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SOAP video
Sep 25, 2006 by Jard39

Ok this may sound kind of stupid but i was thinking everyone could get there own videos together email them to someone and we could have a sweet video featuring everyone here in different locations (without spending the money to fly there)

so just tell me what u think

Sep 25, 2006blakeashake

that could be sweet if sum1 that is mad good with computer did the vid editing and stuff.

Sep 25, 2006Wesker

It's been done before (See: Era). Although it wouldn't be a bad idea to do it again (With newer footage) !

Sep 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Jard, you know that was my idea from our AIM convo, haha

Sep 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, it would be a great idea, with nothing but new footage.....and a FEW old ones.....If anyone agrees, get ur camera up and we'll set sumthing up

Sep 26, 2006Jard39

it was sry i just thought about it we can talk about it more at the chat meeting

Sep 26, 2006SapAuthor

I've done massive video editing, i could help.

Sep 26, 2006Jard39

so its agreed we all send our videos to sapauthor for editing

now how r we gonna see them

Sep 26, 2006shdook

I got some pretty sick videos!

Sep 26, 2006SapAuthor

i can put the video on my buzznet account. but remember, wokr before play, i havent been too busy lately but if i do get busy, the video comes after work. I'll try to make it spiffy. to send me the video, please have it compressed first, usually a good compression is XVid with about 1000-2000 bitrate. Get virtual dub (freeware), and also download the XVId codec (just google for XVID codec). Then you should be able to do it. Send it to my email.

Sep 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Count me out dudes, i wanna do the editing, i have a great layout idea for the video, Yo Trev, lets talk on AIM more about this

Sep 26, 2006Slidey

erm... videos dont do 3gp format do they

Sep 26, 2006AnthoFlex

3gp? what does that mean?

Sep 26, 2006SapAuthor

i think is till have a 3gp to avi converter somewhere, but i could be wrong on the file type.

Sep 27, 2006Jard39

ok then now about how long should each persons clip be
the only reason i brong it up is because we dont want one person with a hour long clip and another with a 5 minute clip

Sep 27, 2006SapAuthor

we need to establish rules then. or just send best of clips and we'll put in a little from everyone.

Sep 27, 2006SapAuthor

sorry for double post. Antho, do you like the idea of splitting this up? You said you had some awesome ideas for the pros and group stuff, how about you take any soaping group and the pros with one music and one part, and i'll put all the individual clips with my song, sort of like a 2 part video. That way you can incorperate your things and I can do mine. What do you think?

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

The thing is im already on CSS and Im soon going to be on NYCS (If Dario Likes the video im going to send him)

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

I was thinking sumthing like this...

Intro -Boom- SOAP SHOES blah blah blah

Going into our first area we have a clip of Google Earth spinning into that area....For example, Earth spins and zooms into the UK, Then in sum sick ass Letters we See UKFSW.....

Then everyone from UKFSW gets introduced, like for example...

UKFSW.........Then you see the words "Martin Anthony"......His run begins, then finishes with a fade out.....THen it would say "Dunk" then his run would begin.....

After UKFSW is done, we see the Google earth spin to.....i dunno, NYCS...... We then see sum spots of NYC blah blah blah Then BOOM! "Dario Nieva" His run begins, and so on and so forth

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

I didnt mean to exclude anyone out, i was just trying to get my point across....If anyone has ever seen Baker3, thats kinda how i would want the layout of the vid......It organizes every1, has a run of people who arent on Baker, a whole bunch of stuff, but ORGANIZED.....everyone has their own choice of music and ends with the credits...

By the way, Baker3 is the name of the video

Sep 27, 2006Jard39

thats a awsome idea!
But how would u record google earth?

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Its been done before, look at this, and NO, its not gonna pop out at you


Sep 27, 2006Jard39

well ive been proven wrong

ok ive been thinking and before u say "oh no hes thinking again" would everyone mind if i took this and burned it to a dvd to use as a promo disc kind of like to "say see lots of people soap and look at the awsome stuff they do.U could do it to with practice!"

Sep 27, 2006SapAuthor

antho u never replied to my comment above.

Sep 27, 2006snares

recording google earth just requires a screen capture prog (like fraps or something).

anyways, the video idea sounds awesome, i'll be sure to get some footage of myself and my friend soaping to the best of our ability.
Just dont expect anything too flash as we are still beginners really.

Great idea though, holds true to the 'lets get soap out there' ethos.

Looks like i'm going to miss the chat meeting (gf's pc = dead).
So i'm just gonna have to wait untill i hear more about the requirements here.

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Im sorry Trev.....Lets make a vote here and now

Who thinks that the video should be two part? With Pros and the Novices? (Trevs Idea)

Who thinks that the video should introduce everyone in it and have their own run, along With the Seperate Soap teams? (My Idea)

Im serious people, DownLoad Baker3, and see the way the video is layed out and how the people are introduced

Sep 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Theres a funnie beginning intro with little clips of the Baker team messing up and Going about their funnie lives

Every1 gets introduced, and has their own music....

And in the middle theres a run of the people who arent on the Baker team showing their stuff as well

Theres sick tricks, Combos, and Even bails (to show that not every1 is perfect)

Sep 28, 2006SapAuthor

u know my vote, not everyone will have a bunch of really cool stuff that could fill up their own spot, instead just have a mix of everyon'es clips, and the pros on a seperate section so that when sent to HSL they can see both the pros and people having interest in it.

Sep 28, 2006snares

i think i'd be inclined to go with Trev (SapAuthor) on this one, for the following reasons :-

1)he's also called Trevor, lol - i gotta back my fellow Trevs :).

2)(the serious reason). while the idea for the single video does indeed sound awesome, you do have to consider the quailty of grinds that us beginners will be submitting.

Sure you could no doubt use the fottage and make the vid, but i feel that it would lose its pace and excitement watching frontslide after frontslide on low rails etc.
especially mixed in with the pro's, of course this all comes down to good editing, but i just think that it would drag-on a little.

With the vid split into two, you get to really show off the pro's moves.
Then introduce the beginners with their take on the action.

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

I h8 being wrong, but this time i am so you know what, i'll go with Trevs idea as well......Hmmm, the reason i tried to stay away from that was because (not to be cocky) i dunt see myself as a novice.....i mean, i am somewhat new to the sport but in my part i wont be hitting any low rails, I intend on being just as good as the pros

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

But the whole, every1 gets introduced and has their own music idea should stay

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

As a matter of fact, Im going to be practicing extra hard today AND tmorrow for the Heelys demo on Saturday, I wanna show Heelys that SOap got the right stuff too, Then on Sunday i got to be in tip-top shape if i wanna make a good Impression on Dario, we gonna go hit sum NYCS spots

Sep 28, 2006SapAuthor

i think we should have text intro for each person, but not each song, cuz we may have only a couple clips frome ach person, so it would be a new song for each person, or a new song every 10 seconds or so. Fort he pros, yah own music for each group, that's your project antho, i'll make the novice section with one song and text of each person as they send it in. Is that cool with you antho, or any other ideas?

Sep 28, 2006Jard39

i wanted to pick my own song though

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Listen JArd, if you wanna have ur own Song, get enough clips of the ILLEST shit you got...Imma be in the NYCS section if thats ok with Dario

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Also, we gotta make this Video with the best quality as possible.....Era was cool but the quality was HORRIBLE! Anywyaz, we gotta make this video BIG enough to get HSLs attention, lets make this video GOOD and LONG

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Imma try and make my run as long as the song imma use.....Which is MOST LIKELY gonna be "I Am"- Crush 40.....but im still having doubts if thats the song i wanna use...

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

im sorry for the Quad post but, I hope we can get ALL of the major teams in

Sep 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Steve, you wanna be in it too?
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Bryndon with a royale on some bleachers
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