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Eddie Ramirez New Pics
Jan 9, 2014 by EddieRamirez

Be on the look out for some new pics I submitted from my days Soaping Professionally with the team. Photographer compliments go to Ryan Jaunzemis.

Jan 9, 2014zelda

Oh dude, the admins arent here anymore. Send them to me via email and ill post them on here through a photobucket account. Unless you wanna make your own photobucket account, I just thought id help.

Jan 9, 2014mindreader

Welcome back Eddie! Excellent to see team relate back in the picture, its almost like the second coming of jesus.

Jan 9, 2014manofmisery

Praise team relate, the team so good they didnt need sponsors.

Jan 9, 2014EddieRamirez

Thanks for the support your guys. Yo @zelda I do have a photobucket so again stay tuned for pics. lol

Jan 9, 2014EddieRamirez

P.S. These are what I felt were worthy of posting if you want to see more just let me know.

Jan 10, 2014gongon1037

Those pics look awesome.
Its great to have the guys from team relate stop by here.
Cant wait for the book.

Jan 10, 2014grug250

sick as soap 4 life

Jan 10, 2014EddieRamirez

Hit me up on instagram at fasteddie62 for video clips

Jan 12, 2014EddieRamirez

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Jan 12, 2014EddieRamirez

stupid website doesnt understand HTML

Jan 12, 2014gongon1037

I need to get myself a smartphone soon :P

Jan 20, 2014zelda

Eddie I just saw your stuff on instagram, I had no clue u were such a bad as haha. You're one sick skater

Jan 31, 2014zelda

Bam you da man
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