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Dec 20, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Im just about ready to get super serious, so suit up....we are going to war...I want everyone to sign this petition, and leave a comment with each one of your signatures...Clean or dirty, let HSL know how you feel

Be sure to read what the petition is about

Here the link, Good luck to all.....


Share it with everyone you know, Put it on myspace, xanga, your website, EVERYWHERE! Im not going to let Soap die.

These are the quotes i go by:

Emotions are nothing, it is actions that gets shit done
The Ultimate Power is in your hands, what will YOU do with it?

Let them be your guide as well

Dec 21, 2006Sigma

Hell yeah man, let's bring Soaps back!

I signed, and everyone else better do the same!

Dec 21, 2006mrgrind

i signed

Dec 21, 2006ordnanceflint91

ill do what it takes to bring soaps back...i sport a soap shoes shirt atleast 4 times a week...

Dec 21, 2006Surfaced

I have left my mark.

I hope HSL takes this seriously when you have a decent amount of signatures... unfortunately, they have been known to shun online feedback.

Dec 21, 2006AnthoFlex

*bringin back to top*

Now signatures people, please

Dec 21, 2006Slidey

dude, I have got like 10 people to sign it, and theres more to come!

Dec 22, 2006SSAndroid

i signed it now

Dec 22, 2006SapAuthor

I'm signing it and putting alink and request on my site. I have over a thousand hits a day, i hope some of the viewers will petition like i did.

Dec 22, 2006AnthoFlex

Thanx Trev, i knew it'd be you to get in a whole bunch of signatures

Dec 23, 2006AnthoFlex

come on people, lets try to get to 1000! HSL didnt take the last petition seriously cause it only had 163 signatures!

we are in a war! Protect YOUR TURF! Do you want to Lose?

Dec 24, 2006Munkerz

Added mine

Dec 24, 2006mnsoaperns

signed it a while ago

Dec 27, 2006AnthoFlex

111 signatures...do you guys even care about the fate of SOAP? EVERYONE! SIGN THE FUCKING PETITION! NOW! AND GET YOUR FRIENDS TO DO IT TOO

Dec 28, 2006SapAuthor

i think we all signed -.- as of now, people now aday are lazy, i can only get 25 votes for my own comic out of 1000 viewers.

Jan 5, 2007AnthoFlex

Back to top...


Jan 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

back to top

Jan 21, 2007MrWaterBuffalo

I would sign with my own blood if this were real paper, I just got into this sport, I'm not gonna let it die!


Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

back to top

Jan 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Friggen spammers.

Feb 10, 2007DaSholZ

Le Bump

Feb 10, 2007davebellair

who wrote this petition?!! do u know what ur talking aboout?!!?

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Ummm, Yes i do actually.....i researched everything before i typed even one letter so i suggest you shut the hell up

Feb 25, 2007Slidey

back to top. We got 201 signs. Tis going good =D

Feb 25, 2007davebellair


Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

i think i was either 200 or 201

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

nvm wrong petition

Feb 25, 2007AnthoFlex

YO Dave, i dunt see YOU doing anything to help the situation.....until you do...

i suggest you shut the fuck

Mar 4, 2007AnthoFlex

back to top, people NEED to sign this

Mar 5, 2007AnthoFlex

If anyone has a myspace, please make bullitens for the petition. We are doing great with the Soapshoes issue, but the petition would help out a lot also

Mar 5, 2007kobansora

Bulletins, good idea!

I'll do so later.


Mar 5, 2007SapAuthor

Guys, please though, don't be nasty, if you want 10 bucks from someone you don't say "Quit being a stupid prick and give me the money, you rich jerk!" lol. Understand that if HSL doesn't think they will make money on something, they won't look into it, and if they do think they will make money, they will look into it. It's our job to keep raising sales and hype for SOAPs so HSL will see it's worth more investment.

Mar 5, 2007SapAuthor

Oh, and signed :D thanks for putting these up Renny

Mar 10, 2007AnthoFlex

The forum is getting loaded with crap, im bringing only the most important topics back to the top.

Mar 13, 2007AnthoFlex

back to top, more signatures people, get your friends and family to sign it!

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

What's our aim? we got like 221.

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

weeeewwww 1000? gonna take some time man.

Mar 30, 2007pepsi

yeh, lol ;s...*signs it* 223 sigs now :)

Mar 30, 2007rhinoskater30

I signed...let's shut Heelys down!!!!!

Mar 30, 2007pepsi

why would u want to shut heelys down when they still own soaps ;x

Mar 31, 2007RamenRadio

He doesn't mean HSL, he means no more heelys lol. I understand what you mean rhinoskater30, but believe me, even thought soap shoes are in a bad position, we should be a little grateful to HSL. Think of it like this, sometimes people need to hear things a little louder than necessary. If there is just one soaper out there yelling, HSL probably won't hear jack. HOWEVER, with all us soapers united saying stuff, they'll hear it. So just give it a little more time before we go on a complete anti-heelys rampage XD :D

Mar 31, 2007OT

I signed, but when I read stuff like this on here, I think the way the message is delivered comes out a bit wrong. We need to push for Soap shoes, not against Heelys. Soaps and Heelys needs to coexist, and we need to show that we're supportive of the idea even though Heelys are the ones in the spotlight and getting all the attention from

Mar 31, 2007sam

If we shut heelys down, they go bankrupt, and we loose soaps to...

Mar 31, 2007RamenRadio

I never said anything about shutting down heelys lol

Mar 31, 2007Slider388

no. Well all I really care for is getting new shoes out and having soap be more popular. Heelys leaving them alone is just an extra.
But I disagree with sam.If heelys goes bankrupt then they'll have to let go of soap and soap will be free, they can't drag soap down with them since it's a seperate company. Remember when in-stride went bankrupt?

Mar 31, 2007Surfaced

I hope you are making a historical reference.

Because very few people here today were active in the scene back then.

Mar 31, 2007Slider388

I am.

Mar 31, 2007RamenRadio

Its a possibility slider388, but I'm not sure if we should risk it at all. I mean, yeah, so far HSL is doing a shitty job at soap shoes. And I know that if HSL were to go bankrupt, that they would probably try to sell it to another company. However, I still know that they exist, that they are still being made. And if it gets sold to another company, who's to say that that company will do any better than HSL? I'm really sorry, but I don't want to wake up one morning to find out the biggest thing in my life is now dead... I just don't want to take the risk, not for me, or any other soaper on this forum or in the world

Mar 31, 2007Mart

HSL aren't doing a shitty job of managing the Soap brand; at least they're still supporting the product to an extent and have expressed a certain level of interest in development. It's more than In-Stride ever did

Slider, Soap wouldn't be 'free' is HSL went bankrupt as, regardless of whether the company trades or not, Soap would still be property of HSL. Since the Soap brand has much less market force as it did when HSL first picked them up, I'm sure there would be very few companies out there even remotely interested in trying to revive a brand that had died three times in the past

Mar 31, 2007Slider388

Yeah I didn't say down with hsl or anything... Hsl is doing a pretty good job with soap, and it's better than most companies would do, although it's still not that great. I just think they give soap a bit more credit and attention. we got 227 sigs now...

Mar 31, 2007Louis

The heelys in the soap video we're actually soapshoes converted into heelys by the heelys guys. They came to soap with their idea, putting a wheel in the shoe, so soap gave them some shoes to mess around with. That shoe in the video is the result. In the end, soap decided not to take on the idea, so the heelys guys went off, set up their own brand, outsold soapshoes a thousand times over, and then bought up their sorry asses. The way i see it, HSL are probably holding back the sales of soapshoes as some kind of revenge, haha.
But yeah, in principle I back this petition. Oh how i wish that the old soaps would be back on sale and in the shops. But for now, i'll just have to make do with my scorchers, muahahaha.
Anyway, I went to my local skateshop a few weeks back and saw the guy who works there showing a kid the heelys. I got talking to him about the soap v heelys thing, because back in 1998 his shop was the first in London to stock soaps, they even had the VHS on constant loop on all their screens. He basically got me into the whole thing. Anyway, he said that he stopped stocking the soapshoes because, although initially they sold very well, the interest gradually died down, and his only customers were those who already owned the shoes but needed new parts, which isnt very profitable for him. It goes to show that the market is limited for soaps, not profitable enough for the shops in the long run, and too expensive for HSL to revive at present. BUT, best of luck to everyone doing their best to promote at grassroots level, hopefully you can make the difference! And hopefully us guys at UKFSW can get our asses in gear and put out a video...dunk...mart....that means you! Get in touch with me!

Apr 1, 2007AnthoFlex

i always did have that thought of them holding it back for revenge

Apr 20, 2007AnthoFlex

bump up

Apr 20, 2007Tasslehoff

sig. 230. slowly but surely we WILL bring back these shoes. I know we will.

Apr 20, 2007SapAuthor

Well, it will probably more slowly lol. A-Sides prob not, sadly (although they rocked), but i would like the broadsides so we can pull off more tricks.

May 1, 2007xJeremiahx

# 232. I'll make sure to get others to sign as well.

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

thanx for bumping it up

May 1, 2007xJeremiahx

Is there a way to keep this as a pinned thread?

May 2, 2007RamenRadio

I forgot about this, I need to show this to a few people

May 6, 2007AnthoFlex

bump up

Jun 5, 2007AnthoFlex

I have neglected this petition, i just remembered that its still there.


Jun 5, 2007Megashadow77

Will this petition work....I FREAKIN' HOPE SO!

Jun 6, 2007sam

I think we will need like 2000+ people to make an impact on HSL.

Jun 6, 2007Megashadow77

We may even need..... OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAANNNDDD!!!!!.....>> <<

Jun 7, 2007Spano565

I think that HSL is neglecting soaps because they just have the grindplate.So there thinking why just sell soaps or heelys when we can just combine the two so they think they'll have better sales.And i know everyones like to hell wit heelys we want are old soaps back with the replaceable plate.And soaps are more comfortable nobody wants a frickin hole in there heel!BUT HSL is wrong soaps sales are way better then heelys HEELYS SUCK BALLS!!!! i'm so fricken PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 7, 2007SpiderSoaper

like i said in another forum....no one hardley buys grindplated heelys! the kiddies only want to do is the shoes main purpose, heeling

Jun 7, 2007sam

Spano, soap sales are nowhere close to as good as heelys are, beacause most heely wearers would rather just get a pair with a grindplate rather than soaps.

Jun 7, 2007Spano565

I'm not gonna argue wit you sam you've been on solidgrind wayyy longer then me and i Know your right i'm just pissed off at HSL I think that most of us here are to.Well i think soaps should be just as good as heelys sales i know soaps arent as good as heelys sales i just wish they were.I just want the old soaps back, so i'm gonna keep on fightin for soaps.

Jun 30, 2007AnthoFlex


Jun 30, 2007AnthoFlex

come on people sign this, get your friends to sign it. Trevor and I are headed to HSL this september, we need all the reassurance we can get

Jul 5, 2007vault


Jul 30, 2007AnthoFlex

*bump* Sign please *bump*

Jul 30, 2007rhinoskater30

signed it

HSL is soo stupid.

Jul 30, 2007DG

DEATH TO HEELEYS! BURN EVERY PAIR U OWN AND C! I got an awesome idea... how bout' we have our best soapers challenge Team Heeleys?

Jul 30, 2007AnthoFlex

Ive been trying to get to ask HSL to do a Grind competition with Team Heelys best and Team Soap's best. But they dunt reply

Jul 30, 2007DG

damb them!

Dec 31, 2007Spano565

important bump......
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Ryan Armstrong, Maxwell, and Casey Faris with the double FS and double flip
Herr Blunt hittin a Frontside
Jason Fillo of DEOS hittin a Unity in Newark, Delaware
Ryan Dawes hittin a Frontside on a big ol kinked rail.
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