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What is your favorite Soapshoe?
Dec 29, 2006 by AnthoFlex

I got bored folks, but just a little sumthing to have fun with, whats ur favorite Soapshoe? or Soapshoes, if you have more than one.... I'll go first...

1. Express
2. Scam
3. Septum

Dec 29, 2006Slidey

1. Chaos
2. Boltar

In order of favoritisum (if thats even a word)

Dec 29, 2006mrgrind

2.Viva L.V. man i wish that they were released!

Dec 29, 2006mrgrind


Dec 30, 2006Rynasty

Black cleans all the way.

Dec 30, 2006SPSR

scorchers FTW

Dec 30, 2006Kru

2.crowbar/turnable(same SHOE!)

Dec 30, 2006AnthoFlex


Dec 30, 2006SPSR

...for the win...

Dec 30, 2006Sigma

Goas for me.

Dec 30, 2006matrix8967

of the ones i OWN
1. Scabs
2. Ordnance
3. Express
4. Broadsides

of ones i don't own

1. A-sides
2. Crowbars
3. Clean
4. T-bone


Dec 30, 2006mgm

1.Petrol Ordance
2.Imperial Squeaky Clean
3.yellow Scorcher

Dec 30, 2006rkrdw93

did u mean "WTF"? lol..
cleans..i guess never tried naythin else..

Dec 30, 2006AnthoFlex

SPSR loves bragging about buying those old Scorchers for $230 doesnt he?

Dec 30, 2006rkrdw93


Dec 30, 2006shdook

1. Dash
2. Ordnace
3. Express

Dec 30, 2006ordnanceflint91

1 Goa
2 Ordnance
3 Boltar
4 Express
5 Scabs

Jan 2, 2007SPSR

No antho, I just really like my scorchers. the shoe is light and comfortable, also the speedster plate has a nice lock on.

Jan 2, 2007mnsoaperns

1. Goa Whiteouts (looks good, never used them though)
2. Scorcher (it is light and comfortable)
3. Scab
4. express

Jan 2, 2007Kru

I can't believe how many people like express. There not really even soaps at all. It's HSL with the Soap name on it. -_- ;

Jan 2, 2007SPSR

i love the express it's a great plate. i never used the express shoe but i have used a shoe with the express plate on it. i loved the plate it was fast and had nice lock on.

Jan 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Thats cause its basically a speedster

Jan 4, 2007SapAuthor

I would say:

Boltars(my pair)
A Side/Broadside (would like to try the 50/50 plate)

Jan 5, 2007AnthoFlex

You arent mising much, The Sole plate is slow as hell

Jan 5, 2007SapAuthor

probably cuz ther'es more friction. Still would be nice to expand your tricks. If they made the plate different it would be faster, just reduce the surface area by making it like waves, VVVV will go faster than _____

Jan 5, 2007AnthoFlex

Thats exactly what i thought

also, making it wider would help....the rails rub on the side of the plates a little (on the rubber) so its like brake bars

Jan 6, 2007SSAndroid

FTW = for the win

and i say goas

Jan 6, 2007AnthoFlex

I still dunt get the For the Win but dunt explain it to me, its ok, i see flamers in the distance

Jan 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

1 Goa YellowJacket (own)
2 Ordnance Flint (own)
3 T Bone
4 Squeaky Cleans (own)
5 Boltar
6 Express
7 Scabs (used to own)

this was an update

Jan 9, 2007Kile

I love all the soap shoes idc if they look ugly as long as they would
let me gridn thats all that matters.

And i think Vectors suck there horrible
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Orr Whartman hittin a Frontside
Derek Brooks hittin a Frontside
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Bart Johnson bustin a frontside in Tighty Whities
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