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A Christmas present from BiS
Dec 25, 2006 by Rynasty

What's up everyone, Ryan Armstrong here. For those of you who may remember my crew, BiS (bad influence soapers), you may also remember that we had always intended to release a video. Well, the years passed and we got lazier, so nothing was done with this video project. Now, after a few years in the dark, BiS is back. Soaping is fresh and new again, so in order to start off new we must complete the old. Since that probably didn't make sense, I'll just say it: I finally got off my ass and made the first ever BiS video, just as we intended to do years ago when it was filmed. So here it is, the beginning, the middle, but not the end of BiS history.

On a final note, this video will probably never turn out how I envisioned it before, but I am pleased with the result. So sit back, get stigged, and enjoy.

And tell Dario Nieva he's a baller for hosting our video. Thanks man!


Dec 25, 2006benz

hell yes

Dec 25, 2006Wesker

As I said on AIM, awesome video.

Dec 25, 2006TravisGee

its not working for me =(

Dec 25, 2006Rynasty

copy and paste the link in your browser.

Dec 25, 2006Surfaced


What else can I say... that one word sums up just about everything in your crew's release, from the music, to the grinds. You guys have some rails that I'd say look to be the most fun ever. Where do all of you herald from? The blissful trance music with the greens of your locations work well together. Infact, just watching your video brought back so many happy memories of when Soap was in better condition... and when other things seemed to generally be doing better also.

Thank you, Ryan. This is among the best things a person can give.

Dec 25, 2006Slidey

Very good, There are some Awesome rails there, and a lot of the grinds are things that I'm not even close to being able to do.
Where do you soap? If I ever go there I wana try them rails!

Dec 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea man, the video was super sick

Hope to see more soon

Dec 25, 2006mnsoaperns

nice present for us man.

Dec 25, 2006Rynasty

Thanks for the feedback guys. And surfaced, I'm glad you left that comment because that was exactly the theme I was going for with this video. I wanted people to remember the good times with soaping and the good times associated with it.

And to answer your questions, we are from Portland, Oregon and all those spots are from here or around here.

Dec 26, 2006TravisGee

nah for some reason it is still not working

Dec 26, 2006SapAuthor

Nice job guys, very awesome video :D Wish i had a gropu of people to SOAP with like you guys. I have to start building a group that's local.

Dec 26, 2006Sigma

Sweet video man! I have been waiting so long for a new Soap video, thanks!

Dec 27, 2006TravisGee

can somebody tell me why or how to play this video cause when i put it in my browser it opens up the windows media player but after like 2 min its says somethings wrong

Dec 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Try opening up Windows Media PLayer, going to file, then OPEN URL. Paste it in there....when it fully loads, click SAVE AS....if that doesnt work, set the URL to a link somewhere (temporarily) and right-click it and click Save Target As

Jan 2, 2007Rynasty

top, more people need to see this.

Jan 2, 2007AnthoFlex

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