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Scabs vs. Cleans
Nov 11, 2006 by DeanSoaper

Well theres a catch, the Scabs have have Slowbros, and the Cleans have UHF, but I have BBK's and they sell BBK's on Keemaz. But I like Cleans, but what are better in performance.

Nov 11, 2006Kru

um.. you can just get different plates.. if it bolts in you can use any other kind of plate

Nov 11, 2006DeanSoaper

ummm, not to be mean, but I know that, I know quite a lot about soaps, but, The scabs have SloBros (rare plates), but I like Cleans and have BBK's and can buy more on eBay, so I am on here to ask what are better in performance.

Nov 11, 2006DeanSoaper

I would like specs like...


Thanks for the help.

Nov 11, 2006Rictor

I just got a pair of Cleans and I like them, they look more professional than scabs, but they feel more padded on the sides compared to other shoes I've worn, I don't know if that's how soaps are made or what, but I do like my cleans.

Nov 11, 2006DeanSoaper

thanks, yea I personally like Cleans, to me they look like plain suede Vans, and thats sweet, and I like tje Scab look to. And my Faders are pretty padded, but idk either. But I dont wanna pass up slobros. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Nov 11, 2006shdook

Buy whatever ones you want. I would personally buy the scabs beacause they have the slowbro plates but thats just me.

Nov 11, 2006Rictor

only flaw with Cleans is the sole is a lot bigger than you think. It looks like 1/2 an inch or somthing in the picture, but it's more like 1 inch of plastic, my friend said they look more like boots.

Nov 11, 2006AnthoFlex

I have to say go for the Slobros....im serious....I know cleans look better, but believe ME, The slobro plates are gonna get you places.....And if anything, just paint the Scabs Black

Nov 11, 2006matrix8967

I have Scabs (w/ UHF, but now BBKs) some Slo-Bros, and no cleans...I must say Scabs are heavy, but they fit really good. I say Scabs (only if they look good...alot of scab color schemes are gross looking...almost as bad as goas)


Nov 11, 2006AnthoFlex

Ohhh, i thought you didnt have slobros.....hmm go for the Cleans then

Nov 11, 2006AnthoFlex

Shit, sorry Matrix, i thought you were the one who started this post

Nov 12, 2006DeanSoaper

Thanx guys that helped alot, I think Im goin with the Scabs, I mean Im sure sometime when I have more money, there are bound to be more 12 Cleans somewhere again.And I really wanted the Slobros, from what I heard, there great for control freaks, so thanx.

Nov 12, 2006AnthoFlex

Wise choice young grasshopper.....The Slobros will help you achieve a higher form of the kicking of asses.....*bows and turns away*

Nov 12, 2006matrix8967

lol yeah, slo-bros are NICE, just don't tear them up on curbs to much...the middle part (between all the locks) is really thin...I NEVER use my slo-bros on concrete...
also, scabs are nice...I used to hate them, but now that I have some, They're awesome.

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