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Looking For Stickers and shirts
Oct 6, 2006 by SPSR

Hello I've been soaping for about a year or two, and i would like to sport some soap products Like the Soap Logo Shirts i see so much in images or some Soap logo Stickers. My questions being where can i find said items (if there is any way to still get them) and what would they cost. Any information would be awesome. Im located in Saint Paul Minnesota if that helps at all or not.

Oct 6, 2006snares

i'd love some stickers, but as i'm in the UK, i seriously doubt i'll ever get any 'proper' ones.
I'm just going to print off a load myself (or get some made-up). Slight copyright infringement i know, but MeH! - i want stickers to slap all over my town dammit. (yeah i'm a big kid - lol, i just wanna tag my grinds is all)

Oct 6, 2006SPSR

how are you going to "print off" some by yourself? (i might have to take that method)

Oct 6, 2006SapAuthor

Stickers wouldn't really work for print off, since they would fall off right away, unless you get like waterproof or something. It wouldn't get you a lot, but see if you can find someone to send some in a letter (it won't be a lot, if you stuff the envelope to full they will return to sender). Overseas regular mail probably isn't too much.

as for shirts, make your own, get iron on transfer and do that. maybe we could get HSL to consider making soap shirts again, cuz it's asked for a lot.

Oct 6, 2006Sigma

Yeah I definitely would like some stickers. It would be sweet is HSL started making some Soap stuff again.

Oct 6, 2006AnthoFlex

YO Snares, you cant get sued for that.....Ur unofficially supporting a company that you love, like me......Now, if you start SELLING the shirts you produced, you can get sued

Oct 6, 2006snares

i havnt looked into it properly yet (allthough i've thought a bit about it).
I was thinking of printing off onto sticky-back paper (like a label sheet), then covering the whole thing in laminate-sheeting, then its just a case of cutting em out. Bit of a pain i know but, worth it i guess.
Other than that, goto a online store or local shop that makes/prints stickers to order.
Expensive maybe, but better quality and less effort.

Or someone could just send me some - lol.

Oct 6, 2006Jard39

where can i get some sticky back paper

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

anywhere.....Rite aid, Walgreens, Staples, Office max, everywhere dude

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

Snares, you could do that and bust ur ass OR go to Rite aid, Walgreens, Staples, Office max, etc. and buy sum iron-on printing paper, My friend Jon used to do that before he was sponsered by Razor, now he gets the real ones for free :p

Oct 7, 2006SapAuthor

here's a hint, if you want it to look even better, you'll use vector based graphics instead of raster. Vector are line based, while raster is pixel. A simple freeware vector program is inkscape. Get it, learn how to use it a bit, and make a vector SOAP logo. WHen you print the lines will be crisp and not fuzzy, giving you a professional look. I'll try to make the image for others to use if i get some time.

Oct 7, 2006SPSR

SapAuthor if you could make a vector logo that would be all i could ask for. And if anyone in the minnesota area who has an extra 3 or 4 stickers would be nice enough to send some to me i'll be forever in your debt.

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

I'll mail you sum stickers if you tell me how you got ur Scorchers and how i can get sum...

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

If you can do that, i'll mail you like 15 haha

Oct 7, 2006SPSR

i grabed mine a wile back off ebay. If i knew how you could grab a pair i'd love to tell you (there realy nice and light weight and have a kinda coushion like inside.)

Oct 7, 2006AnthoFlex

I used Dario's pair last week.....They made me wanna run at the speed of sound haha, cleared the whole rail! Rememeber Dario?

Oct 7, 2006SPSR

haha, nice. when i let my freind try mine out yesterday he said it felt weird like the grind plate was on backwords, he usualy uses some scabs with a BBK i think it's just the way i grind and how i made my grove.

Oct 7, 2006masterbrain0

Hmmmmmm... I have an idea

Oct 7, 2006masterbrain0

What city in Texas is SOAP headquarters?

Oct 7, 2006Go2Crew

Masterbrain0, the Soap brand is owned by HSL (Heeling Sports Limited) which is headquartered in Carrollton, TX (basically Dallas). So tell us, what's the idea?

Oct 7, 2006SapAuthor

I'll get to work on that vector image, but i'm leaving it in the inkscape form so you can enlarge and shrink without loosing quality. Give me the night, i'll link it on here. then just get yourself a copy of inkscape to open and print. you can even change the colors if you want.

Oct 8, 2006matrix8967

Scorchers are like bats out of hell...atleast the ones i used...they have some shirts on e-bay...but it's a turntable, and a really small soap logo on the back...i looked up soap shirts on ebay and i got like 1000 fight club shirts (which is almost a good thing) and Snakes On A Plane (acronym SOAP) it's kinda upsetting...but I did take the address letters you put on mailboxes and stuff and spelled "SOAP" in the soundbooth at work...but it was just the word...no spiffy logo :( is there a soap font anywhere??


Oct 8, 2006AnthoFlex

I was looking for the same font dude, and all i found was the "journeys" Store font and other things.....one looked like the Heelys font, i was sooo pissed

Oct 8, 2006SapAuthor

I dont' think SOAP's font is an actual font, but more a custome lettering job. I know the "soapshoes.com" on the bottom is arial black with bold and italicized, put at a slight scewed angle.
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