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I hate my life.
Nov 28, 2006 by Soopahsonic

I got three teeth ripped out of my skull today. Good thing they were not permaent, but, it still hurt worse then a kick in the jewels.

Nov 28, 2006matrix8967

I can relate, I had 9 teeth out, 5 wisdom teeth and 4 premolars a few summers ago...you'll be fine. anyway, this has nothing to do with soaps, if ur going to post in the forum, make it about soaps and not sympathy (although you have mine)


Nov 28, 2006Soopahsonic

Here's the part about soaping: I can't soap (let alone stand up) because I was on NOS for 3 hours. I like intoxication!

Nov 28, 2006AnthoFlex

And why did we post this?

Nov 28, 2006matrix8967

soopahsonic how old are you? if you're like 12, then we only talk about soaps and FSW here. if you're older...then hush.


Nov 28, 2006SapAuthor

antho, matrix, that sounded kind of cold. but Soopahsonic, it's a bit true, this isn't a place to put on personal injury (unless you got injured soaping, then post it :D). Sorry to hear about it though :(

Nov 28, 2006matrix8967

yeah it was...I'm sorry soopahsonic, but we do only post about soaps here. sorry if i was a jerk. you can kick me in the shin. I'm sorry you got ur teeth out...u know how it is @_@


Nov 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Mine didnt sound HArsh, Matrix's did, For real Alex, cool it down, Flame idiots, not noobs, or people who don't knwo what goes down here....Dont flame, inform

Nov 29, 2006matrix8967

yeah, but I apologized and i don't think i flammed, but i wasnt on the recieving end of it...I apologize for being a douche. he can let me have it if he wants. or she...i uno.


Nov 29, 2006Soopahsonic

I'm older than 12... I should hush then.

Nov 29, 2006Soopahsonic

I had to get them pulled cause I fell soaping.

Nov 29, 2006matrix8967

no, don't hush, i'm a dickhole.

it sucks that you fell soaping and had to get them pulled, i thought you had to get them pulled just because. i feel like an ass. I had to get some pulled cuz my mouth was 2 small for my teeth. i'm sorry i'm a dick. if you ever see me, you can kick me in the face.


Nov 29, 2006SapAuthor

lol matrix, relax, i dont' think he's going to hold it against you.

And ouch dude, that sucks, get a picture and send it in, if you did it soaping, it's pretty sweet (not that you no longer had teeth, just you went that extreme or whatever). Definitely get a picture at least, something to show ur friends lol.

And if you are starting fast, start slow and low, no sense rushing if ur going to get hurt.

Dec 8, 2006Soopahsonic

No, there was a niche in the rail. I am able to start fast. And I am not putting it against you matrix.

Dec 8, 2006mnsoaperns

Hey man you dont need to explain as long as you were soaping its all good the title of this post sounds a little gothy and like you want to kill yourself and its what I was going to type when I first read it but then I read on and you fucked yourself up soaping and thats something to be proud of (atleast on these boards)

Dec 8, 2006Soopahsonic

Gothy... Yeah, about that... Goths dont want to kill themselves, I would know.
I am proud!
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