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For a first soap shoe.
Dec 19, 2006 by vmn551

I was at sonic and pals and theyre selling the express and the ordnance, can anyone suggest which one i should get?
or if there is another site online that i could get some different models at?
any replies are greatly appreciated.

Dec 19, 2006ordnanceflint91

i personally havent tried the express yet. i do have the ordnance flint tho. i love them, its my second pair. they have the removable grind plates and all. the express will be lighter though. its all preference. get what you like best, and remember if you buy the express from steve (sonicandpals) it helps get soaps going again

Dec 19, 2006vmn551

yeah, i was going to go for them since they have the removable plates. I really want to bring soaping back in my area and i cant wait until i get my pair. Thanks for the reply.

Dec 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Express are pretty good, i would go with those

Dec 19, 2006Sigma

I have never tried the Express, but form what I hear they are really good for starting.

As for me, I started with Goas and still use them today.

Dec 19, 2006vmn551

Id like to get a pair a Goas but ive only seen them on ebay. Not my size anyways.
Im pretty much limited to Steves page, but im happy i can even find those.

Dec 21, 2006Rynasty

I would go with the ordnance simply because of the BBK plates: Thick, durable, replaceable, and good for making a deep groove.

Expresses are a good shoe as well though. You couldn't really go wrong with either. Just pick which one fits your style best.

Dec 25, 2006vmn551

well its final, i ordered the ordnance and i should have them any day now.
Cant wait to start soaping and bringing it back in my general area.
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