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How bad are your worst grind plates?
Dec 25, 2006 by rkrdw93

can anyone post a pic of their most grinded out plates? the worst ones..

Dec 26, 2006dunk

Can't put my hands on the pic but I once split a plate in two from excessive grinding on a pair of Boltars.

Dec 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Heres one..... My Express plates...Hit nothing but Rocky ledges and Rails since February of this year...And still a LOT of life

http://www.myspace.com/soapshoes" target="_blank">http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/MessyExpress.jpg" border="0" alt="Messy Express">
Goes to show ya, Express are FREAKING durable as hell

Dec 26, 2006Slidey

lol dude, they ARE NOT as wrecked as like 4 of my replacement plates. It's wierd though, they all seem to have the most wear on the left bit of my right foot plate... (too many un-intended powerslides I guess...)

Dec 26, 2006AnthoFlex

But think about it....almost a year of nothing but unwaxed ledges

Dec 26, 2006matrix8967

my express where bad for a whilebut then i hit some rails and it wore them smooth...i can get mine rough realy quick...i have a HUGE gash in my bbks...i soaped those thin green metal things people put around small gardens and grass spots...if i would have gone another 10 feet, it would have sawed my plate in half...


Dec 28, 2006Rynasty

That plate looks like its never seen a ledge in its life to tell you the truth. I've been using my expresses for less than a year and there are no signs left of that little indention/groove.

Dec 28, 2006rkrdw93

lol. i have the UHF plates or w.e its called. the one with no groove.

Dec 28, 2006Rynasty

[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/smokey3st/IMG_3906.jpg[/IMG]my current plates. they're finally gettin a decent groove.

Dec 28, 2006Rynasty

http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/smokey3st/IMG_3906.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

one of these has to work

Dec 28, 2006matrix8967

damn...it's like lether face of grindplates. have you been grinding on barbed wire? the V-locks are even gone.


Dec 28, 2006Rynasty

Sometimes... I grind whenever I feel like it haha. Plus those "V-locks" are only there to start the groove. Once it's all worn smooth like mine are they lock perfectly.

Dec 28, 2006rkrdw93

damnn... wow cant believe they used to have the "v" in them...

Dec 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Hahaha, nice

Dec 29, 2006Wesker

Hah, Ryan were you trying to get the same picture as Antho's? Even have the blue in the back lol.

Dec 29, 2006rkrdw93

lol, true they're really similar.. wow.

Dec 29, 2006Rynasty

haha, that is kinda weird. Only one way to photograph soap plates I guess.

Dec 29, 2006AnthoFlex

i didnt even notice that haha, looks like we were both wearing our Express huh?...well, for me Express, for you...probably those Scams

Dec 29, 2006AnthoFlex

See, i would love grooves like that....Buuut nooo, for sum reason i just dunt get them

Dec 29, 2006rkrdw93

Rynasty's grooves look like they're not gonna keep you on the rail.. do u grind better with those kinds of grooves or anthoflex's?

lmao anthoflex, i saw ur thingy on youtube that washing machine and that horn thingy I was laughin my ass off.

Dec 29, 2006AnthoFlex

hahaha, yea, theres a funny story behind that, But as for the plates....Ryans plate gives you A LOT better lockin.....As you can see on mine....i have NO grooves, and the V-lockin has been worn down to almost nothing, so either i better start getting grooves in, or im fucked...

Dec 30, 2006Slidey

No Groove = Fucked



(God my jaw is STILL acheing)
Brand new Express plates don't have much of a groove...

Dec 30, 2006rkrdw93

WOW. lmao that was a really..bad bail.. =p

Dec 30, 2006Rynasty

You people need to start jumping onto rails. Climbing on and pushing off makes you look like a noob.

Dec 30, 2006AnthoFlex

I refuse to push off on rails....unless they're SUPER high and CANT be jumped on

Dec 30, 2006snikas

me plates are in fair condition 4 UHF plates. but damn its hard to take a chunk outta them

Jan 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Damn Snikas, do you do ledges with ur UHF's? Shit....those must be god's UHFs if they dunt get shredded to shit

Jan 1, 2007rkrdw93

I have UHF plates, I think they're fine,but I've never tried any other plates before... I grind3ed my first bench and picnic table!!! =D

Jan 1, 2007Slidey

I've jumped on that rail b4

Jan 1, 2007Slidey

It just don't have enough of a run up to get anywhere most of the time.

Jan 1, 2007Slidey

and ryan you soo remind me of my cuz by the way you said that lool

Jan 1, 2007matrix8967

i suck at jumping on rails...i do truck tail gates at school...cuz rednecks park them on the curb and leave thier gates down, so i soap em everytime i go by.


Jan 3, 2007SonicSoaper

The Express plate on my right Torch shoe is so worn down that a groove formed right through the v lock-on.

Jan 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Can we go back to posting pictures?
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