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Nov 26, 2006 by SapAuthor

*collapses* it's done...the soap site is finished...just waiting till size 10-12 come in and i'll release it to the public...

oh...and i finished the promo vid, put up a new song for it, a little more suitable ;)

check it out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3088518120248589745". here

Tell me what you think. The flash is still http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.swf"> here

i'll upload the new designed index page that hte flash will be there also, as well as everything...

okay...i need to backup my site and try to fix my laptop, have to take it apart and resoder a part, hope i don't break it :P

Nov 26, 2006mgm

Cool site. The ordering section is very easy to navigate and the prices are very reasonable.

Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Trev, Video Shooting i will do today, that is if my dad doesnt get pissed off and lets me go

Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Hmmm....The video you sent me with the jungle music i like better......Oh well...Imma start shooting today and i will send you the clips little by little

Nov 26, 2006Soopahsonic

Lawl... His World is the song

Nov 26, 2006Soopahsonic

...and it is a nice site! Props for the s-man yo!(I can't believe I just said that!)

Nov 27, 2006Sigma

Wow man nice work!

The site looks really nice, especially the order forum! Really easy to use and navigate, with good looks also.

As fot the video, excellent work. Great quality and some wicked sick grinds. Awesome music also, His World from the new Sonic game!

Keep up the good work!

Nov 27, 2006Surfaced

It really is very nice. Great work, Trevor.

Something I don't understand yet, however, is the "ONLY" trend that I see going on there and on the Soap myspace.
"The ONLY Soap shop in the world"

"Soap shoes are the ONLY shoes that let you GRIND!"
Don't get my wrong, I understand the inthusiasm, but it's decieving.

Nov 27, 2006Surfaced

don't get me* wrong (correction)

Also, the buttons are spectacular.

Nov 27, 2006OT

really nice site, the buttons were really cool and it was easy to navigate and it was all stylish. The video was cool too. Keep up the good work!

Nov 27, 2006AnthoFlex

I did that for a Reason.....Heelys is ALWAYS gonna have the Advertising, and eventually, people will find out that you can grind in those too....Im a SOAP person....What are they gonna do when they find out about other Grind shoes? Sue Me? IF people think the only Thing to grind with are Soap shoes, then they'll get Soapshoes

Nov 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Thats why i put ONLY

Nov 28, 2006mgm

Nov 28, 2006mgm

How long would it take for an order to reach me in southern California?

Nov 28, 2006SapAuthor

mgm, it veries, you can go on the order page, fill out your shoe type and size you want, and click the "Check shiping prices and times" button, then type in ur zip and it will tell you how much and how fast for hte times.

I put "ONLY" becuase it really is the ONLY SOAP shoe shop. other places may have SOAP shoes, but they are either only in small sizes, missing sizes, and all of them are old ones, plus they always sell stuff besdies it. This is a SOAP shop, only soaps, brand new, and in all sizes 3-12.

as for the other only, i'm not sure if i put on my site the only shoes that allow you to grind, maybe i did, woops :P

Anyways, the site will be released to the public as soon as Steve gets the size 10-12, then it's going to be a field day! Wootz! We already sold like 7 pair, ^.^

Nov 29, 2006Go2Crew

props out to Trevor. This is gonna be sweet, I promise.

Dec 1, 2006Surfaced

I see your point Trev, thanks for clearing up what you meant when you said only. With these terms stated, the shop's singularity is justified.

Renny... It's your site, and if knowingly decieving newcomers doesn't stir your morale, then by all means continue doing so.

Dec 1, 2006SapAuthor

Anthoflex, maybe you should reword it a bit. Grind plate Heely's are what, at least 80 bucks? Advertise that SOAPs are an awesome shoe that you can grind with, and can be even LESS of a cost than normal shoes!*

*Based off the SOAP Store, which sells the largest size at $55, normal shoes are considered around $60+

Cuz heely's do cost a ton of money still, if i'm not mistaken, but SOAPs you can get without busting ur wallet.

Think of something like that, just remember to mention that Heely's have harder soles to support the wheel, while SOAPs have cushion and the express have a shock absorbing air bubble. Less cost, more comfert, and all ur missing out is a giant wheel sticking out of ur heel

Dec 1, 2006Wesker

Like I said on AIM Trev, it looks awesome. Now all you need is a more streamlined URL.

Dec 1, 2006AnthoFlex

True, soooo true....Ok, i'll be sure to add that

Dec 1, 2006bigmamablowjob

wow you so gay sap....u where a fucking helmet.....and seroisley...suck my testies.......helmet...wow

Dec 1, 2006bigmamablowjob

and all you fags...just give the fuck up you think you gunna bring back soap with a bunch 14 yr olds trying to look cool with tehir new soaps they got off ebay...suburban n00bs

.........S my D.....S it hard...

Dec 1, 2006SapAuthor

um...actually most of the soapers are more like 17-20. and maybe someone would suck your d*** if you had one.

Dec 2, 2006matrix8967

again...just let these guys blow over...


Dec 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Ohhhhh! Hey i got it, Big faggot blowjob blows the 2in Penis that keeps on talking about my mom! Hahaha, bunch o' Fags!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Dec 2, 2006AnthoFlex

What did you say stupid?

Dec 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Exactly, NOTHING Fucking faggots cant fuck with me, Im NYC BITCH

Dec 2, 2006bigmamablowjob

at least i dont where a fucking helmet... does your mom make you where it or are you just safe? id rather crack me head open then where a helmet

Dec 2, 2006Slidey

Yeah but if you were ACTUALLY good at soaping, then maybey you would be on the pictures section of this site? Untill you start getting good enough to show some pictures that are good, or start getting friends to take pictures of you (thats if you have friends) I suggest you keep your mouth shut. and btw, people who would rather crack thier heads open than wear a helmet are sucidal, nobody likes you, and you have nothing to live for, so why should you need a helmet? NOBODY WILL CARE IF YOU DIE!!!

Mar 27, 2007XYZPDQ

Oh my god. You three are some of the biggest babies in the world. You argue over the internet and act like you're the s**t. Get a life. And one other thing, just because you're from New York (Yeah i'm talking to you AnthoFlex) doesn't mean that you can hurt anybody. What it really means is that you live in a city that used to have one of the highest crime rates in America DUMBASS. So technically you wouldn't be hurting anybody, you would be hiding from them.

Mar 27, 2007XYZPDQ

Oh and one last thing. Some of you should get a f*****g dictionary and learn how to spell.

Mar 27, 2007SapAuthor

XYZPDQ, is it that time of the month or something?

Mar 27, 2007AnthoFlex

XYZPDQ is the korniest dude here on Solidgrind....he fails to realize that the comments he is insulting are from waaaaay back

Mar 27, 2007Mart

You're all being pathetic. Shut up and let this kid have his moment; if everybody ignores him then he'll not get his rocks off by getting your backs up. Seriously, just chill and get on with what's on topic

I must be really fucking stupid cause I can't find this video you're all talking about on that site. A little help?

Mar 27, 2007AnthoFlex

The promo?

Mar 27, 2007AnthoFlex

If its a promo theres a big button that says promo video on the site, u just gotta scroll down a bit

Mar 27, 2007Mart

This isn't on that new flash site Trev's done, is it? Someone care to link me to where it is?

Mar 27, 2007Slidey

yeah its there and this is the link to the vid

Apr 1, 2007Tasslehoff

hey SapAuthor! nice website. big soap fan. big sonic fan. I think im gonna buy some of those grey express shoes. I was wondering if you had any other shoes, maybe with a removeable grind plate. if your thinking about it drop me a line at gamefreak0201@hotmail.com

Apr 1, 2007Surfaced

They have a couple pairs of the Soap Ordnance left in sizes 9 and 10. It comes with BBKs, which are removeable.

Apr 1, 2007SapAuthor

Only size 10 left, size 9 are gone.

Apr 1, 2007Surfaced

Okay just nines now.

Apr 1, 2007SapAuthor

umm...surfaced, i said "only size 10 left" and "size 9 are gone" so it should be "okay, just tens now" :P you sleeping enough man?

Apr 1, 2007Surfaced


Apr 4, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah. That tends to be a problem as age progresses.
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