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SOAP Red Scorchers Size 10 for sale
Aug 4, 2013 by Flare0080

Just figured I'd post here in case someone was interested. I know a bunch of you are from the UK and I may open up international shipping if there is serious interest. I wish Soaps were still being made today. Anybody else agree?


Everything you need to know is inside the auction, but ask if you want any other info! Thanks for looking!

Aug 4, 2013VintageGMan

Man I wish these were my size. I have always dreamed of having a pair of these. I wish soaps were still manufactured. I salute you sir for maintaining such an epic piece of history.

Aug 4, 2013kowalski

Not foolish enough to pay that much for a pair of Soaps.

Soaps for saps.

Aug 4, 2013VintageGMan

True well out of my price range, I can dream though. Lol. It might be worth advertising these on the Sonic forums too as those guys will eat these up for collective purposes. Happy sales bro.

Aug 4, 2013gongon1037

Wow that's a lot of money. the shoes look nice, but the price is too high.

Aug 5, 2013Flare0080

I'm going to clean up a pair of blue scorchers soon. Size 10 men's. They won't look as nice as my red pair, but what are guys willing to pay? I'm not asking nearly as much for the blue, but be realistic. Last pair of scorchers I own is black/gray/yellow in size 10 men's. I might start them at $10 and see how high they go. They're pretty wrecked. Tell me your thoughts and thanks for the advice on the red pair!

Aug 5, 2013zelda

not to be mean Flare but I believe these prices are too high for a pair of used scorchers. the most i'm willing to spend for all three pairs is 200. i know you're expecting way more, so all I can really do is wish you the best of luck. I know not all three pairs are beaten and that must have taken a lot out of you to avoid using a pair of scorchers when you first bought them, but the reason most pairs of scorchers sold for high prices was that they were still brand new in box. wish you luck Flare

Aug 5, 2013manofmisery

no sale sorry bro

Aug 5, 2013mindreader

yeah I agree, asking 500 for used shoes is kind of ridiculous when we can just buy a pair of new soaps for 40 bucks on rawk. scorchers are cool, but so is $500

Aug 5, 2013kowalski

I expect most people who want Soaps actually want them to Soap in not to look at.

Aug 5, 2013Flare0080

I get it, not for this crowd. No worries. Although I don't know where you guys see $500. I clearly listed them for $400.

Sorry Zelda, just no. I've already gotten that offer for just the red pair.

Aug 5, 2013kowalski

You wish Soaps were being manufactured today so much that you are selling yours?

Aug 5, 2013Flare0080

I'm not selling them all. Just the scorchers. I was sad when I first learned Soap was getting sold. No one I know grinds anymore so I stopped too. No reason to keep every single pair.

Aug 6, 2013VintageGMan

Slightly off topic but you don't happen to have any broadsides in your soap collection do you.

Aug 12, 2013Revengasaur

Well guys, hate to burst your bubble, but soaps are a sellers market these days. Asking $400 for a pair of soaps that are:
A. One of the two most rare and desirable soaps ever produced.
B. In the most desirable colorway for the shoe.
C. In the most common US men's shoe size.
D. Lightly used.
is entirely reasonable.
New examples of this shoe in less desirable sizes have gone for $300-$600 with some degree of regularity. These prices may seem unfair or even ridiculous when there are soaps that are similar for sale for less than $100, but it's simply a matter of supply and demand. So few of these shoes exist in ANY condition that we (The small rarefied market) should cheer the fact that somebody wants to make them available to the public at all. At least it's exciting to see them for sale.

Aug 12, 2013Flare0080

Just wanted everyone here to know that I settled with someone on eBay with a price and they're sold. Thanks to everyone who read this post, left a comment (positive and negative), and for keeping the sport alive. In time, my other two pairs of scorchers will be for sale in case you missed the red ones. Later!

Aug 13, 2013kowalski

Asking $400 is not reasonable at all, even if people are happy to pay that.

We should not cheer this at all.

There is a maximum for things like this, anyone paying over £100 is an idiot.

The stuff you talked about, anyone caught up in that is a zombie. Let them pay $400+ for Soaps and let them do it for the reasons you stated. But we don't need to agree with it or endorse it.

I certainly am not affected by that kind of nonsense and I won't be educating my kids to be affected by it.

Why look at a system that is fucked up and call it reasonable. It isn't reasonable. It may be understandable, but it is not reasonable.

Aug 13, 2013zelda

that's really harsh to say kowalski, it's not the sellers fault by any means this is the company's fault one hundred percent. not to be mean or anything but that energy should be put into contacting the new company to give them an idea of what kind of money they are missing out on. bashing individual people isn't going to do any good, and for the record a brand new pair of red scorchers sold for over twice that recently. please make your notes directed in a way to enlighten the company to make some scorchers please as that would be the best thing to do

Aug 13, 2013Revengasaur

Regardless of weather you agree with it or endorse it, the simple economic factor of supply and demand isn't going to go away. To me this isn't an ideological question. It's common sense. If a person owns a rare and collectable oak coffee table of which examples regularly sell for $600, does it make sense for that person to ask $200 for it on the open antiques market? Can we agree that if it's a proven fact that if this person waits for a while to sell his oak table he/she will get at least $500 for it, then they would be a fool not to?
I know quite well the sad, frustrating impacts of living in a consumer driven capitalist society. Being a lifelong collector of various things I have seen some downright embarrassing prices asked and paid for things much less useful than soap shoes.
I just want to let you know that I understand your position kowalski, and in many ways I agree with it. Capitalism sucks, but at least for the near future, it's here to stay.

Aug 13, 2013kowalski

If you are a collector, then you are one of those who make this happen. You belong to them.

And, actually, this is how you deal with the problem. You deal with it by not playing the game and chastising those who do.

If you say, I disagree with it and I applaud it is a very confused position, or doublethink, and won't change anything.

Aug 13, 2013kowalski

Of course the seller is to blame for the game continuing as he is playing the game.

Could have started the bidding low, didn't. Is a dick. Fact.

Buyer is dick also.

Aug 15, 2013Revengasaur

In my first post I was not applauding capitalism, I was applauding the fact that these shoes are here at all, as a conversation starter and even as a point of controversy. In our world capitalism is the status quo. It's ugly, but it's real. If people chose to participate in the system it's their own business, and as long as they aren't affecting anyone else, it's not the place of others to force their ideals onto them.

Aug 15, 2013kowalski

Well obviously I'm not forcing my ideals onto anyone. How could that even been done from the position of being a member of a public forum?

However, in fact people choosing to participate obviously is affecting others.

I don't think you thought that post through too well. I should spill my hands as having an MA in Philosophy too. I've been through this topic before.

I am unable to force anyone to do anything. I'm arguing that this way is shit and there are better ways.

You said we should cheer the person for making them available at all. This is that American double think again. Support the troops but not the war, or something equally ridiculous. Yes, if you applaud those taking part you are applauding the thing itself.

Aug 15, 2013Revengasaur

Haha, you win dude. If you feel the need to wave a Philosophy degree in my face as proof of your superior intelligence, and also attack me ad hominem for "American doublethink" and "Belonging to them" then you can have the internet argument trophy. I had no intention of turning this into one of the sad forum flame wars that I so vehemently mocked in the past. I'm ashamed that things spiraled so quickly out of control and apologize to the rest of the board. We don't need this here.

Aug 17, 2013manofmisery

Such a waste nor sure where to begin

Aug 17, 2013kowalski

Wow. They weren't ad hominem attacks. I make arguments, actually.

Also, not sure what you call a flame war around here but from what you are saying it sounds like if you walked into any university in England you would say their discussions were flame wars too.

Thirdly, when someone says they will 'show their hand' it doesn't mean they are about to show off. Que the opposite. It means they are letting their opponent see what they are playing with. This enables the opponent to make better, because more informed, decisions on how to continue. I told you of my academic background for this reason, as is clear in the language I used when doing so.

I would hope if I were in a discussion with someone and they had a relevant background in the topic that they would advise me of it too.

Using terms like flame war, which this clearly isn't, and "spiraled ... out of control" which this vitally hasn't, is a strange move in and of itself.

Personally I love to discuss things make arguments, receive opposing arguments and continue on to a more enlightened and educated future thanks to those discussions.

I don't understand someone thinking there is something bad in this activity.

If you don't want yo discuss it, don't. Trying to label it a flame war or announce that it has 'spiraled ... out of control' and to make apologies to the board is more than a little over reactive.


It is just an intellectual debate in a public discussion forum relevant to the thread.

Nothing exciting is happening here, just a little, knowledge exchange. You don't need to be afraid.
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