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New Blood
Jan 9, 2007 by SapAuthor

Hey, we got a rising star, one of my team members who goes by Dark Vermillion just got his SOAPs a week ago, already he's busting some difficult tricks.


Jan 9, 2007AnthoFlex

I cant tell, but they look like Heelys...

Jan 9, 2007SapAuthor

Antho, they are SOAPs dude, he bought them from me. Chill antho, he's a SOAP brother, even if he's competition, we are all part of the same team.

Jan 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Im not competiting, i was just saying that i couldnt tell if they were Soaps or not, calm down

Jan 9, 2007AnthoFlex

And the kid is doing just fine, im not shitting his style

Jan 10, 2007SapAuthor

aight, just making sure everythings cool, lol. from my email u sent me wasn't sure if you were willing to get alone with him ;) :P and you know what email i'm talking about

Jan 12, 2007Rynasty

please, no more shitty filming of practice rails. PLEASE. do a handrail.

Jan 14, 2007Kru

I'm with Rynasty.

Jan 14, 2007SapAuthor

lol the kid has just started soaping, he'll get to hand rails

Jan 14, 2007DaSholZ

I can relate. I just started using benches, my bums been a bit sore since then.

Jan 14, 2007AnthoFlex

I can do handrails, but lately i've been a little scared to jump ever since a little incident on the Longest Rail i ever cleared.....

I thought i go back there with a camera and got raped by the rail....cut me up bad haha

Jan 14, 2007SonicSoaper

Don't drop the Soap. XD! But seriously, he's actually pretty decent in this vid. Would've been better if the camera was placed better and he didn't, no offense, half-ass the royale. retty impressed that he's relatively new and can pull of a Cheese Grater. Does he inline?

Jan 14, 2007Rynasty

regardless of the tricks, it is still a practice rail. that wasn't impressive at all. that is the shit that you shouldn't be filming, practice on your pvc until you can actually do the trick on a real object.

Jan 14, 2007Rynasty

And what is Dank Vermillion? This isn't sonic the hedgehog, it's soap shoes for god's sake.

Jan 15, 2007AnthoFlex

the only time i ever seen Vermillion is in Pokemon.....But Ryan, the kid just started out, give him a break.

Jan 15, 2007SapAuthor

To answer everyone's quesitons, yes he inlines, although he isnt' good with the grinding part of it. And Ryan, lay off, the video was for point system i have in my ground, send in video of ur tricks and get points, he's just trying to ascend in rank while practicing. And the Team is Super Sonic SOAPers, so it IS Sonic the hedgehog, ever play Sonic Adventure 2 battle?

Jan 15, 2007Soopahsonic

1. Vermillion is a colour.
2. Back off, Ryan.
3. I need to use my video camera. I feel bad.
4. I like him!

Jan 15, 2007Rynasty

I just realized everyone on this site is retarded.

1. You hyped the shit out of him by saying "new blood" and "pulling difficult tricks" when all he did was grind 3 feet on a practice rail. This just goes to show what the level of soaping is at these days, which is kind of embarassing.

2. Cry about it

3. You all need to use your video camera, and start doing tricks that are WORTH FILMING. Since I've come back, there really has been nothing even slightly decent to come out of the soap scene. Everyone is taking pictures of curbs and its supposed to be the shit.

4. Point systems? Seriously, this is NOT sonic the fucking hedgehog, we don't get points in real fucking life for doing a shitty UFO on a bench. Soap because it is fun, not for cool e-points.

Jan 18, 2007SonicSoaper

And now for a reply...

Let me drag out the long ass discussion hats. Now let me put mine on. I said it was impressive that he could do a cheese grater because it's hard for me to pull it off. While I agree that a point system is lame, it still give you no right to just bash it. If it's just for a little fun for the SSS team then so be it. Who the hell tells people how to have fun for Christ's sake? Even if practice grind vids or pics are lame at least you're getting the time in to improve a little. And another thing, some people take more time than other to warm up to certain heights. We aren't fricken ninjas that can jump seven feet in the air without making a sound. If we were we'd have a new president from all the ninja Democrats who says they want Bush dead. I've been doing this for about five months now and I'm just trying to get used to hip height rails. Bash me all you want because I frankly don't care anymore. Onhe of the reasons don't plan on getting any pics up yet is because I'm WORKING on TECHNIQUE. I'll grind a curb for fun but never for "1337 pIx0rz!" That's just retarded. Seriously man, I've seen the sick ass stuff you can do just give the so-called new blood some time. And by the way, if this counts as crying than you're more pissed off than I thought you were.

Jan 18, 2007AnthoFlex

haha, im laughing my ass off here

Jan 18, 2007shdook

yeah sss is just for fun... As for me im gonna stop sending in half-assed grinds

Jan 18, 2007Rynasty

Haha, yes I am soo pissed :D. I guess no one sees that I'm just trying to give soap a better name. If someone were to stumble onto a soap site these days what would they think? They would probably think soapers are a bunch of sonic the hedgehog obsessed nerds who only bought soaps because they saw them in a video game. Seriously, soaping used to have style. It's kind of embarassing now.

Jan 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Dude, Ryan, we all want Soap to return to it's former glory. Isn't that one of the reasons there's going to be a demo in Queens? Isn't that the reason you have people like southernbelt and Steven Deel selling Soaps in the first place? People like to diss and talk shit but when it comes down to it they have hardly any skill or idea of what they're bashing. Don't worry about what people think because there's always going to be that group of people who think Soaping is cool.

Jan 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Im with Ryan....Trev, do me a favor, take out the video and the points for the Farf, Royale, and Cheesegrater

I have a QUITE a few good handrail videos

Im going to wait until Dario gives me back my USB thingy....then u'll get sum better videos....

The P.R shit is getting stupid.....i feel like a noob

Jan 20, 2007SapAuthor

The point system is to keep people improving, trying new tricks so they can go out and do tricks on rails and impress people (since it's better to do a trick to impress). It's also kind of fun because you want to stay on top.

Ryan, are you sure your not Mart? You are being a major downer, quit hating on Sonic. A lot of people found out about SOAPs thanks to Sonic Adventure 2, and other new sonic games that feature the grinding. I got into SOAPs cuz i saw Sonic grinding and the SOAP banners while playing SA2B and wanted to try it out. If i didn't have that, i would not be SOAPing, and SOAPs may still be not in production (not saying i caused it to come back, but when i first came SOAPs and the forums here were pretty dead, and it is on my site that the only shop is open). Quit hating on the hedgehog.

And FYI, i am a sonic freak and proud of it. I've seen all 240 episodes, have the movie, run the largest sonic sprite comic, have almost all their games and going through 1 by 1 completing 100%. Even my girlfriend is a Sonic freak like me. Deal with it, Sonic is a small part of SOAPing, at least linked to it in some way.

And i know most of the videos are just on practice rails, but they just got their SOAPs. I'm challanging them to start going for bigger and better, but even I started on a simple PVC pipe, and it took a while before i stepped up to hand rails.

And if you are so "Embarrased" about SOAPs, maybe u should stop then, wouldn't want you to be "uncool" *rolls eyes* You should worry more about getting more people into SOAP, not what type of people are already there.

PS: Vermillion IS doing stuff outside of a practice rail, going down park slides, skateboarding off onto rails, and having fun.

Jan 20, 2007Rynasty

"You should worry more about getting more people into SOAP, not what type of people are already there." Who is going to want to get into soaping when they see what the scene is like? sonic the hedgehog and grinding practice rails with no style. Sounds awesome.

And maybe I do sound like Mart. Probably because we are both right. They're called PRACTICE rails for a reason; they are meant for you to practice on. No one wants to watch videos of kids learning how to grind. That's something you do on your own time and if you need a fucking point system on a website to motivate you then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Jan 20, 2007AnthoFlex

im not getting in this.....just erase the Royale, Cheesegrater, Farf vid and remove the points for them....imma give u sum handrail pix

Jan 20, 2007AnthoFlex

*** videos

Jan 21, 2007SapAuthor

antho, when u send in the new stuff, then just remind me and i will do it all on one change.

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex


Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Lets find out what happens in todays comic...

Jan 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Friggen spammers.
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