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Game of Grind
Nov 20, 2006 by Kile

Sooner or later hopefully the Soap demo will be coming up, i think we should have a little competition of a game of grind. Maybe have prizes or sumthing idk but it would be funn.

As for me ill be waiting for the very good friend renny. I will be goin against him in a game of grind. And was just wondering what you though of this idea if its good or not. Come and watch us go head to head.....Kyle

Nov 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Hell yea a game of G-R-I-N-D sounds siick....I wonder who'll win....

Nov 21, 2006qnzwarrior

cool idea and vs renny one of my soapin buddys anyway its a cool idea ill love to see that game of grind

Nov 22, 2006Jard39

it seems like every SOAPer is in new york city except me.

Nov 22, 2006AnthoFlex

Well......you ARE in New York...... just not the city

Nov 22, 2006Jard39

yeah but i dont have a car

Nov 22, 2006AnthoFlex

ummmmm, ok.....out
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