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trick help
Feb 3, 2007 by matrix8967

ok, I need some help with the following tricks...


the one foot tricks never work...do you use your lead foot or back foot? also, I can not lead with my left at all...never fails my legs fly out from under me...


Feb 3, 2007Emerl

Luckily, I was blessed with being able to lead with both legs equally. Unfortunately I was not blessed with any other Soap related skill.

Feb 3, 2007shdook

backslide- use your back fool to grind and grab your leading foot

cheesgrater- practice bending your legs in positon before you try it, and practice like hell

unity- learn how to do the cheesegrater first, then swing your foot back around when you grind

tourqe- practice lots of backslides then just tweak your foot.

christ grind- only use one shoe, and place your foot on top of your shoe than practice with both shoes.

Feb 3, 2007AnthoFlex

I found cheesegrater to be extremely easy for me

Feb 3, 2007shdook

At first it was hard for me, but now it just comes naturally.
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