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SOAP career down the drain? :(
Jan 14, 2007 by DaSholZ

I had an ankle injury about two years ago playing baseball. I strained a couple a ligaments. About a month later I was right as rain.
Now, two years later, as I'm trying new tricks, I find that my ankle is preventing me from doing tricks such as Royals or Farfs. So I can't do anything that requires me to put weight on my ankle.
I can still do Frontsides and UFO's. Do you guys got any ideas on what I can do?

Jan 15, 2007SapAuthor

hey man, no sense in injuring urself more. Royale and farf require ankle bending and once u hurt ur ankles u are even more suseptible to re-injure. If i were you, i would first put on a small ankle brace when u do soap so u don't hurt urself again, and isntead of going for that type of trick, try going for stunts like stair rails, hand rails, maybe a cheesegrater or unity which require little bending. The ankle braces may be a bit combersome, but will help u put more weight on ur ankles without allowing them to bend.

Also, make sure to ice ur ankles if they start to get really sore.

Jan 15, 2007DaSholZ

I haven't hurt them at all (yet). It's not my entire ankle. I just can't move it inward. It's not bothering me at all.

Jan 15, 2007AnthoFlex

dude, dont recommend a unity or cheesegrater...you are more liable to break your ankle with those rather than just hurting it if you do it wrong....plus he is already injured

Jan 15, 2007DaSholZ

*sigh* I'm not injured!! It was two years ago!! It's just stiff at that point now.

Jan 15, 2007AnthoFlex

i guess i read wrong

Jan 15, 2007Rynasty

Well if it doesn't hurt and it's just stiff you probably need to exercise your ankle. The more your foot is in strange positions like for royales and such, the stronger your foot will get. However it will probably be bad in the long run but who really cares about that right?
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