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Jul 11, 2014 by mcgrinder2011

Hate to post non-soap material here, but where is everybody? I mean, I get that you guys have families to attend to, but it never hurts to take 2-3 minutes just to check here every once in a while.
I'm conducting a SG roll call, anyone who comes on here, please show me a sign just so I know you're alive.
MCgrinder, Here.

Jul 11, 2014gongon1037

I still stop by.

Jul 11, 2014grug250

i check in every day

Jul 11, 2014Revengasaur

I'm lurking here and there. Not much to report and not much to discuss related to soap lately.

Jul 12, 2014LIGERZERO7

Not dead yet... Anyway, I guess there's not too much to discuss as Revengasaur said. We're gettin lazy huh?

Jul 12, 2014camaro126

I'm still here...

Jul 13, 2014kowalski

Too hot to soap... or type... but alive.

Jul 13, 2014kowalski

Also, am not American so FOOTBAAAAAAAAAALLL!!!

Jul 15, 2014mcgrinder2011

Good to see some people are still alive. But I'm wondering if people like Derek or Ryan ever stop by.

Jul 15, 2014Revengasaur

I think Derek might check in a couple times a year, but he's pretty much washed his hands of the whole soap thing. Dario and one or two of the relate crew are still peeking. I hear there's a soap thing on facebook. Ryan was posting for a sec to hype his book, but I don't think he got the reaction he was expecting. Derek and Ryan both have contact info on the web and are generally high profile types, if you really want to contact them...

Jul 16, 2014grug250

i talk to ryan all the time he still soaps as much as he can

Jul 17, 2014kowalski

Lol, fan boys.

Jul 18, 2014touchmyself

kowalski shut the fuck up

Jul 18, 2014zelda

not to be mean but everyone is still here,it just kind of seems like not everyone wants to go about their lives instead of trying to bring soap back. there's been plenty of suggestions just not a lot of work put into it and too much criticism.

Jul 18, 2014gothsoaper

i agree, if someone doesn't post a thread about suggestions and do something from that thread i will do so myself. there's always a little free time in the summer especially to bring back soap. plus i hear theres some bad ass guys in Australia tearing it up

Jul 18, 2014manofmisery

teehee, inactivity my behind. sounds like a good plan

Jul 18, 2014grug250

who the fuck are you calling a fanboy kowalski? you're just a keyboard warrior........and yeah australia has been tearing it up big time thy are not the best but from what i see they love the sport

Jul 18, 2014kowalski

Where's Ryan (fap fap) and Derek (fap splurge).

Jul 18, 2014zelda

K we already established you're the prick so fuck off.

Jul 18, 2014kowalski

Lol, your name is zelda.

Jul 19, 2014LIGERZERO7

Ok lets calm down guys... we've got like a small community thing going on so lets try to be friendly or not say anything mean at all...

Jul 20, 2014grug250

kowalski you really must be a sad cunt

Jul 20, 2014kowalski

Must I? No, you have no way of knowing that. What a ridiculous thing to say.

My life is boss, mate. I fucking love it. I emigrated to live in paradise with a hot Norwegian and I don't have to work ever, I spend all my time pursuing my personal interests!

Now what is really sad is wanking to videos of your soap heroes and hoping they acknowledge you. Lol. Live your own life.

Jul 20, 2014zelda

if there's anything that I've learned in life it's the people who have to brag about what they have are the people who are most full of shit. like we said before, take you're own advice and kill yourself kowalski. it could have just ended with ligerzero7's comment but you always have to start shit.

Jul 20, 2014kowalski

Lol, yep. I started shit after Ligerzero's comment by logging in as grug250 and calling myself a sad cunt. You are a retard, zelda.

I am not shy of being happy or proud or describing my life and achievements. As you haven't achieved anything you don't understand that and have to hate on people who have by calling them braggers for merely describing their current situation.

Cock munching virgin.

Jul 21, 2014zelda

As if you know me? No one said you were shy you were established as a cunt, stop playing dumb and take your head and your philosophy books out of your ass. Only a pathetic human being like you acuse teenagers of racism, say homophobic and hate speech acuse using members of being "cock munching virgins", and being a general hypocrite on the site. Considering the whole community is uncomfortable with you lashing out at members and calling you out on your shit for you to only go out and call them cock munching virgins only reiterates our accuracy in our views and the illegitimacy in your so called "achievements". Fuck off and go talk to a therapist to hear your stupid crap because we certainly don't want to hear it paid or for free.

Jul 21, 2014manofmisery

Never have I ever heard words from such an ignorant person. It's pathetic how he acts like the entire community is wrong and the only proof he has for his "achievements" is a pathetic five second clip on youtube, whereas team relate has TONS of badass footage.

I also agree that the fact that kowalski needs to speak out as opposed to others recognizing any achievements really just shows that he has none. Kowalski can make up any stupid story online all he wants at least we all know he has nothing. Never have I ever been a witness to such a waste of a life.

Jul 21, 2014gothsoaper

Actually yeah kowalski you did start shit and I'm pretty sure you're the guy who trashed the site because we stuck up for ourselves. You started shit in this thread and you only added to the continuity whereas you could have just buried the hatchet. This is on you fucko, get a life. And not a fake one you're posting about on the internet.

Jul 21, 2014LIGERZERO7

Well... at least were keeping the site alive still... kinda. :(

Jul 21, 2014mindreader

Not while kowalski keeps doing this stupid stuff, it's a huge turn off to people and potential members....

Jul 21, 2014zelda

Greg and I were talking last night and agreed we should just ignore him at this point as its too time confusing to keep addressing his irrelevant garbage. So if it's ok I would like to request that members just ignore him and keep it to soap shoes. And hopefully he won't trash the forum as I agree with the comment about him being responsible for it.

Jul 21, 2014manofmisery

Lol no problem

Jul 21, 2014zelda

*time consuming

Jul 21, 2014mcgrinder2011

Very time consuming.

We really should try and focus on bringing Soap back so we can gain new shoes and keep this awesome branch of FSW alive.

I'm soaping around as much as I can to get the name going in Arkansas. I even got in trouble as FHS just to promote Soap to a group of like 50 people.

Jul 25, 2014kowalski

Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I just took a holiday in the stunning archipelago of Cádiz to celebrate my birthday.

manofmisery, you are such a retard that you think someone's YouTube channel is their cv and you actually consider soaping to be an achievement. Brilliant.

gothsoaper, what would count as sufficient evidence of my current life situation for you? I'm more than happy to provide proof that my life is badass. Here is a link to my social network profile, maybe that is sufficient...


So yeah, my life is badass. So suck it and keep fapping to your heroes and looking up to losers. I live my life for me, my way and that is why my life is so awesome and your lives are depressing as fuck.


Jul 25, 2014mcgrinder2011

Oh my god, can EVERYONE just leave each other alone? This means you Kowalski, you dissing soap pros with the fap comment started this shit.

Jul 25, 2014kowalski

It's hilarious that these kids wank off to some other kid who Soaps. Whenever that happens I'm going to take the piss, I promise.

And any other dumb shit that gets said - I'm gonna take the piss out of that too, you can bet on it.

Welcome to adult land where no one gives a fuck off you are offended. Being offended is your own problem.

Aug 2, 2014mcgrinder2011

You know what, fuck you. I'm responding to no more of your comments. I don't have to take any of this crap.

Aug 4, 2014kowalski

He says whilst responding. Lol.

I am.

Aug 5, 2014mcgrinder2011

Does anybody else hear some kind of buzzing noise? It sounds... Gay and, boobish.

Aug 6, 2014kowalski

"I'm responding to no more of your comments."

"Does anybody else hear some kind of buzzing noise? It sounds... Gay and, boobish."

Failed at human.

Aug 7, 2014zelda

If that gay noise was a human it would realize that Mcgrinder wasn't replying, but unfortunately would most likely be too stupid to realize would be too stupid to realize when it's wrong

Aug 7, 2014gothsoaper

The gay noise also doesn't realize that someone could get fired for making someone uncomfortable at work. But let's just ignore the gay noise guys, and just message derek if it trashes the forum again

Aug 7, 2014manofmisery

Agreed, also would like to thank Grug for getting so much activity back with all he's done

Aug 7, 2014manofmisery

Would like to buy

Aug 7, 2014grug250

dude i just like to post about the sport i love gotta keep it alive

Aug 7, 2014kowalski

Haha, you just can't help yourselves.

I'm your god.

Aug 9, 2014mcgrinder2011

Looks like gay noise is back guys. See, this is why we could kinda use a mod. They could report and ban trolls/spammers/rulebreakers so they don't trash the forum.

Aug 9, 2014kowalski

Good one, you fascist cunt.

More win for me.

Aug 10, 2014mcgrinder2011

So, what's everybody else up to right now. I'm waiting on a new screen for my laptop. See it got busted up when a four wheeler flipped on it so I'm having to use my TV as a monitor til the new screen comes in so I can replace it.

Aug 10, 2014grug250

i'm waiting o a pair of bumble bee scabs .....and some new bearings for remz so i can get ready for the Australian Rolling Open (ARO) in a few weeks

Aug 10, 2014kowalski

Mostly been planning my new FREE English classes. Gonna use a sit-com called Extr@, which was specially designed for teaching English as the central material for the course of study, it's pretty fun to learn from. The best bit though is that the classes will be FREE!

Pretty excited about that.

Apart from that, mostly been buying new furniture... which is boring for me, but not for my girl.

Aug 10, 2014grug250

hahaaha i hear that dude ....that english thing seems alright tho

Aug 11, 2014kowalski

Yeah, it's not like we didn't have furniture already! I didn't have any problems with the old furniture.

Aug 12, 2014mcgrinder2011

Looks like the small community thing's coming back again. Maybe it's the bigger members (sorry, Zelda, gongon, others) that make this place a little mean.

I'm usually a very nice guy anyway, but it seems I have to try to stop some argument or get onto someone when the others are on. At least while someone's trolling.

There's my rant for the day.

Aug 12, 2014kowalski

You don't seem like a nice guy at all, you want to make rules for other people. All the worst people in history wanted make rules for other people.

"it seems I have to try to stop some argument or get onto someone". No, no you don't. You don't have to try to do anything and if you think you actually did anything you are the biggest retard on the site. All you did was look fucking stupid for saying you will ignore me and then completely falling to do so... the icing on the cake though was calling me "boobish", what is your mental age? 4

No one is trolling.

That's you owned again.

Aug 12, 2014kowalski

Should just take your own advice and keep your mouth shut and stay the fuck out of shit... but you won't.

Aug 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

Can we just stop arguing already. This is turning the forum upside down and I hate that. I come on here to chat and waste time for some fun. Not argue and talk shit.

Aug 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

Oh and thanks a fucking lot for insulting me by calling me a retard. I have autism asshole!

Aug 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

How about you listen to Gothsoaper and get off Solidgrind already. Your constant need to argue is ruining the experience for everyone.

Aug 13, 2014kowalski

I make the rules for me. That's why I won't listen to other people trying to make rules for me. Anyone who does that is a horrible fascist dictator wannabe and definitely should not be listened to.

Dating why don't I listen to some other kids isn't equal to me saying why don't you listen to your own advice. It is retarded, which we nor know you officially are, to not take your own advice, that is the very definition of madness.

If you come on here to chat and waste time for some fun and not to argue and talk shit, why do you keep arguing and talking shit? Lol. You come here to do whatever it is you do when you are here. That is a truism.

Therefore, because when you come here you quite often argue and talk shit, you literally come here to argue and chat shit. That is evident.

"I have autism asshole" means that you have autism in the hole of your ass. "I have autism, asshole" means that you have autism and that I am an asshole. I will gladly give you some, much needed, free English classes, if you like.

And, the fact that you have autism makes my insult accurate and explains... well... figuratively everything.

Aug 15, 2014mcgrinder2011

Whatever you say, captain fuckwit. And thanks, this argument just drove everyone off the forums again. Like I said, just get off the forums. The only reason I continue to log in and argue with you is because I truly love Soaping and Soap itself. And I want to see to it that not only does this community continue on living with the sport, but that others may join and ramble on about how much they love it too.

You don't have to be a grammar nazi or try to own anyone just to think you're better than them, you should really prove you're higher levels of badassery/awesomeness through tests of skill, not arguing with people you refuse to get along with because you think your ego is bigger.

And since you can't take a hint, This comment is in a calm tone and should be read as such. I'm sick of all this fighting, so I'm not trying to fight anymore. And once you get that through your skull I'll be more than willing to start over and actually try to make friends.

Aug 16, 2014kowalski

"Whatever you say, captain fuckwit."
"This comment is in a calm tone and should be read as such."

You can't call someone a fuckwit and claim that your comment is in a calm tone.

"You don't have to be a grammar nazi or try to own anyone just to think you're better than them, you should really prove you're higher levels of badassery/awesomeness through tests of skill, not arguing with people..."

Mastery of languages is a skill. One can demonstrate badassery / awesomeness in their mastery of a language or languages. (Hopefully, I'll be a badass with Spanish eventually too!)

Arguing is a skill. One can demonstrate badassery / awesomeness through their skilled arguing.

"...you think your ego is bigger." Aaaahahahaha, you have no idea what the word ego means and how it is supposed to be used. I thin

Aug 16, 2014kowalski

In fact, I think that I am virtually without ego.

I usually freely express my authentic self, nothing could be less egotistical.

Here's a primer on ego for you, so you can use the word correctly in the future...


You see, this is a perfect example of why it is important to be skilled at using at least one language. If you were an awesome badass of language, then people would be able to understand what you are saying. Also, any time someone uses a word out of context while trying to sound authorative and intelligent and without understanding it's meaning, they look like a dumb cunt. Right now you look like a dumb cunt.

Aug 16, 2014kowalski

You come here to argue with me.

That is self-evident by the fact that when you come here you argue with me.

It will stop being true that you come here to argue with me when you stop coming here and arguing with me.

Aug 18, 2014mcgrinder2011

*sigh* you always have to have the last laugh, don't you. You always have to start more shit just when I try to get out of it. You know what I think? I think you're just trying to make up for your lack of skill in anything but soaping. Because you say you have a good life when you're stuck in a dead end job because you don't have the skill for a better one. You know, you didn't have to start this with "Where's Ryan? *fap fap* and Derek? *fap splurge*". You could've posted a much less offensive comment and contributed to the "small community" aspect that me and many others wanted to instill on this forum. But you continue to piss us non-trolls off and get yourself in deeper shit and worse reputation here just because you want a little fun. How about you go piss off another forum and learn just how it feels to be banned.

And you know what, I'm not perfect! NOBODY is. As soon as you get that through your thick skull this forum and world will be a much better place.
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