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E-Mail Sequential Brand Group
Sep 18, 2013 by gongon1037

I got some great news.

After Calling for so long I finally talked to the head of SBG, and she said that we will be seeing soap comeback next year.
I was telling her about Scorcher, Broadsides, and A-sides, and she said if she gets enough support from us then we will be seeing more of these models sooner.
I need you guys to e-mail her also.


Tell her that you are guys are interested in seeing soap make a comeback, and that you want models like A-sides, and Broadsides. Don't say anything negative about Heelys, the last thing we want from them is to think that we are immature, so keep it clean.

Im working on a soap commercial for school and when im done i'll share it with you guys :)

Sep 18, 2013gongon1037

Im gonna write her another email after class. I hope you guys do the same.

Anybody Excited? XD

Sep 18, 2013zelda

i think i just creamed my pants...

Sep 18, 2013Relate2Videos

thanks to everyone who was patient :) now spread the word!

Sep 18, 2013mindreader


Sep 18, 2013manofmisery

i need to change my account name to "manofhappiness" lmao, I'm about to tell everyone on facebook, email this to everyone in my contacts, send mass texts, the works. EVERYONE needs to know about this one guys.

Sep 19, 2013gongon1037


Sep 19, 2013gongon1037

I sent my email already. Lets just hope they read it.

Sep 20, 2013VintageGMan

Well done bro. I'm so happy its unreal.

Sep 20, 2013mcgrinder2011

sent my Email. I'll be so glad once Soaps get back on the shelves. My grind revolutions' plates are about to fall off on me.

Sep 20, 2013soapsr4me

dude you should email a few friends or something about this hahah id really like a pair of those broadsides or somethin

Sep 20, 2013zelda


Sep 20, 2013manofmisery

might be a good idea to message as many people as possible in reference to this

Sep 20, 2013mindreader

i will make it a goal to message a thousand sonic the hedgehog fans :)

Sep 20, 2013Revengasaur

Excellent news dude. I'm super happy to hear somebody in the corporate world is finally listening to us. I'll save most of my excitement for when the shoes hit stores, but for now I'll just say that some soaps are getting pulled out for a session this weekend. You've put in a lot of extra work gongon. Much respect.

Sep 20, 2013Revengasaur

I just sent a nice email to the address listed. I hope somebody reads it.

Sep 21, 2013gongon1037

lets hope they read all of our emails, and if you guys can give them a call as well. here is there number 646-564-2577.

Let your voice be heard.

Sep 21, 2013LIGERZERO7

YES!!! :D

Sep 21, 2013VintageGMan

Email sent. Mega respect for the extra work you put in bro.

Sep 22, 2013gongon1037

Thanks guys. :)

Oct 2, 2013Wesker

I just sent an email to help support the cause- fingers crossed!

Oct 3, 2013mindreader

i just got two friends who say they want broadsides and one of them emailed!!!! :D

Oct 3, 2013manofmisery

way to go bro

Oct 3, 2013zelda

a buddy of mine wants some broadsides :)

Oct 5, 2013gongon1037

We should start going to shoe shops and remind them about soaps.

I went to a few skate shops today and one of the managers have grown an interest in soap. I also gave him the number to SBG and a few stickers.

Dec 29, 2013gongon1037


Jan 13, 2014gongon1037

I got word that broadsides may be coming soon, but we need to keep contacting them and show support. Lets keep it up.

Jan 14, 2014grug250

fuck yeah

Jan 14, 2014grug250

just sent 4 more e-mails to them

Jan 19, 2014camaro126

I freaking hope they come back this year!

Jan 20, 2014zelda

That hope is now a reality, just need to message everyone on youtube at this point and we will have some broadsides by the summer

Jan 20, 2014grug250

no way for sure it's confirmed?

Jan 20, 2014zelda

Lmao yes it is!

Jan 21, 2014grug250

oh hell yeah boi

Jan 23, 2014mcgrinder2011

Just Emailed them about returning Asides, Boltars, Squeaky Cleans and Sylons.
Think that's a good coice?
I also asked about unreleased shoes(Slice, Aside, Quickdraw) and offered to help with the Quickdraw lock system.

Jan 24, 2014grug250

awesome as bro :)

Jan 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

Good to know that someone likes the idea, but I'll need some support here if it's going to be reality.

Jan 25, 2014gongon1037

I like it also. The more shoes the better.

Jan 25, 2014mcgrinder2011

Creat! Come on... more support!

Jan 27, 2014zelda

They wouldn't have any info about the quickdraw. Only Steve Deel has that

Jan 28, 2014mcgrinder2011

I think I saw a prototype somewhere; oh where was it, oh yeah it was here. just look at the slo bro image. that's likely a QuickDraw prototype img there. I see the same for the BBKs shown here too.

Jan 31, 2014zelda

Keep it up guys

Jan 31, 2014mcgrinder2011

Good to know we're helping the cause.

May 21, 2014Sambonie1

Let's get these shoes back YEA BABY.

May 21, 2014kowalski

There is a petition to bring back Soaps too, Sambonie1, and the long-term Project Unity - to design and manufacture of own grind shoes too!

Get involved!

May 21, 2014kowalski


Jul 12, 2014camaro126

I really don't see them relaunching this year at all. Lets keep calling!!

Jul 15, 2014mcgrinder2011

I don't think they're gonna relaunch at all. They must not see any potential in innovative and fun to use shoes. They must think that soaps are too dangerous and that Heelys should be kept up. They're just feeding those posers who fed off of Soap's success in the first place.(talking about heelers and HSL respectively).

Jul 15, 2014Revengasaur

SBG has been totally silent since the initial barrage of phone calls and emails. I never once got an email reply or got to talk to a real human on the phone in regards to contacting them. I would frankly be amazed if they ever relaunch the Soap brand. I bet they'll eventually let the patents lapse.

Jul 22, 2014grug250

i tried alot and couldn't get ahold of anyone they are arseholes if i had the cash i would buy soaps and bring em back

Jul 25, 2014kowalski

Yeah, this really isn't the way to get new grind shoes.

Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is the definition of idiocy.

Jan 15, 2015Waffle

Oi, time to revive this thread. This never happened D:

Jan 29, 2015Waffle


Feb 16, 2015Waffle

Lets not give up guys!
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Dunk hittin a Freestyle Backslide
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