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mystery roller blade grind shoe
Jul 23, 2014 by grug250

yo did rollerblade make grind shoes other than the tgs because i found this online http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/grug250/media/soap%20shoes/images1_zps028f2d9d.jpg.html

Jul 24, 2014gongon1037

I never seen those before. where did you find that pic?

Jul 24, 2014grug250

on google bro i was just dicking around looking for bizos and salomons and stuff and i found that pic

Jul 25, 2014kowalski

Are they a different shoe? It looks like the side shot shows a black toe piece, but that isn't visible from the bottom shot. Maybe it is the angle.

Jul 25, 2014kowalski

My RBs are in Manchester and, sadly, damaged.

Dec 25, 2014Waffle

I saw these before by a dude with an angelfire site. Funny thing was he only mentioned the Mr.Wilson shoes and Those. Oh yea, and when you look up "Grind Shoes" on Google first will appear those than some Mr.Wilsons and Heelys then finally Soaps.

Dec 25, 2014mcgrinder2011

Jeez, why wouldn't soaps come first? They started the fucking trend!

Dec 29, 2014Waffle

Ya. Soap FTW!

Apr 5, 2015tidytrev

Wow i came to this site after buying a pair of soap goas yesterday, i used to have some grind shoe years ago and these are them, i bought them from a sports shop in the uk but cant remember the brand, it was definately these i remember the metal rods where free spinning.

Apr 5, 2015Waffle

Sick, can ya tell us where and yes those are the RBs!

Apr 5, 2015tidytrev

Where what?

Apr 6, 2015Waffle

Can you tell me where you got the RollerBlade shoes?

Apr 6, 2015tidytrev

I really cant remember the shop it was a good 10 years ago i think

Apr 6, 2015Waffle

Oh. Thats because these were discontinued because Soap filed a lawsuit and the production ended after about 6 months. So yea, rare as fuck!

Apr 6, 2015tidytrev

Id like to think i saved them and there in a box somewhere but its more likely they got binned 😞

Apr 6, 2015Waffle

Try and find em!

Apr 6, 2015tidytrev

Il keep an eye out for them now, if i find them il def put a post up
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