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AHH!!! HElP!!!
Nov 20, 2006 by JoeSoaps

Ok. I have been looking for the past week to find some soaps that are size 10-11. I've looked on A LOT of different websites and I can't find anything bigger than size 9. Will someone please help me??

Nov 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Hmmm....are you that dude that i just accepted on myspace? You messaged me on myspace.com/Soapshoes

Nov 20, 2006JoeSoaps

Hahaha. Yeah. Thanks.

Nov 21, 2006SapAuthor

JoeSoaps. I have a pair of new size 10 Ordnance Flint shoes. You interested? I run the site that Steven Deal, the only new SOAP dealer. The ordnance are a couple he had left over, so get them while you can. Otherwise, he has size 1-9 of express, and the 10-12 by the end of november (heely's was late on the delivery). If you are interseted, go to www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.swf
Click on "Get your pair" fill out the order form and submit, steve will send the payment info and as soon as the money is done, you'll get your SOAPs shipped out.

Plus, by doing that, you are invited to join SSS Super Sonic SOAPers, my site's upcoming SOAPing group.

If you want to learn more, email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com

Nov 21, 2006SapAuthor

Oh, and the prices are on the site. BUT, the ordnance flint size 10 are 37.75 plus shipping, FWI ;-)

Nov 21, 2006Curtinator

Did you try EBAY? :)

Nov 21, 2006SapAuthor

currently, no size 10. there is a size 11 ordnance, but they are used nad look horrid.

Nov 21, 2006Kru

I've been keeping my eyes on those 11's if the price stays under 17 or so bucks I may bid on them.. not 100% sure tho.. depends how desperate I feel
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