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What's up with all the haters?
Dec 27, 2006 by SapAuthor

I've been advertising on a couple forums trying to sell SOAPs. I've come across a ton of haters, even our brothers in aggressive inline, the sport SOAPs were made from, are mostly all dissing SOAPs. What's the deal? Has everyone lost the true meaning of Extreme sports? To go out and have fun, to live fast? All i see is people doing extreme sports to be better than everyone else, find someone to put down.

Dec 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Fuck those pricks dude, continue to keep the good name alive....Whenever im faced with that i own people up

Dec 28, 2006matrix8967

yeah, some people are lame like that...i feel bad for dissing heely's all the time...cuz we piss on them like some aggressive inline piss on us...the ONLY reason i hate HSL is because of what they are doing to soap...if they "free" soap so to speak, i won't be so bothered with it...i don't care about thier product...I THINK it's lame, but if some other kids like it, that's cool. i just hate it cuz it's blocking soap, so i take action against it...like tripping heel kids with soaps...but that's beside the point...because after HSL lets soap be it's own, or starts treating soap right...then i wont be so opposed to heelys.
that's my outlook


Dec 28, 2006AnthoFlex

I only hate on Heelys cause of HSL, the day i stop hating on Heelys is the day HSL makes Heelys and Soap equal again

Dec 28, 2006matrix8967

yeah, thats what i was trying to say...but renny said it alot better than me...i tend to ramble.


Dec 29, 2006Kru

Fruitbooters hate soaps cause they're half action. It's like having cake but then not getting ice cream on the side to them. The point of Heelys was to give them the ice cream, but it melted. Then again most XTREME sports guys will diss ANYTHING that isn't exactly what they do. Why they hate boarders, boarders hate them, BMX hates skaters the circle never ends..! Yet they all tend to dislike us unicyclist crowd.. :/

Dec 29, 2006SapAuthor

I just wish people took after the guys of nitrolife. They are a christian extreme group, they do anything for the rush and don't hate on anyone. Whether it be croch rocket stunts, mini dirt bikes, snowmobile jumping, mountain sking, skateboarding, BMX, anything they can get their hands on. And one of the guys even loves his pair of SOAP shoes, says they are the most styling and comfertable shoes he owns.

Dec 29, 2006matrix8967

stunts for god...sounds like job security..."if we screw up bad...we've got god on our side...and we can appeal to the kids this way"


Dec 29, 2006Kru

"God made this possible.." ... yyyyyyyyeahhh... a guy thats been dead for two thousand years, buried somewhere unknowingly is helping you of all people.. mmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmm.

Dec 29, 2006dunk

SapAuthor, sorry but your view is just a little naive. There are heirachies in extreme sports and if you Soap and consider it 'extreme' you're gonna attract hate from almost everyone, it's a fact. Just accept it and don't go posting on skate forums, you're just asking for large amounts of hate.

Dec 29, 2006AnthoFlex

Dunk is right, i just got a message reply on Soapshoes's myspace the guy was like

"Tell HSL to go fuck both companies and to start sponser rollerblading"

I shoulda responded with this, but i like to avoid problems...

"Rollerblade is a company...Inline is the sport..."

Dec 30, 2006SonicSoaper

God was never dead. He's a sentenient being.

Dec 30, 2006Kru

Wouldn't God technically be an "it?" Why is god always a guy anyways.. that tells me right there its complete ludacris

Dec 31, 2006Rynasty

"Rollerblade is a company...Inline is the sport..." That response would have made no fucking sense. Everybody in the sport calls it rollerblading. I don't think I've ever heard someone say "Hey let's go inline!" Or "I like inlining!"

But that guy is retarded in the first place. Why the fuck would HSL sponsor rollerblading? It has nothing to do with it.

Dec 31, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Ryan, calm down dude, you sounded like Mart there for a minute

Dec 31, 2006Kru

Thats your general response from inliners, rollers, bladers.. whatever you wanna call um. I told you they are against everything that isn't what they do. They are a bunch of hardass MF's too. You can even do like some super tweaked awesome trick soaping and they'd be all "faggy fag with the fag shoes... get boots "

Dec 31, 2006Rynasty

Well, can you blame them? While rollerbladers are pulling tricks like 540 kind grinds down kink rails, the average soaper is still trying to learn to do handicap rails. And no, I'm not saying you all suck, but there's a reason why some people look at soap shoes and think "oh those are gay".

Dec 31, 2006dunk

Totally agree with you Rynasty.

Jan 1, 2007Kru

Thats true.. so true. Some people get um for kicks.. like heelys. *sob* They think just doing a half assed frontside is like awesome.

Jan 1, 2007Rynasty

Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling anybody to quit soaping. Soaping is meant to be just for fun. But you give it an even worse name when you come on a site like this, which means you obviously take soaping at least a little seriously, but still go on posting pictures of half assed frontsides.

Jan 1, 2007AnthoFlex

I dunno dude, i take it seriously...And i dunt do half-assed FS....but i take it seriously cause its the shit, i dunno, thats what i think....

And also, look at the Relate crew.....They loved soaping, and for good reason, they were the best Soapers in the world

Jan 1, 2007matrix8967

i wish i was alot better than what I am...


Jan 1, 2007AnthoFlex

so practice...
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