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soap shoes stuff in sale
Jan 29, 2014 by zelda

Hey guys,

With the re release of soap shoes, I will be selling all of my memorabilia and shoes to celebrate. This includes stickers, posters, plates, the works.

Post here if you are interested and I will contact you this weekend. Hopefully I will have pics and stuff as well, this stuff is extremely rare.

Jan 29, 2014mcgrinder2011

OK bro; Since I'm very interested I'd like to ask if you happen to have a spare set of size 13-14 BBKs or Slo Bro plates. I kinda need them for my Sylons for when my current set dies. And maybe some Soap posters since I fell in love with these shoes.

Jan 29, 2014grug250

dude you know me i must have it all lol

Jan 29, 2014mcgrinder2011


Jan 30, 2014grug250

=D ok it's on lol

Jan 30, 2014mcgrinder2011

=P I will lmao when you start crying 'cuz I took ALL the soaps!

Jan 31, 2014grug250

not so much the soaps i'm after tho i got my eye on other parts of the collection :P

Jan 31, 2014zelda

your draws might drop after seeing this stuff hahaha

Jan 31, 2014mcgrinder2011

Oh rly. Try me!
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