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i need help with soaps
Jan 9, 2007 by gotnicerice

so my soaps just arrived today, but what should i grind on and then what should i move up to? i've been trying curbs which doesn't work for me=/

Jan 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Grind on anything you want....Soapshoes grind on things you wouldnt even normally think of

Jan 10, 2007gotnicerice

but if i grind on rough things too much, the plates will wear out faster, right?

Jan 10, 2007mrgrind

depends on what plates you have

Jan 10, 2007mnsoaperns

Yeah Man grind on whatever. surprised you asked, suppose you just want to keep your (presumably) only pair of soaps for as long as possible.

Jan 10, 2007Surfaced

Gotnicerice, is this your first pair of Soap shoes?

Jan 10, 2007SapAuthor

As always recommended, go to a hardware store and get yourself a 2 inch diameter, ten foot PVC pipe for about 10-14 dollars. Practice on that, then move onto higher rails, build up, practice tricks, etc. If you do hard surfaces like curbs, wax them so u don't destroy ur plates
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