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Jan 11, 2007 by SSAndroid


i was wondering if there was a way u guys do to raise w/e u practice on like a pvc pipe so u can practice higher stuff

and i dont have enough $ to get a real skateboard rail, so dont recommend that

Jan 11, 2007ordnanceflint91

get some 2x4 wood or anything like that and make it higher....build something that can hold it up higher and it not move...i built my rail with pvc pipe and some wood and its like 2 ft 2 inches...works great

Jan 11, 2007shdook

Ahh yes thats a problem i had too. Now that i have a skateboarding rail $50 for a kinked rail i dont have to worry about it but i used a bar stool and a laundry basket to raise it. Or you can nail a few peices of wood together and raise it on your couch

Jan 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Trevor had a really helpful video on that....had to do with bags or sumthing....care to give the link Trev?

Jan 11, 2007shdook

yup he raised it up with garbage bags filled with sand i believe

Jan 12, 2007SSAndroid

how do u keep the rails from moving around?

Jan 12, 2007SapAuthor

Well, you can do what i had, use mulch, wood ships, dirt, sand, etc in garbage bags. The pipe will sag in a little making a natural bevel and preventing it from moving side to side. If you want something to not bend as much, u have to get steel or iron pipe, that won't bend as easily, then you can just use stuff like a porch or something.

Jan 12, 2007SSAndroid

alright thanx, how much do pvc pipes sag?

Jan 12, 2007matrix8967

pvc pipes sag bad...once i was like "I wonder what it's like to soap this with no supports...i got like...half a foot and it just sank to the ground (like in the cartoons when the coyotee is walking on the powerline/tight rope and it sinks to the ground and he steps off and it flys up...) now mine is kinda bleh...


Jan 12, 2007shdook

or you can be stupid like me and put the PVC pipe on your stairs and sidewalk down it. Really just go buy a metal pipe or a square practice rail

Jan 13, 2007SSAndroid

aight thanx

Jan 15, 2007SapAuthor

i would say to reduce sad, put at least one support every 2.5 to 3.5 feet. and i mean a solid stand. I did hypothesize that if you bolted down the PVC pipe to 3 stands, and then bolted the stands to a single board, the stands could not come closer, and hte PVC pipe could not move on teh stands, thus possibly eliminating or reducing the sag (sorry if this is confusing, hard to explain).

Jan 15, 2007AnthoFlex

it is confusing....but thats probably cause i didnt get good sleep last night....i was coding this Tricktionary from scratch for about 2 hours....

check it out, its on Myspace.com/Soapshoes

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