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No rawk now
Oct 16, 2014 by LIGERZERO7

Anyway you probably don't care but since rawk cleared up their entire soap stock... (gone or sold out because they weren't selling? Not sure didn't check frequently) Where would you guys a new pair of soaps? Idk about ebay right now, I think they didn't have much pairs as of right now. Also ya, i think i remember some of you guys talking about how rawk was pretty terrible or something like that.

Oct 16, 2014Jersey

I don't think rawk had anything over a size 9 left anyways. Has anyone tried their local skate shop to see if they had any old stock laying around?

Oct 23, 2014grindmaster456

good riddens

Oct 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

That sucks that one of the only online soap shops around is gone.

You're half right about Ebay. They have a fair amount of Soaps, problem is if you're size 12 or above you won't find anything except for stickers.

Bladeschool should still have some. That's where I got my Sylons. Beware though, anything with a sylon lower will fall apart now.

Oct 25, 2014kowalski

Oct 25, 2014kowalski

Rawk is cool.

(Ps. It's "good riddance")

Oct 25, 2014grug250

bladeschool has none i went in there and got every last thing to do with grind shoes he just doesnt update his site

Oct 29, 2014Revengasaur

Rawk is a decent business that actively wanted to deal with the soap community, to the point that they sent a staff member here to interact with us on the forum. They tried their best to get everything they had sold, and I'm sure they were probably just done wasting bandwidth/warehouse space on product that wasn't selling. Check UK eBay listings and see if they're liquidating their stock there. They sold a lot of shoes mid last year on US eBay. There was never any resolution (for us) on the supposed plates that they had acquired, and I'm still very curious about that.

Oct 30, 2014grug250

i tried to buy off them but they would not send to aussie.

Oct 30, 2014Jersey

I have a friend that lives in the UK and she ordered a few sets of grind plates for me from their ebay store, I'll post some pics when I get them in my hand.

Oct 31, 2014grug250

dude what styles and sizes can you get ?

Oct 31, 2014Jersey

I'm not 100% sure on what style they are, they just have a generic stock photo of the UHF originals so I'm assuming that's what they have but I'll find out for sure once I see her, hopefully this weekend.

Oct 31, 2014kowalski

Rawk just have the UHF. You can find the info on an old thread here, don't remember the title of the thread.

They thought they had found other plates but in the end all they had was UHFs and Maxwells.

They never advertised the Maxwells on their site... so maybe they still have a mountain of Maxwells hidden away.

Oct 31, 2014Jersey

lol oh well, it's still better than not having any plates.

Nov 1, 2014mcgrinder2011

That's true. Maybe I'll call sometime, check the price. I'd definitely like to keep my Sylons when the BBKs wear out.

Nov 3, 2014SkateHutLimited

If you're still looking - we've got some Soaps for you... and the prices are low. https://www.skatehut.co.uk/shoes/soap_shoes

Nov 3, 2014Jersey

I'm always looking, but do you have anything in a uk11/us12?

Nov 3, 2014grug250

hey skate hut its great you are selling the soaps i just bought some but plz check your facts about each pair because this is not correct about the plates on the t-bones.......................The Soap T-Bone is a tough model from Soap, it can grind every surface possible, and can hold up to the worst of weather. T-Bones have been one of Soap's most popular models and makes a great starter shoe, although it has features for all people of all levels. The T-Bones have 3 exfoliant bars on the outsides and insides of each shoe, these are used to keep you from wrecking the sides of your shoes while doing tricks. Features replaceable BBK grind plates.

Nov 4, 2014Jersey

It says they're out of stock on t-bones anyways.

Nov 4, 2014grug250

oh didnt see that bit but still should make sure the facts are correct

Nov 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

The way you put that up...

It makes you look like an encyclopedia Greg!

Nov 13, 2014grug250

thats because i am lol

Nov 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

Lol! And I'm a youtuber, subscribe to my channel!

Seriously, subscribe or GET SOAPED ON.

Nov 14, 2014grug250

whats the channel ?

Nov 16, 2014mcgrinder2011


This is it. My laptop's been fixed so I'm gonna be making more videos real soon.

Nov 17, 2014grug250

sweet as bro

Nov 17, 2014mcgrinder2011

Yeah sweet! Buut, I gotta have 2 videos uploaded by Friday now. First one's almost done recording tho.*thumbs up*

Dec 1, 2014nicholasao

? I just ordered a pair of Soaps from Rawk yesterday.

Dec 21, 2014LIGERZERO7

Oh... my bad. I checked and they were back.

Dec 21, 2014mcgrinder2011

Really? I'm gonna go check.

Dec 21, 2014justalilslow

I picked up 6 pairs off of skatehut.co.uk just as they where doing the black Friday sale. After I placed the order the Goa mist, chernobyl and the clean sand along with a smoke scab all showed out of stock in size 10 US on rawk, skate hut, and the eBay stores.

Makes me wonder if they all share the same inventory.

Dec 22, 2014Jersey

I ordered some more grind plates from skate hut in yellow and blue, i'm waiting for them to come in still.

Dec 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

I recently saw that Rawk had UHF originals in every size and once I get the cash, I'm buying two sets for myself

Dec 24, 2014Jersey

Yeah, I scooped up 4 pairs from Rawk

Dec 24, 2014Jersey

Yeah, I scooped up 4 pairs from Rawk

Dec 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

You didn't have to post twice bro. But hey, that's great for you.

Dec 24, 2014Jersey

lol I don't know why that happened

Dec 25, 2014mcgrinder2011

May just be a little bug.
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