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Calling all Crews and Teams
Oct 31, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Sup everybody, as you all already know, Soap Shoes now has a myspace.....which is great, i coulda just made my own site but the entire world runs on myspace now....anywayz...

Whether you feel your team is good or not so great, it doesnt matter....We are all family here *SOAP-wise*

So send me your team's logo and a link to the website (if it has one....myspaces are accepted) So that i can feature it on the page for the WHOLE WORLD to see

Or (if you ever seen the Soap myspace page and clicked on Team Soap or NYCS logos) i can give the link a page that shows the team members, the Team captain, and their favorite tricks...

So come on! Don't be shy! Even if you feel your team isnt at *Publicity* level yet, It'll just show the world that you are part of a Team (or Crew) and that you kick some serious ass!

So if you are gonna send me your Team logo and the link to the team page, message me on myspace....http://www.myspace.com/Soapshoes">www.myspace.com/Soapshoes

or hit me directly with an E-mail at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com

I'll be waiting, l8rs :)

Nov 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Hello, this thread is just sinking to the bottom of the page.....what the hell? Are there not any teams out there?

I've already put up:

Soap, NYCS, Deos, SSS, UKFSW, AthensFSW, and CSS......there arent anymore out there? I got a crew that im the Team Captain of....the
CS of NYC .....The Corona Soapers of New York City.....after i make a good logo, i will put them up as well...come on people! Lets get sum TEAMS up

Nov 1, 2006SPSR

I have a team that i will be captain of once we improve to that level (right now only 3 of the members can actually grind the top on a rail that is waist high.) also our name is in dispute but we do have a logo that i threw together in my spare time.

thats one of the names in dispute "Input"

there's also the other name Giant.

for now just go with input if you must add us up even though were not an actual team yet.

Nov 1, 2006Slidey

Dude! thats way good, just one problem, the website thing, I haven't made one yet but im gonna start working on it soon. as for the logo

Just I haven't got photoshop, you don't mind smoothening this up a little do you? (if you can I'd be well pleased)

Nov 1, 2006Kru

I'm just a one man band right now, but I hate myspace-- so I just go around everywhere I go on messageboards and promote the shoes.

Nov 1, 2006SapAuthor

Slidey, what do you need help on? i dont' have bebo so it won't let me see that, but if you need something photoshoped quickly, just tell me.

Nov 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Slidey, that link doesnt go to the logo man

Nov 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Thats pretty sick SPSR, but i suggest you make the insides of the Word "Giant" and "Input" smoother......and i think you should go with input....The name sounds sick and so does the logo

Nov 1, 2006SPSR

thanks Antho, I like input also. I'll make a better logo when im not being lazy (by that i mean i'll mess with my PSD of the logo to try and smooth out the letering.) maybe Put the soap logo inside the N.

Nov 1, 2006Jard39

im making a group but it is kind out there right now i only got 2 people in it andwe are still in dispute about the name but i think it is gonna be simply SOAP revolution. hey antho can i have thatnew SOAP logo u made for the SOAP myspace?

Nov 1, 2006masterbrain0

man, you guys are lucky... so many sopers where you are and I see absolutely no one soaping here.

Nov 1, 2006SPSR

MasterBrain0, I'm not lucky im just forceful Haha. Me and MNSoaperNS sort of co-labed on making our team. one day i said "HEY! lets get soaps!" He was like "Okay" after that i keept getting more and more people to soap now we have roughly 7 soapers since the time me and mnsoaperns decided to start soaping. GET SOAP OUT THERE!

Nov 1, 2006matrix8967

I'll get to work on all this logo stuff...I hate myspace and xanga, but i'll do it for soap...


Nov 2, 2006shdook

I only have a few people on my team too, but they are getting more of their friends interested and know they all want to buy soaps realy bad.

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Sorry Jard....i raised that baby since is was a freshly vectored image.....Gave it some vitamins....and now its grown into a big strong logo, that every1 looks up to....Heelys has a beefy logo, why not Soap? So sorry Jard, i wont wanna hand that over...BUT, i'll help you with a logo...actually, i'll work on one now

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

shdook, that link doesnt go anywhere dude...i think maybe you put the link wrong

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, just email me the pic....that link is fucked too hahaha

Nov 2, 2006Jard39

oh damn ok

Nov 2, 2006Jard39

I would have put this in the last post but i forgot and so whats ur email

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

AnthoFlex@yahoo.com dude, take it easy its all good :)

Nov 2, 2006Jard39

k thanks

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

YO SPSR, i was fucking around with ur logo a bit....i vectored it *made it smooth and added a little sumthing.....Here it is...if you approve of it, letme know and send me a link to your team's page, or Email me pix of the members of your team and their basic info (Name, Age, Favorite Tricks)

http://www.myspace.com/soapshoes" target="_blank">http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/SSM/Input.gif" border="0" alt=" TeamINPUT logo">


Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

P.S, that blue line wont be there x)

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Jard...That logo you sent me is too weak and pixelly....if you want, i'll kick up a notch......is that ok?

Sorry if i called it weak, its just not too appealing

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

And im not gonna let you use that Soap logo...i made it

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex


Nov 2, 2006SPSR

It's cool anthro, I'll make the site tonight and upload images later in the week (i have not much to do wile this ankle heals.) also the "Input" version is suposed to be crooked so it makes an N for iNput haha, thats kinda lame but yeah.

Nov 2, 2006SPSR


yeah thats the revision of the logo.

Nov 2, 2006mnsoaperns

Sry Antho but I didn't like your rendition of our input logo. Smoothing it out is fine, but you adding your own stuff to it (including your positioning) takes away our originality,im glad you asked permission than just going with it, kudos on your part for not being a dick there. But part of the fun of making a team is deciding your logo that describes you and brainstorming ideas for team names, and staying up till 4 am before deciding on a logo, I know you were just messing around but In my eyes smoothing it out is enough. and to all the other teams who read this dont make your logo something you made in 5 minutes actually decide on something you would want to keep and use and be proud of if you guys are serious enough to make a team I think you should be serious enough to actually think and care for it, sure soaping is fun but think a little before just slapping something together in 5 mins.
sorry for the rant just my opinion. -MNsoaperNS

Nov 2, 2006Jard39

thats ok and thanks but i just kind of slapped that together to show the others what i meant and i made it in paint so i was kind of limited as to what i could

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo mnsoaperns, dunt worry about it, its cool, thats why i asked first....also, i wanted to pointed out that not only did i vector it, but i smoothed out the transparency as well (so that there wont be no stray white pixels) But hey, as a team member myself i know what you mean, so take ur time with the logo, its cool.....when ur done send it to me and gimme a link to ur team's page OR send me a pic of all the team's members with their basic info (Name, Age, Favorite Trick(s).....for example....if you click on Team Soap or NYCS, you'll see sumthing like this...


Giving me the pix and info of the messages will let me do that.....I'm gonna do that for my team (if they can stick it to me in
G-R-I-N-D today) cause we dunt have a site....

Team Soap and NYCS had both a link to the site, and team pix cause all the info was already there, so it was easy

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

And Jard....is it ok if i design a logo for you? I normally hate making logos from scratch but i have a SUPER sick idea for urs.....with your permission, i'd like to design Team Revolution's logo and show it to you for approval...Look at me, i sound like a fucking business man haha :/

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

by the way, SPSR, if you made that INput logo from scratch, you got some serious graphic skillz, i like that logo you made...VERY unique and original, ight dudes, im out, i gotta go to skool.....Gonna wear my scabs today....l8r

Nov 2, 2006Jard39

Yeah thats fine i have trouble thinking of ideas anyway so thanks

Nov 2, 2006SPSR

yeah i made it from scratch Antho. also i dont know if you noticed but i made a revision to the logo myself and posted it up there, i'll also post it here


Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

are you guys gonna use that one? I'll make it transparent and reduce the stray pixels, but if mnsoapers is gonna come out h8ing again, then you guys can just do it urselves

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

ma fault if that sounds harsh, and i know you guys wanna be "original" but come on...Put a little more effort into it...

1. There are stray pixels EVERYWHERE
2. I think my logo looks better

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex


Nov 3, 2006SPSR

how are there stray pixles? i saved it as a png, A transparent Format. also the actual PSD is made from Vectors and i dont see how you are seeing stray pixles. also we have our team site up (took me a day to make it's just a quick site not much content at all but it looks decent)


Nov 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Lol dude....the stray pixels INSIDE the letters(sorry i said all around)....unless you want it like that....the png is fine xD sorry if you misunderstood.

So is that the logo your team will be using? Cause i dunt want to put it up and then have Mnsoaperns come at me again

Nov 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh yea, do you want me to rotate the image so that you can see "INPUT"upright?

Nov 3, 2006SPSR

no it's meant to be that way, in it's entirety the "stray pixles" as you put it is some grunge on the font it helps five some texture to it. and rotating the image would make the logo on it's side, not how it's suposed to be. that will be how the stickers are that we are making. you can however shrink the image because it is kind of large at that size if you want, and mnsoaperns did not mean to "come at you" it's cool man he just meant that we enjoy making our own logos and we take pride in it.

Nov 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Ight, so its cool then....tomorrow i will put up your logo cause right now i wanna watch Family Guy, l8r guys, and good luck with those stickers

Nov 3, 2006mnsoaperns

Hahaha, man Antho didn't mean to be a sour spot in your life, no hard feelings man and didn't mean to come off as harsh hahaha.
If that sounded sarcastic its not supposed to just mearly expressing my shock that you took my earlier post the wrong way no hard feelings man.

Nov 3, 2006shdook

This better fucking work.
This is only my rough copy of my logo and i dont want it to suck so just tell me what you think

Nov 3, 2006Jard39

pretty good i personally like the colors

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

God i wish i could see it....But my internet explorer is being gay, so is my mozilla...im getting through here by way of My Documents and hitting SOlidgrind.com under favorites....theres no fucking address bar or ANYTHING

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

ok i got a temporary thing to work...looks cool but some of the colors (example, in the red) are distorted....its like if you used paint and saved it under JPG....if you had photoshop, you could save it under different JPG levels so that the quality is best

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

yay i got my computer to work again

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

I wanna give a huge heads up to every1 who is looking for the SOAP font.....i found it!!! just kidding, lol, HOWEVER! i did find sumthing VERY close to it...if anyone finds something better, let me know...i figured it out coming home from school one day... The PEPSI font....lol...i works....to an extent..you need to get an "A" though cause the pepsi's "a" doesnt cut it

Nov 4, 2006matrix8967

I'm sure it doesnt have the split though...Maybe I could make a font...hmm.....


Nov 5, 2006AnthoFlex

Good luck with that, and send me a copy when ur done please

Nov 5, 2006AnthoFlex

Im still waiting on a few Team logos, come on people, get ur best stuff in

Nov 6, 2006Jard39

hows my team logo coming u said u were gonna make remember?

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Im actually done, haha.....it came out SUPER sick, but i dunno if you are going to like it

How many people are on ur team anywayz?

Nov 6, 2006Jard39

right now just 2 but im recruiting as fast as i can no one know what they r and im not all that influential so its going slow

Nov 6, 2006Jard39

can u email it to me cause i need it to show the other member

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

dude, im not going to advertise a team that only has one person....Get more people

Nov 6, 2006Jard39

excuse me 2 people andim trying ive gotten a bunch of people to try but im not sure if their in or what so ive got to talk with them

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

You guys got a site?

Nov 6, 2006Jard39

no not yet im thinking of getting one on myspace just as soon as i figure out how to create backgrounds and such.

Nov 9, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok Teams, lets get these logos in

Nov 11, 2006matrix8967

I made the logo, how do i send it in?
my crew doesnt have a site right now should I just make a quick myspace or xanga or something?


Nov 11, 2006matrix8967

It's sorta big...maybe this can be a backdrop or something...its like an 800 X 600...and i looked at the other people's and they're small...is there a recommended size i could work with?


Nov 11, 2006matrix8967

wait...forget the 1st question, i just saw ur email....i'm an ass...sorry to waste space...


Nov 11, 2006AnthoFlex

No waste of space at all dude.....And yea, you can make a Myspace or xanga....preferebly Myspace, so that i can put you on my top eight
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