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How'd you hear about soaps
Oct 6, 2013 by manofmisery


for me it was sonic adventure 2 :D

Oct 6, 2013mindreader

same SA2 :P haha

Oct 6, 2013Relate2Videos

make that three!!! ;) Sonic adventure 2 was excellent

Oct 7, 2013gongon1037

my brother told me about them...

Oct 7, 2013gongon1037

then I bought a pair after playing SA2 :P

Anyone else but me still play that game?

Oct 7, 2013mcgrinder2011

I still play. heard about them from SA2 too, but never knew the brand til I looked them up on the sonic wiki. btw who wants SA3 if it means sonic gets his soaps back?

Oct 7, 2013Relate2Videos

i do as well! and yeah SA3 would be an excellent idea

Oct 7, 2013mindreader

i as well would enjoy SA3 :P have two copies of SA 2

Oct 7, 2013gongon1037

SA3 ftw! I also wanna play the new sonic game for the WiiU. I just need a WiiU.

Oct 7, 2013mcgrinder2011

you mean lost world? it's still in dev stage. also three copies. 2DC and BATTLE, FTW.

Oct 7, 2013gongon1037

I have SA2 for DC and xbox live. I even unlocked the Green Hill level for DC.

Oct 8, 2013mcgrinder2011

damn, even I have a hard time doing that. I'm just 4emblems away on each!
You skilled son of a bitch.

Oct 8, 2013gongon1037

lol *Troll Face*

I spent about a year trying to unlock that level, but during the time spent getting A's on every level I told a lot of people(watching me play) about Soap Shoes.

One of the kids ran to his mom and said *I want those shoes that he has* and the mom said *No, I bought you heelys and you dont use them*. I laughed after hearing that xD

Oct 8, 2013mindreader

lol heelys are such a fail, glad they are gone.

Oct 8, 2013Relate2Videos

i second that comment haha

Oct 9, 2013gongon1037

SOAP falling in the hands of HSL was the worst thing that ever happened to SOAP. Even if the did bring them back the shoes would probably look really ugly, and would still be for kids.

I have an idea on how to perfect the shoes with wheels, except I wouldn't call it Heelys, instead I would just name it SOAP *RIDE*, or SOAP *GLIDE*...or something

I think the Heelers would be pissed though, if there are any left that is.

Oct 9, 2013gongon1037

I'm glad SBG is listening to what people want, and that's to bring back SOAP.

Oct 9, 2013grug250

i'm in australia and stoked here about this i have already sent two emails and got all my mates to aswell i live for soap and the 90's

Oct 9, 2013mindreader

^ like a boss

Oct 9, 2013manofmisery

well done bro!

Oct 9, 2013zelda

glad to see the following is back :P I'd recommend perhaps making an awesome facebook page about soap shoes for someone who has the time, but spreading the word does the trick as well.

Oct 9, 2013mcgrinder2011

wow. okay, seems I roused conversation here. and to gongon, I envy you right now. but not for very long. I'm just one emblem away now muahahahaaa!!!

Oct 10, 2013grug250

ok so after last weekend when i went to one of our inline meets for the 500th member i took my scabs with me this past last week so many people inboxing me asking how much soaps are. anyway i have told them all whats going on and told them all to send off some e-mails .....lets just hope they do

Oct 10, 2013gongon1037

Tell them to stop by here as well. If they need more info on soap shoes or need help finding a pair then we'll be happy to help ;)

Oct 10, 2013grug250

yeah for sure i will bro

Oct 18, 2013Revengasaur

Wow, everyone is stoked on soaping. So good to see. I haven't soaped in a while now. Being an adult is a lot of work and leaves you with surprisingly little time to "play with yourself". Haha. Big ups and good show to everyone who's holding it down.

Oct 18, 2013Revengasaur

Back on topic though, I found out about soaps in a roundabout way. They were just part of what was going on during the mid-late 90's in California. I didn't get into soaps until the mid 2000's though. Funny how that works. I saw the Holiday video on youtube and was like "Psssh, I can do that..." harder than it looks, right?

Oct 18, 2013mindreader

indeed haha
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