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Dec 19, 2006 by broox

Man. You guys. Why didn't anyone tell me this was so slow?

I had a query in this forum that was taking 45 seconds everytime the page loaded, wtf? haha.

Anyway, I fixed it. The page should now load in less than a second instead of 1 minute. whew.

Dec 19, 2006mnsoaperns

you mean the minute long wait wasn't so everyone can go and make a grilled cheese sandwich I have wasted many a cheese then.... many a cheese... now how am I supposed to find the time of day to make them...

Dec 19, 2006SSAndroid

rofl, and thanx a lot, im really glad that i dont have to wait so long now ;)

Dec 19, 2006Surfaced

haha, yeah I could have done something useful with the time spent waiting for the forum to load.

lol thanks derek

Dec 19, 2006Soopahsonic

I thought it couldnt be fixed. Thanks.

Dec 19, 2006Slidey

"Us guys?" lol it wasn't "Us guys" that made the forum slow ;)

Dec 19, 2006broox

haha. yeah but you guys use the forum more than i do. if i used it as much, i would be so mad at the slowness, haha.

Dec 19, 2006AnthoFlex

lol, i thought it was slow cause of all of the posts that were up :)

Dec 19, 2006Sigma

Wow I had noticed the slowness for a long time now but never said anything lol. It was a lot slower than the rest of the site, I figured it was just because of all the posts. Well it is a lot better now, thanks for the fix broox!

Dec 20, 2006Go2Crew

geez Derek, it's much better now, however I have no time in between refreshes to go make popcorn or nachos. What to do, what to do? ? Seriously thought, I'll call you up. I've got a fieldtrip to Carrolton I want to talk with you about. ---Steve

Dec 20, 2006broox

awesome. do that. i'm working on organizing a mini heelys tour for late spring...

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

If you guys come to NYC, let me know, i'll rep Soap

Dec 20, 2006TravisGee

nah go to los angeles...

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Fuck L.A, soap is doing fine there, NYC is where its at.....or, just go to both

Dec 21, 2006DeanSoaper

na, if you wanna go anywhere, go to Buffalo, there are mad kids here that want soaps, and then mad kids who need to know what they are, i only know one person with soaps and my g/f is gettin some, but seriously, Tonawanda is where you need to be.

Dec 21, 2006broox

if it happens, the route would be from des moines to florida.

Dec 21, 2006ordnanceflint91

hey Broox, come through alabama....come to cullman and birmingham, the road fools tours use to come through here. Seth Kimbrough a friend of mine and pro rider for hoffman lives close, we may could even get the soap shoes thing going again with Seth and Cory Martinez to help us

Dec 22, 2006mnsoaperns

everyone should stop begging and let derek do his thing. Im sure he would ask us what areas he should go to if he needed our help.
Just be patient and hopefull that it comes at least near your places des moines is a 5 hour drive from here btw (MN) .
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