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Soaping art or sport?
Sep 30, 2003 by C.Strife

im new to the soaping industry i got my soaps today and i busted out some simple things on a small practice rail my buddy made for inline, nothing to brag about, but is there like an art to soaping? or at least does anyone have any pointers on style?

Sep 30, 2003C.Strife

I'm sorry i forgot to add something. i kinda wanna know what everyone uses to soap? like what type of shoes?

Sep 30, 2003Collin

i use t-bones

Sep 30, 2003mike

flint ordinance, i used to have smoke scabs and black cleans, but they dont work anymore

Sep 30, 2003Kingpin

I got green scabs and black flows

Oct 1, 2003GreenBeret

heelys grails, soap cleans, or soap scorchers. i dont soap much anymore but sometimes its fun to do.

Oct 1, 2003Mart

wtf does it matter what shoes people have? If your friend's any good at inline, watch him for pointers on style. If he's shit, go to www.be-mag.com and look at the stills/videos on there to see how the pros do style

Oct 1, 2003C.Strife

yeah my friends in um, not good, so i will check out that site thanx dude. and the question about the shoes was just me wondering what people use.

Dec 14, 2003Ozzy

Ordnance :Grey With White, Scam :gray yellow, T-Bone: Gray
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