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Need some help with the Royale
Nov 18, 2006 by SapAuthor Alright, i've put the tall rails and balance aside for a bit, and i got myself a 10ft PVC pipe (and trust me, sneaking it into my dorm room 7 flights up isn't easy either ;) ). I'm trying to work on my tricks, expecially the trick i can never seem to be able to do: The Royale. I checked the tutorial on soapshoes.info, but i still can't seem to get it :(. I bend my knees, but i either end up sliding out becuase in order to get the bend my leg comes in, or i don't get a bend. How do you bend your back foot enough? I know they say it's all in the knees, but i either end up sliding out or not doing it. I know it's going to be hard to help me, but anyone here who does Royale remember how they got it, any things they had to focus on doing in order to succeed? Replies
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Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex
Normally you bend ur knees and then try to tweak that ankle right?
WHile in forensics class, we were doing this stupid blood thing and, w.e, anywayz, i was bending my knees and trying to get that Royale position......I noticed that when i bent my knees, and then Tilted the knee, and only the knee (the one for Royale, The ankle would come up into PERFECT royale position....Anxious to try this on an ACTUAL rail, i went home, slipped my Broadsides on and hit my good ol' practice rail.....I tried royaling the way i normally did it (and ended up the ankle only tweaking), Then i tried the thing i did in class....BOOM! ankle came up, knees bent, and a perfect royale was born....My first REAL Royale, i loved it.....I hope this helps Trev...
Nov 18, 2006Kru
whats really a pain in the ass is jumping up on a rail because you have to jump the lead leg but then within the second the other leg has to get around the same height so the shoes hit the rail around the same time.. or else the starting leg will just fly down.. I keep doing this.. it takes alot of practice to get this down
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
Nov 19, 2006SapAuthor
Nov 19, 2006SonicSoaper
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
Nov 19, 2006SapAuthor
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
anyway, yeah, i'll get a pic or video of it sometime this week and upload it.
Nov 19, 2006Kru
Nov 20, 2006SapAuthor
Nov 20, 2006Jard39
Nov 20, 2006Kru
When I was learning how to backhandspring.. every tutorial I tried it never made sense because they where missing a vital point in all of them. So I just learned how to backhandspring all by myself and it wasn't easy..but it wasn't too hard either.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Nov 20, 2006SapAuthor