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Dec 27, 2006 by SkateAndDestroy

i cant find them on any web sits any help?

Dec 27, 2006ordnanceflint91

go to www.sonicandpals.com and go to the near bottom and click on soap shoes link

Dec 27, 2006SkateAndDestroy

i found that website but i didnt know if it was authentic

Dec 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Authentic? Dude, Steven Deel, the OFFICIAL Soapshoes dealer is suppling them on sonicandpals.com

Dec 27, 2006ordnanceflint91

hell yeah its authentic, i have already ordered 2 pairs from him and they are great. just order from him. its easiest place to get new ones

Dec 27, 2006Surfaced

lmao authentic.

Soap isn't nearly big enough yet to attract scammers and replica shoemakers.

Dec 28, 2006SapAuthor

lol Me and Steve run it, it's authentic. I'm just not the best Flash Site designer :P But i'll tell u, the site's working good at least, we already have over 30 paid orders just in hte past month and a half. Any ideas of what I can do to get the site to look more authentic?

Dec 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Looks fine, just people are paranoid....dude go on AIM

Dec 28, 2006Go2Crew

Well hang on a moment while I check to see if I'm authentic ... yea, I am real! Seriously, though if you are questioning the website, I just listed a boatload on eBay, so buy them there. But I encourage you, if you're reading here on the forum, to buy through the website. Why? Well, several reasons:
1) We're giving a discount through the site to everyone in the community.
2) Trevor gets a commission for all his hard work on the site and gets his girlfriend into the country.
3) You can sign-up for SuperSonic Soapers and Trevor has made some space available to post your grinds.
4) It helps prove to HSL that Soap isn't just old-stock on eBay, there is a real interest in the Brand, and it helps give me some ammunition to press the point, when I go up there to get into their faces.
But those are just my thoughts, so eh ---- Steve

Dec 28, 2006SkateAndDestroy

Dec 28, 2006SkateAndDestroy

im gonna order a pair this afternoon then or maybe tomorrow i gotta convince the holder of the credit card haha thanks guys

Dec 28, 2006SapAuthor

no, thank you :-)

But still, i have heard others question the legitimicy of the site...maybe we do need some sort of "SEAL" of officiality. I would suggest have HSL Upload a simple page onto Heelys.com saying "Soaps.sonicandpals.com is a legitamet SOAP Dealer" and allow us to link to that page, so they know it's legit, but knowing HSL they probably wouldn't want to put the 5 minute effort to creat a new page from template and push the upload button.

Dec 29, 2006Kru

Do heelys grind plate shoes count as knock offs? Or half assed authentic?

Dec 29, 2006AnthoFlex

Heelys with grindplates are classified as
Poser-wear.....unless you are cool and take the wheel out while grinding....I rememeber one time i went to this Heely demo just to show them off my Soap skillz and then i.....actually, if anybody wanna hear the story...email me at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com or drop me a message on myspace.com/Soapshoes or myspace.com/AnthoFlex

There are too many eyes here.... '-_-

Dec 29, 2006SapAuthor

lol. share it with us :D
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