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Soap Demo
Nov 2, 2006 by Kile

I was wondering if it would be possible to have a Soap Demo.
idk who to speak to, so if anyone would happen to know
it would be my pleasure to try to set one up. If you would like
to help just email me at xsk8terx23@yahoo.com or Aim at

Thank you. Kyle

Nov 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Kyle, you like a freaking bro to me, lets go set sumthing up, you, me, your friends, my friends, and we hit the public HARD!

Nov 3, 2006Jard39

sweet i was thiinking of doing something like this but then i realized i lve in the middle of nowhere

Nov 3, 2006matrix8967

yeah, I want this to happen as well...I've thought about it...but HSL won't do it for soap...


Nov 3, 2006SapAuthor

Maybe we could get some pair from Steve? I'll email him the idea, do you think it would be worth it shipping out all those pair from Texas to NY, normally from other demos do SOAPs sell pretty well during the demo?

Nov 3, 2006SapAuthor

I just emailed steve on the idea. All you NYCS, if you really want to get this going, this is what you would need to do. Firstly, make sure to get Dario to help, he's a little more advanced in this and older so more organized. Secondly, you need to round up all of your sizes and list them, i suggested to steve that if he would be willing, send over the missing sizes (the ones you don't have already) in exchange that you only sell SOAPs from him, i'll let him decide if it would yeild a profit or not. Plus, with the shoes sizes, you would be able to do more soap demos. Maybe strike up a contract with Steve to do a demo every so much time, to help keep sales up. But first, like i said, put on here what size shoes you all have.

Nov 3, 2006Kru

If I had someone with a Video camera, I'd make a demo of soap shoes at work in DC, cause there are a ton of rails there and a buncha people from all over the WORLD... and many long long.. handrails from the metro. Over 100 steps

Nov 4, 2006Kile

heyy did steve email you back about what he thought on this
idea ?

Nov 4, 2006Wesker

I'm totally up for this. My main concern is where would this demo take place? Any ideas?

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh Dario, i think you and I both know.....

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

WHoohoo, a demo party without HSL's permission, best of all, we cant get in trouble with them....IN FACT, A demo thrown without their permission would make them realize that we are seirous about Soap SHoes

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

My votes on Rockaway sk8 park.....but i dunno if thats such a great idea.....hmmmm FLUSHING MEADOWS PARK!! YEA!! THAT'LL BE GREAT!

Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Dario, see if Sal can come along, if 3 NYCS members and 2 of which being SOAP members come along, people will definetly have the respect for us

Nov 4, 2006Wesker

I know a skatepark that we can rent for pretty damn cheap it's just that it's in Long Island.

I think it would be better to have a location that could be accessed by train (Allowing for the younger crowds) but doing it that way lowers the amount of things that you can do, I think the skate park is the best option.

If Rockaway Skatepark would let us rent them or produce an event there, then that would be even better (Albiet more strict than where I am thinking). Gonna have to cal 311 on that one.

Nov 4, 2006matrix8967

you guys have my support, I wish there was someway I can help and if there is, let me know, drop me a mail @ matrix8967@yahoo.com


Nov 4, 2006AnthoFlex

I am talking to Kile right now as im writing this....he agrees that if WE ALL AGREE AND DUNT WIMP OUT, we can make a National SOAP day.....like Heelys did.....Have Demos all around the U.S.....record all of them, give them to Dario, and we'll submit it to HSL

Nov 4, 2006SapAuthor

First, you guys need to give me a list of the soap shoe sizes you currently have so i can relay them to Steve, and he wlil know which sizes you need. Give me that information at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com. I have Steve's phone number, i'll give him a call or maybe 3 way if dario can give him his number and we can all figure this out.

Nov 4, 2006shdook

Sounds great!

Nov 5, 2006AnthoFlex

I dunno man......i dunno if Steve is willing to give all those Soaps up...

Nov 5, 2006Kile

So What do you wanna do about
this demo?....You think we can still
get it going?

Nov 5, 2006matrix8967

Man, I'm game, I've been wanting to do this for a long long time...I'll take little rock in arkansas...find a business to set up at...in a mall perhaps...but will steve be willing to ship all those shoes and stuff? and would he need sizes of people on the crew? I'm game, I'll set up a demo at little rock...I'm gonna try and get some Soap shirts Silk-screened soon...I'll have my members wear them...but where would we get banners? music? rails? should we go to the rails or set up practice ones?


Nov 5, 2006SapAuthor

I just got off the phone with Steve. He said he sent in an email friday asking for a complete set of demo shoes so it won't make a hit on him. If/when he gets them, he can mail them to Dario and the NYCS can start putting on demos. Then how it would go is during the demos you have the stuff so people can buy soaps from Steve. He gives you demo shoes, you get him business ;-). Maybe even have a laptop and I can give you the physical file of the SSS flash site when i finish it, which will have more in depth info on the shoes themselves. Dario would be in charge of the operation though, you up for it Dario?

Nov 5, 2006matrix8967

I like how this is comming together...I'll let my trusted luitenants know about this thread...


Nov 5, 2006Kile

This is comign along excellent..... Hopefully we get alot
more business in Soap......And becomes a big hit again......


Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, me and Dario talked about this on the train today, Try to set up the site as much as possible before the demo.....Dario told me he isnt going to recommend anyone unless he has a site....and for simple reason....What would you rather trust?.....

Soap shoes? yea, i know where you can get them, here *hands over a piece of paper that looks all fucked up with STEVEN DEEL written on it


Soap shoes? yea, i know where you can get them, here, go to www.blahblahblah.com It has a list of all the shoes that are available for grabs

So yea, i think we all get Dario's point on this one

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Sorry if i kinda did the talking for you there Dario, its just i thought you might not be on today after you left

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Im going to put a link for Steven's email on my soapshoes myspace page right now

Nov 6, 2006SapAuthor

i'm working on the site lol. Give me a little time, flash isn't easy.

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

i know dude, take all the time you need

Nov 6, 2006Kile

so basically we need websites about SoapShoes or this
isnt going to work ?

Nov 6, 2006Wesker

No, an official Soap shoe online store.

Nov 6, 2006Kile

yeh i got confused there for a second but renny
helped me out to understand the problem.

Nov 7, 2006Kile

You dont possibly think we would get to squeeze the Demo before the winter comes right ?

Cause i was gonna say we could pitch in and rent an in door place
for the demo. But totally up to the person whos running it.

Nov 7, 2006AnthoFlex

HEY! it was ur idea! If anytthing, you should have more say than most in the demo, and i dunt understand why noone has said thanx to such a great idea

Nov 7, 2006Kile

yeh i was just wondering i mean we could probably pull off a
couple of weeks. But i mean its gonan be getting windy and chilly,
idk if anyone is gonan want to come to a demo outside when its 40
degrees out and windy. Thats why i was saying if we dont get it going in a couple of weeks we should deffinatly get a place inside
to set up the demo. Idk if anyone has ideas but im sure well think of

Nov 7, 2006AnthoFlex

I was thinking that exact same thing, but hey, you cant change the weather

Nov 7, 2006Kile

soo you think we should discuss a date and time for this demo ?

Nov 8, 2006matrix8967

I wanna help...I've been advertising Soap so much l8ly it's not even funny


Nov 8, 2006SapAuthor

I also posted it, but although the site itself is being built, i have uploaded onto my site the order form. This is THE official Soap shop order form.

Right here

It's alreayd hooked up, when submitting it will head out to steve who will process the order form.

Nov 8, 2006SapAuthor

Erp, let me try that again.

http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/testcombinedata.swf"> Here is the right link

Nov 8, 2006Kile

I cant wait until the Soap Demo. Heyy trev you should deffinatly
come up for the demo.

Nov 9, 2006snikas

yo kyle when is the demo. hey e-mial me back. k

Nov 19, 2006Kile

Heyy whats goin on just wondering how business is going with the shoes

Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

yeah, i was looking at this and was like "so yeah...what happened?"

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