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Shoes you own?
Sep 3, 2014 by mcgrinder2011

Okay, so I think we all know that someone on here *cough!*Greg*cough!* has a shit ton of Soaps. So I'm wondering how many pairs you guys own and what kinds they are.

1 pair, Sylon black, white midsole.

Sep 5, 2014Jersey

Right now I have a pair of black cleans with curb buster plates
In them, and a broken pair of turntables with no plates
In them, and I'm waiting for a pair of white cleans and a pair
Of prabas to arrive in the mail.

Sep 5, 2014grug250

ok here are all my shoes in the pic ..............plus my brother has 2 pairs smoke scab and black cleans ......and i sold 10 pairs of black cleans to my mates ...............http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/grug250/media/soap%20shoes/10300773_10203428040360642_7445843639043480582_n_zpsd90714bf.jpg.html

Sep 10, 2014Revengasaur

At my maximum volume I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 50+ pairs of soap shoes. I was considering buying the patents and all or part of the SOAP brand at one point, but as it turned out I bought a house instead.
I was attempting to obtain one of each model, and at least one new example of each size of each footbed. The reason I went to all this trouble was to have references/functional prototypes if (as many have feared) the original tooling/molds are lost and done for. (We have good reason to believe they are.) SBG is tight with their info, and I think one reason for that is that they lost their asses on the Soap/HSL acquisition. They'll most likely try to unload the brand at a loss eventually, but they might try to hold on to Heelys, making for murky legal water over who owns which patents.
At this point I'm cutting my losses and selling off parts of my ten year collection of Soaps.
I've sold quite a few pairs and plenty more will be going up on ebay soon. It's a shame to just have them all sitting here...
If anybody wants to make a bulk purchase, let me know and I'll try to put together a list of what I have with prices & info.
I still love soaping and I'm not giving it up or anything. Priorities just change...

Sep 10, 2014grug250

dude let me know what you have i need all the soap i can get for my ever growing crew australia needs ya man

Sep 10, 2014Revengasaur

I'm in the U.S. so shipping is going to be almost as much as the shoes themselves.
Are you looking for anything specific?
What kind of money are you looking to spend?

Sep 11, 2014grug250

i'll spend what it takes most times,...... i always come up with the cash plus what ever my crew needs theyll chuck me the cash ........add me on face book bro i would like the list of what you have please

Sep 11, 2014Revengasaur

I still don't have a facebook. My email address is (my username)@hotmail.com Hit me up and we can go from there.

Sep 12, 2014grug250

no probz bro

Sep 12, 2014Revengasaur

Got back to you just now.

Sep 18, 2014Jersey

Just scooped up a pair of Heelys Grind This

Sep 22, 2014mcgrinder2011

Hey Revengasaur, you got any pairs in size 13-14? I'd really like to check out your wares before I buy.

Sep 23, 2014Revengasaur

All the larger sized shoes sold amazingly fast. Sorry man. I'm probably down to size 11 as my largest size at this point.

Sep 23, 2014Jersey

Any chance that you have some size 11-12 plates that you'd like to sell?

Sep 23, 2014Jersey

Anyways I got my turntables back from the shoe repair shop today. He said he couldn't fix them, but here's my whole collection. http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e336/joeyzetecJersey/soap_zps9c9cb766.jpg

Sep 24, 2014grug250


Oct 16, 2014Jersey

Thanks man, I just scored a pair of Mr. Wilsons for $0.99 too, I'm waiting for them to arrive in the mail and I'll post some pics

Oct 16, 2014grug250

what what size bro ?

Oct 16, 2014Jersey

The Mr. Wilsons? Size 11

Oct 16, 2014grug250

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh are they your size or to big ?

Oct 16, 2014Jersey

Lol I'm a 12 but I've squeezed into a size 11 in soaps before, I figured I should be able to squeeze into these

Oct 16, 2014Jersey

They're a little more beat up than I was expecting, but I guess you really can't complain for a dollar

Oct 17, 2014grug250

dam wish i could of scored them i got a size 10 pair but to small for me :(

Oct 17, 2014Jersey

Got anything in a size 12? I'd consider trading them.

Oct 17, 2014grug250

the only ones i got that can be used atm are a pair of black cleans anda pair of heelys slide both used but the black cleans are fucked :(.....all my other size 12 soaps are the models that used the pleather so the will break if used ....i do have a pair of size 14 scabs tho ...theyb are used

Oct 18, 2014Jersey

Do you have any extra size 12 plates? I'd trade for a few sets of those.

Oct 18, 2014grug250

i only have one set of the uhf originals off the busted cleans

Oct 18, 2014grug250

the bbks i have i use

Oct 18, 2014Jersey

Alright e-mail me some pics of what you'd be willing to trade. The Mr. Wilsons are too tight for me to wear so let's see what we can work out.

Oct 23, 2014grindmaster456

I have a grand spanking new pair of clean blacks but I don't plan on selling them

Oct 26, 2014grug250

hey jersey sorry i havent e-mailed you yet mate just been busy ......anyway the only things i would swap atm are my size 14 navy scabs and the size 12 uhf plates ...i would buy the shoes off you tho

Oct 28, 2014Jersey

no problem man, if you want give me your e-mail and I'll send you some better pics of them.

Oct 29, 2014grug250

here you go bro ....greg-250@hotmail.com

Oct 30, 2014Jersey

My bad dude, I went out drinking last night and forgot to send the pics, I'll send them after work today.

Oct 31, 2014Jersey

Sent the pics your way bro. Let me know if you need any pics of specific parts of them.

Oct 31, 2014grug250

got em bro i sent a reply

Nov 22, 2014grug250

nice bro look sick

Jan 17, 2015Waffle

I have MB Tanks. I will get Praba,T-Bone and Torch. Oh yea and if the shop still carries them, Hardware.

Jan 19, 2015mcgrinder2011

Not sure if any shops have Bizo shoes anymore. They're more rare than Soaps themselves.

Jan 19, 2015Waffle

Bizo was a best-seller in Holland. Plus the white Wilsons I am getting are badass ;)

Jan 20, 2015mcgrinder2011

If they're badass... Then I shall steal them from you! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

Jan 20, 2015Waffle

Haha my cat has a secret lab where he preserves them. There is not 1 way you can enter!

Jan 21, 2015mcgrinder2011

*enters via teleporter* HAHAHA!!! Now nothing shall stop me! Not even an army of ninjas!

Jan 21, 2015Waffle

My cat can eat your army *nom* hahah take that bitch!

Jan 21, 2015Waffle

Man I am lucky to get white Mr.Wilsons one of the most sought after GrindShoes!

Jan 30, 2015LIGERZERO7

As of now, I got expresses(almost dead), goas(dead), tbones(halfway dead), sylons(halfway dead), and scabs. I'm going to try and get some more pairs hopefully...

Jan 30, 2015Jersey

What size are you?

Jan 31, 2015mcgrinder2011

Hey Liger, How did you keep your sylons alive? Mine died after a few grinds. But they're fixed now.

Jan 31, 2015LIGERZERO7

Well an 8 for a perfect fit, but I'm using 9's right now which still feel weird but I can't switch. My bbks with good grooves are on my sylon 9 and curb busters are on there. Made a bad mistake of getting my scabs a size 8 and completely forgot plates go with 2 sizes... So yeah...

Jan 31, 2015LIGERZERO7

Oh you know, some shoe goo :D
Got a syringe thing and put the shoe goo inside it and put it in cracks. I do it about every week or two. Seriously though, we need the other types of shoe goo~ http://shoegoo.asia/?page_id=40
I could go for some shoe goo df right now :(

Jan 31, 2015Waffle

I could go for some Skope Wax.

Feb 1, 2015mcgrinder2011

Funny Liger. When the foam midsole cracked I just said"Fuck it" and tore it all out. I replaced the midsole with something more sturdy after that.

btw, you have tiny feet compared to mine. I wear size 13 and 14.

Feb 1, 2015LIGERZERO7

Ya lol still sorta young but small anyway.
So... did your midsole crack a little or a lot?

Feb 1, 2015LIGERZERO7

Skope wax huh?

Mar 30, 2015grug250

nice bro

Mar 30, 2015LIGERZERO7

Nice :) nice chaos btw. just wondering so your squeakys and ordinance still hold up right? I heard the sole was a bit different.

Mar 30, 2015gongon1037

Both pair have the same sole. my squeaky cleans are still fresh, but my ordnance are wearing down.

Mar 31, 2015LIGERZERO7

nice aname :D

Mar 31, 2015grug250

are they all size 10

Mar 31, 2015aname

Thanks :) and yeah all are size 10.

Mar 31, 2015Waffle

Welcome to SolidGrind! We are a friendly community into Soaping. I own a pair of MB Tanks. Call me Phil.

Apr 1, 2015grug250

can you post a pic of the t-bone box please

Apr 2, 2015aname

Thanks Phil,one of my friend has a pair of tanks. Nice shoes.

Yeah Greg no problem, the t-bones belong to my friend but I'll have him send me some and post em.

Apr 2, 2015grug250

cheers mate

Apr 3, 2015broox

Too many to name. ;)

Apr 3, 2015grug250

you have like 60 pairs dont ya derek ?

Apr 4, 2015Waffle

70 i believe.

Apr 5, 2015aname

gongon, how do the chaos hold up? good to hear the ordnance don't fall apart too fast either.

Apr 7, 2015gongon1037

My Chaos are my second most used pair, and there still holding up strong.

I normally do frontsides and backsides with them though.

Apr 7, 2015aname

Thanks for the reply and good to hear. I have some on the way and some ordnance too.

Apr 7, 2015gongon1037

no problem aname. upload some pics of them when u get them ;)

Apr 7, 2015Waffle

Lol, my friend is getting em soon.

Apr 8, 2015aname

For sure man.

Apr 8, 2015Waffle

lol, was that sarcasm or sumfin?

Apr 8, 2015aname

Haha nah that was in response to uploading pics.

Which shoes is your friend getting?

Apr 9, 2015justalilslow

Nice collection. You will like the chaos with how well they hold up.

I had set back around 04-05 from Big 5 that lasted up till 2012 when the rubber was so worn down that the plate was making more contact with the ground than the shoe.

Hell they where even on fire at one time and held up alright, a little singed but alright. Heavily waxed ledge and some WD40 just off school property. Someone had the great idea of lighting it up and doing some slides.

Apr 9, 2015Waffle

Lol, that is the most shit idea ever. Why would you ever do such a thing??

Apr 9, 2015grug250

thats a fucking dope idea i might try it with my old pair of cleans

Apr 9, 2015justalilslow

Young and stupid with a new Cannon 3.2MP digital camera that also took videos. First time any of us could make our own skate videos and what not. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

This was way way before YouTube and MP3 was only just starting to take off with Napster.

Apr 9, 2015aname

Thanks I'm glad to hear that. I'm going to try to get a few more pairs. The chaos are actually my favorite soaps shoes.

Haha that sounds bad ass man.

Apr 10, 2015grug250

young aqnd stupid love it lol :P ......im now older and stupider lol im gonna set the rail on fire while have my mates fire breath at me :P

Apr 10, 2015aname

I like it. Some old Cky style shit. Look forward to seeing it haha.

Apr 10, 2015LIGERZERO7

I'd like to see that lol

Apr 10, 2015Waffle

If you guys burn your soaps do they immediately become Scorchers? -Logic 2015.

Apr 10, 2015LIGERZERO7


Apr 10, 2015aname


Apr 10, 2015justalilslow

Waffle. Hahaha That was worthy of a chuckle.

Aname. That's where some of the inspiration came from and vhs copys of the Dudesons. Stuff was gold back then.

Apr 14, 2015Sambonie1

I own 1 T-bone

Apr 14, 2015Sambonie1

T-Bone Red,Charcoal,Black to be clear

Apr 14, 2015aname

T-bones are nice.

Justalilslow- Good stuff man. I loved cky and the dudesons especially in my earlier teen years. Still have all the dvds and watch them occasionally.

Apr 15, 2015LIGERZERO7

Hope your tbones hold up for a long time. Those patches on the side where the toe bends started to crack and peel off... :(

Apr 15, 2015Dragon

T-bones, and a couple pairs of scabs. Prefer the navy/white ones

May 20, 2015aname


Here is an updated photo of the shoes I have.

May 20, 2015LIGERZERO7

Nice :)
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