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Get your SOAP shirt and Stickers here!!
Oct 8, 2006 by SapAuthor

Man, that took longer than I thought -.- Alright everyone, the work is done. I made a near perfect vectorization of the SOAP logo, and made 7 different styles. Large and Small sticker logos in black and white, grey and red, and grey and blue, and one huge SOAP logo for T-Shirts. Included are instructions on how to use it. The stickers are EXACT sized, while the shirt is about 3/4 an inch short due to paper size.

http://www.inkscape.org/"> here is the place to get the program you need to open and print the files.

Right click and save as http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/soap.zip"> this for the file itself and howto. Please bump this every so often to keep it where people can see it and make their own stuff. Just need some iron on transfer paper for the shirt or sticky paper for the stickers.

Last thing, if you are doing the shirt, it would be wise to cut out the white around the SOAP logo, since it tends to yellow after time, so you won't have a off-white rectangle around your SOAP logo shirt.

There, thank you for your time, keep soaping.

Trevor Fayas of Sonicandpals.com - The Comic - Leader of SSS Super Sonic Soapers

Oct 8, 2006Kaz

yay! ^(^.^)^

Oct 8, 2006Jard39

maybe u can make this part of the site cause im sure a ton of people will want it and itll make things easier

where do i get iron on transfer paper same place as sticker paper?

Oct 8, 2006Kaz

my freind says you can get them from craft stores

Oct 8, 2006AnthoFlex

Whooo, Trev kicking ass

Oct 8, 2006AnthoFlex

Damn that shit is SMOOOOOOOOOOTH

Oct 8, 2006matrix8967

life just got a little better for the world...roll the doomsday clock back 15 minutes...way to save the world Trevor :D


Oct 8, 2006SPSR

trevor, you rock. thats all there is to it.

Oct 8, 2006SapAuthor

Thanks for the praise, told you all vector was the only way to go lol. Anyways, i was surprised too at how it turned out, inkscape is pretty basic in that you can't cut or erease parts of vector images, so to erease something you actually have to make like white boxes over the objects, and that can be a pain. Anyways, if you want it part of the site, that's fine by me, don't know how to get a hold of Broox, he never really responds to any emails i send him on his site.

Oct 8, 2006snares

fantastic work my friend, nice one.

Oct 8, 2006Curtinator

Good Job Trevor.

Oct 9, 2006Sigma

Sweet man, nice work! Thanks!

Oct 9, 2006arjay

Man.. your awesome!!!

I thought id play around with them a bit so i could print more at one time.


I put 2 large logo's to fit vertically on 1 sheet.. and 20 small logo's to fit on another sheet.

Dont mind the colours! :P

Oct 9, 2006SapAuthor

only thing is the large logos your way will be extremely small compared to shirt standards, remember they were 3/4 an inch smaller when i put them at that angle. the other sheet is good though if you don't want the hassle of arranging them urself. Remember it's raw format, so you can edit them if you wish.

Oct 9, 2006mnsoaperns

hmmm now to learn how to iron.... (my clothes are all wrinkley....)

Oct 9, 2006Slidey

AWESOME! my teams gonna be all over this, I bet thier waaay better than my homemade stickers. By the way, depending on what type of sticker paper you use, watch out for the rain... it kinda messes up the ink :S

Oct 9, 2006Slidey

there beta than mine lol

Oct 9, 2006Jard39

whats the best sticker paper

Oct 10, 2006SapAuthor

from my days working retail, i would go with HP's sticker paper or Avery's. They should have a full sheet set with weather resistant surface, which would better repel rain and the likes. Avery specializes in shipping labels which is why they need paper that doesn't wear and peal off.

Oct 12, 2006Attack1

trevor those are sweet i just made myself one of the ones for a t-shirt.

you rock!

Nov 7, 2006matrix8967

Just bringing this back to the top of the page...I downloaded this the otherday and it's great...


Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

again...just bringing this back to the top, no need to reply


Dec 3, 2006matrix8967

bringing it back to the top...


Dec 3, 2006JVilleSoaper

i agree with Jard
life would be easier if u put all ur incredible shit on ur site so we know where to go

Dec 3, 2006SapAuthor

I'll be honest, i'm waiting to see if Dario of NYSC wants to sell SOAP shirts when he starts his shirt business. If he does, then i want to help his business out by having people buy them from him instead of making hteir own.

Dec 6, 2006100rings

sweet man thanks

Dec 6, 2006snikas

how much for the shirts and stickers? i want to put some on the stop signs around my area

Dec 26, 2006100rings


Dec 30, 2006rkrdw93

=( The file doesn't open, cus microsoft can't detect or recognize it or sumthion. crap.

Jan 1, 2007matrix8967

you have to open it with the program Inkscape, the link is in the post, it says "HERE is the place you..."

so download it. and open it with that program


Jan 16, 2007SapAuthor

bumping this up.

Jan 16, 2007Draker

Thanx a lot!!!!!

Jan 20, 2007MrWaterBuffalo

How the hell do I open it? Do I need to download all the things from that one site?

Jan 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Friggen spammers.

Feb 4, 2007SapAuthor


Feb 4, 2007kobansora



Apr 17, 2007SapAuthor


Apr 18, 2007Joshua3109

Woohooo. Getting my post count up X)

Apr 30, 2007RamenRadio


Apr 30, 2007RamenRadio

whoops, I actually have a question on this. I'm having trouble finding the paper for making stickers. I asked the people in staples, and they looked at me like I was asking for a version of windows 98. Does anyone know where I can get it? I want to get to printing out stickers RIGHT away lol

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

Get clear adensive paper

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

or just go to your local printing place (or even Staples!) and get a bunch of stickers printed out. Just try to stay away from printing inner-gray ones...i mean like...uhhh....ummm...ack...Camera time...brb

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/DSCF0359.jpg" border="0" alt="Blue/Gray and Red/Gray stickers">

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/DSCF0360.jpg" border="0" alt="Blue/Gray and Red/Gray stickers">

as you can see (probably cant but...) the gray inside the sticker makes it harder to see the SOAP and soapshoes.com in the sticker

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

i shoulda flipped that bottom pic around lol

i think 375 x 281 is the best resolution for posting pics in the forum to keep the table from stretching out to crazy proportions

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

i know the old blue ones were blue/white....it looked better and was easier to see.

I see now that the red one isnt really to hard to see, but still

Apr 30, 2007SonicSoaper

The blue ones hurt my eyes.

Apr 30, 2007RamenRadio

Darn it, I wonder, Trevor, would it be asking too much to try and edit the blue one just a LITTLE? Whenever you get the chance is fine, I'm just asking if can ever do it. If you can't, I'll just make other stickers :)

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

dude, you can just change the color...haha

or you can get the color changed where you are gonna get em printed

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

I got some of those with my new Express. My b-day's today, so I finally got to wear them.

Lucky...u have all those stickers, I'm envious.

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

dunt be envious, earn some

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

how dude, i don't know even though it says, to get em, an easy way, these ways dont seem too easy for ME

May 1, 2007kobansora


Renny. If you can still EARN some, that means they're still being MADE? I'm going to post some crazy ass videos from now on.

Let me do some crazy ass things first.


May 1, 2007kobansora

The only thing i've done that's crazy is take a water gap. That was scary b/c my friend dislocated his knee doing it... Ran right into the ledge on the other side. You should see the pic on my myspace.

Sorry for double post lol.


May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

What exactly DO you mean by EARN?

*squints eyes*

I want in.

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Come to the demo and win your Soapin' asses some BRICKS...if you know what i mean

May 1, 2007SonicSoaper

I know EXACTLY what you mean.

May 1, 2007RamenRadio

haha, can't wait man.

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Come on, EVERYONE loves soap stickers. And i just happen to have a few >100 that i could give out....

May 1, 2007RamenRadio

Definitely. I'm going to cover the ENTIRE town in them XD. I can't wait to print some of them out, I already put a few on my library Renny :D

May 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

how much did it cost to make at staples antho? they do stick right?

May 8, 2007RamenRadio

I bought 30 sheets for ten bucks, and that's for printing them out home.

May 8, 2007kobansora

Will do later.

I want to tag every NO SKATEBOARDING sign with a Soap sticker, and take a picture of it and make a montage.


May 8, 2007adamblock

even rocky had a montage. thats sayin' something.

May 8, 2007RamenRadio

I just did :D I'll show some pictures tomorrow when I can take the pics. I did it pretty late lol

btw, some of the stickers came out bad, on the black ones. I'll show it tomorrow.

May 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

antho r u saying u made them at home by buying 30 sheets, or did they make it, wats that paper called again? any specific program u need to do it with?

May 8, 2007AnthoFlex

No, all my stickers are straight up real and authentic Soap stickers. i have NO fakes.

The only ones i made are the 18 that i made with "Myspace.com/Soapshoes" written on the bottom

May 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

howd u get them, can i buy some

May 8, 2007AnthoFlex


May 9, 2007AnthoFlex

If you want stickers, come to the demo. We are giving them out for free.

If i started selling stickers, i could make a fortune, haha

May 9, 2007dunk

if you want real stickers just email soap they're always giving them out.

May 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Not anymore dude. They stopped giving out stickers

May 9, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn, i'll just go to a graphic design place i know of

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper


May 28, 2007Spano565


May 29, 2007RamenRadio

Man, I love making these stickers and shirts :D

May 29, 2007rhinoskater30

I had an idea for a shirt. You know (well...at least me) sometimes when you're wearing a skate shirt, and people look at your shoes to see if you actually skate. Well, what about this...

I'm not a skater, but you can look at my shoes.


I know that's kinda long, but, hey, people buy trashed out shirts for $50+.

Jun 13, 2007soaper16

will staples really print those stickers??

Jun 13, 2007sam

No, but you can buy sticker paper from staples and make them yourself.

Jun 13, 2007SonicSoaper

Bump, bump, bump it up!

Jun 16, 2007SonicSoaper

See above comment.

Jun 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

yes....i'm seeing....*observes closely*.............no wat?, is there any reson to bump up? just print out the sticker, dont think that i'm mad though cause i'm not

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 21, 2007vault

yes!!!! I printed a black logo on the middle of my shirt, a soap O u no the one with these things [ ]on the right sleeve, and a soapshoes.com and a Warning sticker scan on the left shoulder thanx Trev

Jul 21, 2007vault

ill try 2 put a pic up but i havee to find the USB for my Camera dang..

Aug 6, 2007RamenRadio

Bump it up

Oct 21, 2007Megashadow77

And the lord said,


Oct 21, 2007Megashadow77

wait, wtf, it doesn't work anymore!

Oct 22, 2007RamenRadio

Trevor took the files off his server?

Oct 22, 2007DG

LOL me and my friend printed a bunch and put em ALL over our school im BAAAAAAAAD!

Oct 22, 2007SapAuthor

I can't find it on my comptuer :-( must have been lost when I was transfering servers.

Does anyone still have the .zip file and can send it to me so i can reupload it in the right place?


Oct 22, 2007RamenRadio

Megashadow and I still have the file.

Dec 10, 2007Spano565

BUMP it up

Dec 10, 2007Spano565

i need stickers

Dec 10, 2007SapAuthor

Dec 11, 2007SapAuthor

I need someone to resend me the files, like renny or someone, so i can re-upload them for ppl to download.

Dec 11, 2007RamenRadio

Can you give me a little time? It takes me a while to get these files into an email. It takes some time to upload for some reason.

Hold on, I'm giving it a try.

Dec 11, 2007RamenRadio

Alright, it says it was sent.

Tell me if it works?

Dec 17, 2007SapAuthor

It does, and i finally got around to uploading it. Same spot as the link above, have fun!

Dec 18, 2007RamenRadio

Excellent..... Good.... Good....

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio


Jan 9, 2008soapitup

Quit bumping.

Jan 10, 2008Soapdreamer

I think this tread is worth bumping though.

Apr 29, 2008Spano565


Apr 30, 2008Spano565

Damn i need to get my printer working, i need some stickers.

Jun 19, 2008Bayonetwork


Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

bump it up

Dec 3, 2009sylonbroadsides

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