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need soaps
Jan 6, 2007 by mrgrind

ive wanted a pair of the old soaps with removable grindplates for about 3 yrs(us size 12)but all i could find were express :( also my parents wont let me order out of the usa or buy any used pairs they have to be brand new

what should i do?

Jan 6, 2007SapAuthor

keep an eye out on ebay. Only Express models are in production, and only sold at Steve's and Mine shop at soaps.sonicandpals.com, and we only have some ordnance flint in size 10 US. Keep an eye out on ebay, southernbelt ships them but they are from the US, i'm assuming your from the UK or something. If your in UK, there are some online shops there that have some left overs, size 12 is going to be hard to find man :( if your desperate for soaps, you can always just go with express, they were my first pair, did me well.

Jan 6, 2007mrgrind

sap im in the usa and i bought my second pair of express from you about a month ago

express is good and all but nothing beats replacable grind plates :)

i was really close to getting a pair of sylon spectrums 2 days ago but someone outbid me
in the last 30 seconds -_-

Jan 7, 2007TravisGee

theres a program that will bid for you at the last second the only way youll lose is if somebody else has the program

Jan 7, 2007Wesker

I'd say stick with the express. The style of the shoe can get boring but if you're in need of a Soap fix trust me when I say that nonreplaceable plates have ALWAYS been better ('Cept maybe impacts :P) than replaceable plates.

They're lighter, in some cases more durable, and have a better design to them. The Express plates are better than the BBK's by far.

Jan 7, 2007AnthoFlex

Thank you Dario for agreeing with me

Jan 8, 2007SapAuthor

ehh, i do like the BBK more in my opinion cuz you can grind on non rounded things, a lot of rails around here are about 1.5 inch square sided ones, and the BBK and stil get on those, but the Express are hard. I like the slo bro's edges on them too, although i've been so busy with 25 hour work weeks, 3 computer jobs during hte week, making comics every day and making all my runs and errands, i haven't soaped in weeks -.- i have the PVC pipe in my garage, but by the time i finish working it's night and 25 degrees outside...*sigh*

Jan 8, 2007AnthoFlex

its ok dude. You'll get time
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