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Dec 17, 2006 by SSAndroid

hey, i was wondering what diameter pvc pipe and length size i should get, and about how much it costs

Dec 17, 2006AnthoFlex

PVC's are SUPER cheap dude....ME and my friend went to go buy one for his backyard and they were $4.95 for 10ft ......>So we bought 2 Pipes of i believe 1 1/2 in. (for my broadsides

Dec 17, 2006Sigma

Yeah PVC pipes are soo cheap. The PVC pipes I use are 10 ft. long and have a 1 1/2 in. diameter.

Dec 17, 2006Kru

pvc is cheap, which reminds me of this collapsible Soap ledge I'm making. It's basically two wood planks with hinges attached that you put at an acute angle then put PVC pipe(which I need to get) over the hinges via cutting holes out in the PVC so it doesn't move. That'll be fun when its done.

Dec 17, 2006SapAuthor

I would go with 2 inch, 1.5 works but dunno, seems to small for me.

Dec 18, 2006SSAndroid

alright, thanx

i got 1.5" for 5 somtin (10') and have been practicing

so now, i need to work on jumping up onto stuff and grinding it

does any1 know a good way to practice this?

Dec 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Just practice, we arent there to hold your hand man (sorry if that sounded harsh)

Dec 19, 2006SSAndroid

lol, its ok, but do i need to land with both feet at same time or what, cause i feel like when i put my right foot up that if i step up im gonna slip every time

Dec 19, 2006Rictor

Finally someone answers my question, I've been asking about the PVC sizes for the past week. someone said 2"-3" and that looked too big, now I know I'll get a 1.5"

SSAndroid, I recommend stretching before you practice (especially your arms), I was grinding some fence poles, leftover from when we got our fence, and when I'd hit the middle (where I duct taped two together) I'd slip a little spazing my arm out to keep my balance. after I was done and went inside, my arm felt like I pulled a muscle.

Dec 19, 2006mrgrind

well 1.5" is the size of most handrails so it would probaly be the best to get

its what i use =)

Dec 19, 2006TravisGee

how do you fit the 10ft pipe in the car

Dec 19, 2006SSAndroid

thanx rictor, i will

mgrind, that is exactly y i got 1.5

and travisgee, i fit the pipe in my ukon xl (XD) but it went throught the whole car against the side, and if worse comes to worse, u can tape it on ur roof, or make it go through the car and out the window

Dec 22, 2006Rictor

yeah, there is no way I can fit one in my car (Hyundai Accent), maybe if I go out with friend's sometime I'll be like, "Dudes, we need to go to Home Depot".

Dec 22, 2006SSAndroid

lol, ya

have u tried putting it up on top of ur car?

Dec 22, 2006Rictor

It's not really my car, I drive it, I put gas in it, it's under my parents name. I wouldn't want to mess up the roof with tap or rope or anything, I think I might measure my car today and see if I could fit it if I put it through the trunk, put down the seat that opens up to the trunk, and then see where it goes.
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