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Is anybody else getting sick of Heelys?
Dec 30, 2006 by Locke

Every five seconds, I see some stupid little kid go riding down the hall on his Heelys, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

If Heelys hadn't succeeded, then HSL would probably put some actual effort into marketing Soaps, and then it'd be big again. That'd be awesome, and they wouldn't be so goddamned hard to find.

Remember, pushing little kids on Heelys and making them get injured so their mothers won't let them heel anymore isn't evil; it's a legitimate way to help Soap come back. ;D

Dec 30, 2006AnthoFlex

dude, it irritates me too, but i just take it easy....


Dec 30, 2006SonicSoaper


Dec 30, 2006Slidey

It's really irritating, but I don't do that, it's evil.

What I DO do is go up to them say sumin like "cool Heelys! When you get older if you ever get bored of them you should try some soaps, there made by the same company as well!"

Then thier usually like "What are soaps"

Then I explain, show them my shoe and some of the videos, then I let them go.

Mission acomplished, when they get bored of Heelys (like everybody does coz there so God-damn repetitive) they will probably buy soaps!

Dec 30, 2006matrix8967

i push the older kids down.

heelys are like "be sure to be safe! we care about you and all that" (seriously, check out thier "instructional vids" at thier website...) but soaps are like "get some balls and do it, don't hurt ur self, but if you do, it's not my fault. shoes for the daily grind. play with ur self" and heely's are for the puss people.


Dec 30, 2006rkrdw93

lol everybody in my school has them. Its irritating.. i hate how they glide for lik 3 seconds.. then go in to a walk, then glide,, AGHH agrivating.,

they banned them in my school, cus so many kids were being retarded, and they wrote on the calendar "Remember, parents, heelys are not allowed in school!"

i also saw this little kid heely..ing.. ? lol
anyway he fell flat on his face (literally) in front of lik a million people. it was hilarious.

Dec 30, 2006AnthoFlex

i was at the mall today and i saw about a million kids with Heelys.....two of the kids had the evolution and the flow heelys
i wanted to challenge them to GRIND but there wasnt any rails around

Dec 30, 2006Kru

I dont care anymore. Its a stupid "thing," I've said this many times. It'll die off soon and then They will only be left with the dedicated. Which includes Soapers wanting their shoes back. The only reason why kids buy them is because they see other kids wearing them and go "I WANT THAT" .. what happens in a couple of months? You got it to goodwill they go and they are on to the next thing.

Jan 2, 2007shdook

I know a bunch of kids in my school that have evolutions and i go "hey you guys know you got grindplates on those right?" and then they go "What are grindplates?" Then i gotta explain it to them and then they all sound so excited but still never use them except for the wheel.

Jan 2, 2007AnthoFlex

You shouldnt even tell them.....Sum kid had the Evolutions (freshman) and i was cool when i approached him and i was like "Yo, you got any skills on ur plates dude?" And then he made this angry sound like a car underwater and walked away. I was so offended that i was like "You mad cause i could own you up right?"

So yea, they'll eventually grow outta the wheel thing : )

Jan 3, 2007vmn551

dude heelys piss me off.
one time i threw a bunch of marbles in front of one of those kids.
it was enjoyable.

Jan 3, 2007shdook

lol I love tripping people on heelys there only going to like them for so long beacause with no real tricks to do on them they will get bored fast

Jan 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo vmn551, sure you did....

Jan 4, 2007SapAuthor

As much as we all like to gripe guys, we got to face the fact too. HSL owns SOAP, they hold all the keys and gaurd all the doors. Sometimes HSL guys look at this stuff, and do you think it makes them want to take any efferts Steve and I make at getting them to invest more in SOAP seriously?

Besides, making fun of people wheeling around is just a weaker form of stuff like Extreme Bladers hating SOAPers, or Skateboarders hating Bladers. If the kids like to wheel around, let them. Show them SOAPs and let show them what you got but no one is going to want to convert from Heely's to SOAPs if the SOAPers were being punks and jerks to them.

Besides, they don't know any better, they don't know about SOAPs or nothing, HSL won't advertise. How about we keep the noise down and start focusing on getting ppl to buy SOAPs instead of focusing on whining about wheelers. Nothing good ever got done by complaining guys.

Jan 4, 2007AnthoFlex

Im actually gonna stop hating on Heelys. My cousin got a pair a few months ago and every weekend she would come to my house and roll around nonstop to mess with me.....Now she says she hates the wheels....

So i lent her my Express....(even though it was HUGE on her) and she loved the grindplate...She wants to get Soapshoes now : )

Jan 4, 2007SapAuthor

Good for you Antho, we all need to stop hating all together, set an example, be above the rest. Dario sets a good example, i haven't seen him hate on anyone. The coolest and most respectible extreme sportists are those that respect others and help instad of put down.

Jan 4, 2007shdook

I get alotta people asking me to borrow my soaps and i let them and then they want to buy them so theyll check in stores and cant find them anywhere and just kinda forget about soap

Jan 5, 2007SapAuthor

www.soaps.sonicandpals.com <- SOAP store, lol. Show them this, this is the only SOAP store, Steve's and mine.

Jan 5, 2007AnthoFlex

And if they cant rememeber the site tell them to go to Myspace.com/Soapshoes and on the page to click on Sonic the Hedgehog

Jan 6, 2007SapAuthor

it's not a problem of them forgetting, they are too lazy to go on and edit the code. the original flash fla files were probably lost, so it would mean having to remake that page. Heck, i'de do it for them if they woudl let me upload it.
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