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Anyone have any size 8 Soaps to sell?!?
Dec 13, 2006 by ksaxdm6

I am looking for some size 8 Soaps (with the replaceable plates particularly) and am being a bit dissapointed in the selection on eBay. I'd really like a pair of white Boltars or Squeaky Cleans, any color Ordnance, or blue/white Scabs. Turntables would be an ultimate dream, but really, let me know if you have any in that size that are still good shoes that you would be willing to sell. Thanks!

Dec 13, 2006SapAuthor

we have expres size 8 in all styles, brand new, but if you are looking for replacable, you could go up a size (which is usually recommmended anyways) and get a size 9 ordnance flint (only a couple left). www.soaps.sonicandpals.com, express 8 are like 50.75 i think and the ordnance flint are 37.75, we ship anywhere, and part of hte proceeds go to the true love fund to help me and my girlfriend get together. The site is the only place to get new SOAPs.

Dec 14, 2006rkrdw93

I just bought a brand new pair of cleans over ebay for only 20 bucks.. wait a bit, they'll come up again soon from someone else, and you can get them real cheap..

and SapAUTHOR, IS IT AN INTERNET GIRLFRIEND you want us to support..??

Dec 14, 2006mnsoaperns

LOL hey man her smileys might be teh hot :) I mean the way she strokes those keys mmmmmm, her "LOL's" are out of this world, and her "FTWs" actually mean something and he might be the only one to get her to "ROFL"

No Offense, SapAuthor everything you do with your life is your own business, and I will be buying some expresses soon, hope you can take the joke it's all in good fun man :).

Dec 15, 2006rkrdw93

LMAO AHAHAH iu was crackin up.. cus i didn't get it the first time..but now I do.. ahahaha man..that's funny. lol. yeah, but no offense, Sap Author! =) internet love works =D yay for a new couple..
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