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Lets Get More serious People
Dec 19, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Come on people, if we are gonna save those people lets get some more FRIEND REQUESTS from your friends, and family to Myspace.com/Soapshoes

Come on people, im currently at 251 friends! Heelys is almost at 900! COME ON PEOPLE!!

Dec 19, 2006AnthoFlex

by those people i meant his company....EXTREME typo

Dec 20, 2006Surfaced

Heelys? wtf? Has HSL gone and made a page for them, or was it fan-created?

Dec 20, 2006Surfaced

And are you friends with Heelys? I know you probably don't want to, but if we could talk them into being on their top friend spaces (if it's fan-created), it would send more people to your site.

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

It was HSL man......unbelievable i know.

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

i am, unfourtuntly....I accepted i dunno why...i should delete them, but sumthing tells me that HSL isnt gonna take that too well

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

And i already asked them to put me on their top 8....they never replied...they dunt like Soapshoes...

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex


Dec 20, 2006Kru

hoelys are just a trend. Soaps are a lifestyle.

Dec 20, 2006Wesker


Dec 20, 2006TravisGee

people look nerdy as hell in heelys

Dec 20, 2006SSAndroid

well, if i had a myspace, id help, but sadly, it gave my computer several viruses, and i was banned, but ill tell the people i know that have em about this

btw, what does it matter how many frnds u have?is it just a contest, or is it a petition?

Dec 20, 2006Slidey

U've been adding all my myspace friends to the soap shoes myspace. U can keep doing it, they don't mind, and most of them think soaps are awesome!

Dec 20, 2006Slidey

Oh yeah, er... it looks like you've got the "active x control" virus on the soapshoes myspace... unless it's just me that gets the page closed when I open it.

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

I dunno, stupid Active X, anywayz, yea, more friends means more people are seirous about Soapshoes.....i keep HSL posted on this every month or so......if all goes well, Soapshoes will be back on top

Dec 20, 2006AnthoFlex

This is seriously some unbelieveable Bullshit, i JUST called 10 JOURNEYS

Heres what happened....

Me: Hello, i was wondering if you still sold this brand of shoes, they're called SOAP SHOES?

Journeys (all ten of them): No, Soap doesnt exist anymore, Heelys bought them out, We have Heelys with the grindplate in them though....

WTF is that? We have to stop this here and now, i am going to start a petition or sumthing

Dec 21, 2006Wesker

Journey's has been saying that same exact response ever since HSL bough Soap shoes. I think they had a meeting and told all employees to use that line or something because it really is every store i've been to. I tell them it isn't true and give them more informaion but they probably don't care.

Dec 22, 2006SapAuthor

Maybe we should be like "Actually, SOAP shoes are back in production, and there is a shop online that gets them from HSL and sells them. You may want to look into it" They won't do anything, but it would feel good to throw it back in their face :D
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