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New Soap Groups/Teams
Jan 24, 2015 by Waffle

Hey guys, I am just wondering if any of you have your own Soap crew. I do mine is called SSi which stand for Soap Squad inbound.

Jan 25, 2015grug250

the melbourne soapers

Jan 25, 2015mcgrinder2011

I'd like to start a group, but there isn't anyone who'll give it a try. Let alone go out every day and Soap.

Good god Arkansas'a lazy state.

Jan 25, 2015Waffle

yea I found out a Soap Heaven near where I live and my friend and I go Soaping there.

Jan 28, 2015grug250

wooooo the melbourne soapers is no more

Jan 28, 2015Waffle

Why? Someone's ego destroyed it?

Jan 28, 2015Jersey

They're still a facebook group...

Jan 28, 2015Waffle

Huh, Never knew!

Jan 29, 2015mcgrinder2011

Hey Greg, What happened to them?

Jan 29, 2015Revengasaur

I'm my own crew. I'm active whenever all the members can agree to get out and soap. Looks like about once ever three months these days. :p

Jan 29, 2015grug250

yeah the group is still on fb but we as a group in person aint together now fucking wankers lol

Jan 29, 2015Waffle

Meanwhile in Australia..To Friend: Hey cunt fetch me a beer! To Enemies: Look 'ere m80 imma bash ya fooking 'ead in!

Jan 29, 2015Waffle

Call your friends cunts and your enemies M8!

Jan 30, 2015grug250

thats it
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