping, it is a lot and takes some time, but it may be worth it.
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Hugo deLeon hittin a Slidin down the back porch
Derek Brooks hittin a Royale
Louis Selby busting a frontside 'nugen during the recent UKFSW trip to Ipswich.
LixF hittin a fresh track grind
Bryndon with a royale on some bleachers