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CLeaning your Grind-plates
Nov 18, 2006 by Kile

What do you guys do in order to clean your grind-plates ?

Nov 18, 2006Kru

its plastic.. nothing can really hurt it. 409 or something. If you want to "smooth" the surface back down.. get some like 150 grit sandpaper sand untill smooth

Nov 18, 2006Kile

Cause when i grind the wax gets build up, so i was just wondering what you could do

Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

i have this super Abrasive broom thing that i use to clean my BBKs.....one time i was working and stepped in Tar, it completely covered my right plate.....I tried scrapping it off, didnt work, then i tried my abrasive broom' head thing and it all came off....lol, left A LOT of scratches in the plate though...A LOT

Nov 18, 2006Kru

wax build up? I would suggest a paint scraper.

Nov 18, 2006SPSR

rubbing alcohol nuff said.

Nov 18, 2006Kile

sometimes i use steel wool works great

Nov 18, 2006matrix8967

well...i uno about for wax...but for general dirt, mud, stuff like that, i take off the plate and use hotwater and an old toothbrush.


Nov 20, 2006SapAuthor

a simple plastic card (like a credit card, but don't use something ur going ot need) scrapes well.

Nov 20, 2006Jard39

i use a paper towel soaked in warm water then i dry them off with another paper towel works great for caked on mud
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