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Express of Ordnance
Dec 14, 2006 by Koty

I have been wanting to get some soaps for quite a while and just never got around to it. I have decided to get some soaps from Steve or whoever at sonic and pals. I wear a size 9.5 shoe so I figured id get tens since its winter here anyways and I can't really use them until summer. Anyways I am wondering which I should get the ordnances of the expresses I've heard good about them both. I have been leaning towards the expresses. One more thing also What color are the ordnance flints I couldn't seem to figure it out.


Dec 14, 2006Koty

Oops I meant express OR ordnance

Dec 15, 2006Slidey

The Ordnance Flint are grey with an orange bottom and an orange soap O on the side

Dec 16, 2006matrix8967

hey man
I've got ordnance AND express...and I STILL won't be able to tell you which is better...but i'm saying ordnance, because of the replaceable plate factor. I also wear a 9.5, and yes, you want 10s


Dec 19, 2006Soopahsonic


Dec 19, 2006vmn551

hey there, im also getting my first pair of soaps from steve, im going to end up getting the ordnance, theyre way cheaper and they have a removable plate so i guess you cant really go wrong.

Dec 22, 2006SapAuthor

yup, ordnance are a bit better with the BBK plates, but we only have a couple left (we only started out with like 15 in size 10 nad 6 in size 9 or something like that, most of which are GONE).
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