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Feb 2, 2007 by matrix8967

this spam here is like mad. the admins never get on enough to clean it out. please, clean this shit out man.


Feb 2, 2007shdook

I know we need to ban all their ips or somthin

Feb 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Thats exactly what i was about to message to Derek lol

The IP thing i mean

Feb 2, 2007SonicSoaper

I'm not going to post "friggin spammers" seventeen times again because of these morons. Too much work.

Feb 3, 2007matrix8967

yeah, but some of them will have dynamic IPs...infact, i'd bet almost all of them have dynamic ips...(dynamic means it changes all the time for those who don't know) I think we should just make some more admins...or like, partial admins who can just clean forum posts.


Feb 3, 2007SonicSoaper

Like g-mods?

Feb 5, 2007RamenRadio

I don't post a lot, or login a lot, but I do visit solid grind all the time as a guest. I'm usually only interested in reading more than posting myself, but I would love to help out with the spammer issue. I don't sleep that much at all (ask AJ for yourself lol), so I can be logged A LOT to make sure that not one thread by a spammer is on solid grind. This is by far the most awesome place on the internet for me, and I'll make sure to keep the idiotic spammers out of here. It's the least I could do for a great place like this.

Feb 6, 2007matrix8967

yeah, alot of us want to help with the Spam thing...it's like sweet revenge :D


Feb 6, 2007RamenRadio

Then I would be perfect for the job, huh? >:-)

Feb 6, 2007SonicSoaper

We should spam them with emails since they tend to leave their email adresses.

Feb 6, 2007dunk

It's no use banning IPs these days, as matrix pointed out everyone is running on dynamic IPs now. Having learned from bitter experience, the best way to avoid spam is to moderate each new user before allowing them to make their first post. Unfortunately that means a delay in getting an account, not to mention a lot of work for the admins, but it's generally enough to put the spammers off.
If any spammers are stupid enough to leave their email address on this forum, or even on their website, then I think you know what to do... not that I'm encouraging that kind of thing ;)

Feb 6, 2007RamenRadio

I'll take the information if anyone has left any yet thank you...


Feb 6, 2007matrix8967

my suggestion is to make like...half-admins...certain users to delete forum posts and stuff like that. maybe derek will read this.


Feb 7, 2007RamenRadio

Well, until we resolve something, I'm a gonna give our little spammer here zingpbapgpong or whatever the hell his name is a little phone call.... Anyone else care to join and tell him what you think?

Feb 7, 2007Soopahsonic

I am SO sick of: ZOmGzoR!!1 bUy thes N1k3s!!1 Or.. sweatpants.

Feb 7, 2007Soopahsonic

I've also been hate-mailing the retards who actually post personal email addresses. :)

Feb 8, 2007RamenRadio

So I'm going to give the guy a little piece of my mind ;D

Feb 8, 2007matrix8967

don't spam back. then you're just helping them. the more email they get from here, the more they'll post. they'll think "hmm...they're reading it." and tell all their spammer buddies to hit this place.


Feb 8, 2007shdook

i spammed ptzls pretty bad at school today. Did not want them to get my real e-mail adress

Feb 9, 2007RamenRadio

If u guys think that spamming back isn't such a good idea, I won't do it then. Sorry, I was just a little hot-headed everyone

Feb 9, 2007Go2Crew

Hey there Derek, Dunk, Mart and any other Admins ... Someone needs to seriously consider some type of denial of services, user suspension/termination, or an echo bounce-back attack on these e-mail marketing wonks. The Forum just got slammed with about ten more "special offer" pops. On the lighter side, I looked at a couple of their items and Ape Bape Star must be Chinese for "butt-ugly shoes" --- Regards, Steve.

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

Steve i agree with you, its getting out of hand from these spammers, it sux ass they keep doin this

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

LMAO! Steve got jokes lol

Feb 9, 2007matrix8967

yeah, if you respond to them, they'll just send more. stop harassing them. just delete them and then deny them. but atleast it's a sign of popularity!


Feb 10, 2007Jard39

that is true

Feb 10, 2007RamenRadio

I never did anything. I said I would, but I realized it was a childish thing to do. My apologies. But anyway, please do something about those stupid threads. A least have them removed! I don't want to see something like "awesome shoes" unless it's about soaps. thanks

Feb 10, 2007matrix8967

alot of them where removed. thanks to whoever did so.


Feb 13, 2007Surfaced

I want adminship just to delete those at will... and a handful of comments.

Have you guys seen their Air Jordans? My eyes were bleeding after glanced at those disgraceful fakes.

Feb 17, 2007RamenRadio

This is really bothering me, this spamming is ridiculous, and I've just about had it. I'm going to email broox to see if he can do something, because we shouldn't have spamming here. And its actually sick and disgraceful that so many spammers have been spamming about shoes.

Feb 17, 2007matrix8967

holy dick on a stick. this is re-god damn-diculous. i mean SERIOUSLY...

Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex

iight calm down people, i have already emailed Derek on this, either him or one of the other Admins will take care of this

Feb 17, 2007Go2Crew

Hey there Derek, Dunk, Mart and any other Admins ... looks like the the little pinhead has now been pulling some serious OT to spam the forum! Can we use a front-end tool to kill him? Checkout David Mertz's article at http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-spamf.html Just a thought anyways... And hey David, I agree the AirJordans are seriously nasty, nowhere close to a decent copy job on those. So Meester, wanna buy a Roleks? (mis-spelling intended). Regards, Steve,

Feb 17, 2007RamenRadio

Alright, thanks Renny.

Feb 18, 2007RamenRadio

I'm sorry if I'm acting annoying, but I just feel so damn helpless seeing stupid spammers spam a nice place, and just leaving stupid comments.

Feb 18, 2007AnthoFlex

haha Ramenradio, your comment sounded wierd, but i can relate....this sounds korny but Solidgrind is like a second home to me....i dunno

Feb 18, 2007RamenRadio

Oh definitely. But what I mean is that I don't want to keep on making arguments about the spam here. I like solidgrind, but I want to get this spamming thing fixed. But I don't know if saying stuff over and over again sounds annoying

Feb 18, 2007SonicSoaper

It kinda is but it's true. The admins should get on the ball, especially Mart. He's started more flame wars than anyone I know with but a songle word and he could use that skill to get back at these spammers.

Feb 18, 2007matrix8967

damn...these guys have been busy...what's thier problem? do they need money or something...or are they just arse holes.


Feb 18, 2007matrix8967

wow, they're still going

Feb 18, 2007AnthoFlex

fucking hell.....

They love selling fake shoes don't they?

Feb 18, 2007Slidey

I personally don't wear any shoes except soaps now (unless im forced like in school) but even then I take soaps to grind stuff or jump/climb over stuff

Feb 18, 2007shdook

yeah i cant remember the last time i wore any different kinds of shoes but soaps.

Feb 18, 2007RamenRadio

I only wear chucks every now and then, but NO ONE can stop me from wearing my sylons. Fuck my school, I don't care if they don't want me to wear them, I'll still wear them.

Feb 18, 2007RamenRadio

I'm going to smack the next spammer. NO JOKE

Feb 18, 2007shdook

lol, I hate when teachers always say "alright thats enough put those things away now" or even worse "take the wheels out of those right now" I fucking hate when people say that.

Feb 18, 2007RamenRadio

They told me not to soap in the school again, and I did it right after they told me not too lol.

Feb 18, 2007matrix8967

a coach was yellin at me for it...i just ignored him...I wear my vans (not slip on) or my Chucks now and then, but only when i have work on a ladder or something.

anyway, fucking spammers.


Feb 19, 2007Draker

why dont you use an security code on each registration, it stop a lot of spammer!!
cause most of the time spammer are just some Zombie machine or bot

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Okay, now it's porn spam. What the hell? Do any admins care about what's going on? I know i'm talking some pretty bad shit here, but come on! I'm up almost 24 hours a day, and I can't help out to fix some of this crap? wtf?

Feb 19, 2007shdook

I thought the porn spammers left awhile ago, just dont respond to them, if you do there getting exactly what they want.

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Damnm, sorry. I won't do it again.

Feb 19, 2007shdook

Its ok, they know were not going to buy any of there gay products so they just post that shit to tick us off

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, or watch any of their dumb ass porn. I'm mean seriously, does any of that have to do with soaping? THEN DON'T POST IT!!! I'd delete all the spam that ever happened on this forum if I had the admin abilities.

Feb 19, 2007matrix8967

the porn spam is so freakin hilarious. onetime, it was on here, and it said "gaping asshole" i was like omg! who would like thier asshole ripped open. lol. then one said "granny porn" i was like "wt-fucking-f"


Feb 19, 2007SapAuthor

Lol i think the spam filter is working O.o look at all the actual SOAP related topics now on top!

Feb 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Soaping Porn? Hmmmmmm, BAAAAAAD IDEA!
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