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Happy Thanksgiving SG
Nov 29, 2013 by gongon1037

So... How is everyone?

Nov 30, 2013mcgrinder2011

I'm just great, and working hard to get better every day!

I'm working on torqued grinds now and I nearly bust my head every time.

Dec 2, 2013gongon1037

Nice. I'm trying hard to get better as well. I got an xbox one on BF.

Dec 2, 2013mcgrinder2011

How is the xbox? any good, cuz I'm planning on getting one myself.

Dec 2, 2013gongon1037

I'm having fun with it. I have my DVR connected to my xbox, and now I can change the channel with my voice.

Dec 2, 2013gongon1037

I was waiting in line during black Friday.


Dec 2, 2013mcgrinder2011

Nice setup:)
Though I may have trouble with the whole voice thing since I rage hard when I'm playing games like Tomb Raider 2013 or Dead Space. Dat tormenter, rips me up EVERY time!

Dec 2, 2013gongon1037

I love the first two Dead Space game, but the third one wasn't really scary :(

Tomb Raider kicked ass as well. hope they make a new one for next gen.
Silent Hill also.

Dec 2, 2013gongon1037

btw I working on a 3d model of your shoe.


I still need more time to finish. It's harder than I thought :P

Dec 3, 2013mcgrinder2011

I know about the first two DS games, i'm working on two with casual on for 'Made us Whole' then I'm going straight to hardcore and I'm going IRON MAN.

And thanks for the help with the shoe model, I have little modeling skill as of now:(

Dec 3, 2013mcgrinder2011

btw, excellent model and bonus points for finding all 7 chaos emeralds!

Dec 5, 2013gongon1037

The chaos emeralds are pretty cool, especially when you put them at the right light.

I also have the 7 dragonballs

Dec 7, 2013mcgrinder2011

O.o You're REALLY ready to go super saiyan!

Dec 11, 2013zelda

Holidays are super busy, glad someone posted :) ttu guys soon!
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