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who would rather hav soap than heelys
Feb 6, 2007 by soaper334

i think heelys are a bit childesh.we need to get soap back out to the public and bring theim back!

Feb 6, 2007AnthoFlex

I think everyone agrees

Feb 6, 2007SonicSoaper

Soaps all the way.

Feb 6, 2007ordnanceflint91

yeah definately Soaps only for me

Feb 6, 2007RamenRadio

SOAP ALL THE WAY!! I'm sorry, but I have never touched a pair of heelys, and I don't intend to. I'm wearin soaps till the day I die people.

Feb 6, 2007shdook

Yeah i dont expect anyone to disagree with us here...

Feb 6, 2007DaSholZ

Heelys don't make bigger sizes anymore.
Plus Soaps are just plain awesome!!

Feb 6, 2007AnthoFlex


Feb 7, 2007RamenRadio

I will make an anti commercial about that. Kinda like the Lucky charms commercial. There will be this crazy adult running around in heelys, and then a kid will take them away, and say, "Silly grown up, heelys are for kids!"

Feb 7, 2007SonicSoaper

Don't you mean Trix? Hey, waitaminute! Travis, bring your camera to the demo. I think Renny can help us out with your little anti-mercial.

Feb 7, 2007Go2Crew

You know maybe, just maybe someone over at HSL will wake-up and notice that the new Soap size run fits one size too small (if you are a size 9 you have to buy a size 10 for fit) and also that it was a very bad move to cut-out sizes 13 and 14, just to save some tooling, cutting die, and outsole mold costs. Sure did take a big slice out of the Soap market share, imho. ---Steve

Feb 7, 2007ordnanceflint91

Steve, i agree with the size thing. i got a pair of express size 11 from a friend and they fit more like my size 10 ordnance and squeakys....its like this express 11 is really a 10

Feb 7, 2007ordnanceflint91

oops left out part of the sentence its like this express 11 is really a 10 compared to the old soaps....that makes more since now lol. and yeah one size small sux

Feb 7, 2007Surfaced

"i think heelys are a bit childesh.we need to get soap back out to the public and bring theim back!"

Yeah we've been working on that for about ten months now.

Feb 7, 2007AnthoFlex

For real....and i already made that Trix cartoon thing

Email me at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com if you want me to send you a copy

Feb 7, 2007RamenRadio

AH, nice! I'll still bring my camera though in case we have some more ideas ;)

Feb 7, 2007Mauisnow13

I told my little sister the other day that i had ordered a pair of soaps finally and she said, "Aren't you a little big for those?" I laughed and told her that you never grow out of Soaps, Heelies on the other hand, are lame for anyone over the age of 6.

It was kinda a double shot, cause she has been tryin to get a pair of heelies....lol It was freakin' funny.....she just got mad and stomped away.



Feb 7, 2007Soopahsonic

I have a pair of both, I'm not a fanboy but at the same time, I really hate HSL.

Feb 7, 2007Soopahsonic

But at the same time, I never use Heelys.. ever.

Feb 7, 2007Sigma

I think everyone here would rather have Soaps that Heelys hehe...

Feb 7, 2007mgm

Instead of always bagging on heeleys why don't you help them develop them so they can become as good or better than soaps.

Feb 7, 2007DaSholZ

I like this idea.

any other suggestions?

Feb 8, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, get rid of number one on that list and everything's cool.

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Because noone here likes Heelys MGM.....i mean, i respect Heelys and all, i just hate the way they get all the credit that Soapshoes deserves

Feb 8, 2007Mauisnow13

YA, I agree with AnthoFlex.....

But if SOAPS get out too much, will they possibly become as popular as Heely's? That would suck then the Soapers would be the dumb ones.....

I say, let the stupid little kids with Heely's have their fun crackin their heads open, and we can have our fun shredden the heck out of the rails....We just need to make sure that soaps get sold enough to stay in production, ya know?

C ya

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

When Soap becomes big again, they can co-exist with Heelys as they once did.

If anyone remembers, like every Demo from HSL back in 2001,02,03 were Co-op Soap and Heely demos

Feb 8, 2007RamenRadio

HSL wouldn't listen to what we would have to say anyway. Even if it was to try to make their product better, it's still THEIR product that they like. They only want their own ideas, no one elses. Correct me if I am wrong, but HSL is a little bit stubborn

Feb 8, 2007cherryman696966

the question though is if they started selling soaps again, except under the name heelys, would you be ok with it?

Feb 8, 2007asitfalls

I own a size 11 pair of slide heelys.... I like the fact that I can just chill around the mall or college. I just ordered my second pair of Soaps (I was 12 when I had my last pair) honestly I like HSL and both pair of shoes.... Your never to old to have fun.

Feb 9, 2007SonicSoaper

the question though is if they started selling soaps again, except under the name heelys, would you be ok with it?

I'm going to go with a very resounding hell no.

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

They wouldnt sell it under Heelys....

The Shoe without the wheel wouldnt be a Heely dude

Feb 9, 2007RamenRadio

Exactly. And if HSL is really (I'm sorry everyone, but I HAVE TO SAY THIS!!!) stupid enough to do that, not only would the product FAIL, but they would have A LOT of mad people with more than a petition.

Feb 9, 2007SapAuthor

I've had Heely's when i was young, they may be "fun" for a little bit, but if you wear the wheels ti's like walking in high heels, have to be careful when going down stairs, etc. Plus the sole of hte shoe is hard, no comfert, SOAPs are uber comfy, and i will continue to buy them even though i havne't had time to SOAP to much. My feet demand SOAPs

Feb 9, 2007RamenRadio

Exactly what I said about my sylons, and other soaps. As soon as I take them off, my feet are screaming to put them back on! lol, my feet even has more common sense than the heely addicts XD

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

This is random but i learned 270 KindGrinds!

Feb 9, 2007asitfalls

Only dislike about my slide heelys is that sound they make when you walk on a floor that you should be rolling on (in an airport or mall) it clicks and clacks just like a pair of heels.... wait heelys.... nm my Soaps should be here next week.

Feb 9, 2007siuol7

i had the heely torch and after a day of wearing my ordnance it felt like the torches were like rocks

Feb 10, 2007RamenRadio

LMFAO. Yeah, they REALLY know what they are doing... Not only are they expensive, but they don't even have the comfort that the soaps have. UGH, I can't bear to talk about it anymore

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

i personally think that HSL doesnt see that there are some people who just dun wanna pay like $50 more for a wheel that they ARENT gonna use.

Not to mention that when it comes to grinding, Heelys has NO style.....They have style in their rolling tricks (of course) but when it comes to grinding, they dunt even name the grinds.

They call it Grind, Frontside Grind, and Backside Gring

And yet they name every other little thing they do on their Heelys

Stationary, Swicth, Kamakazie (w.e that is) Pipeline, backwards, one footer, etc

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Theres actually a Heelys demo tomorrow that isnt too far from me.....

There are going to be competitions but not any grind competitions, so count me out

Feb 10, 2007Jard39

u should go and start SOAPing in front of the building

Feb 10, 2007SonicSoaper

Kamakazi? Are you kidding me? They named a Heelys "trick" after the Japanese word for devine wind? Now that's just DEE DEE DEE!

Feb 21, 2007slipperysole

I know this thread kinda got away from its original topic, but I just wanted to say, I don't like picking one, soaps OR heelys, it reminds me of growing up in california, all the skaters bashin' the inliners and vice versa,
They really are two diffrent things, in my opinion, Soaps are kind of a vamped down version of skating, and heeling is kinda a vamped up version of walking, ya know?

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

Hey Cooper, I don't have a problem with heelys, some people think they're better than soaps, some don't, I don't like them for a few reasons, like people in my school use them and it pisses me off cause they bump into me alot.

Feb 22, 2007SonicSoaper

I'd rather skate than walk. It's faster, ya know?

Feb 22, 2007shdook

The thing i like about soaps is you can wear them anytime, unlike blading where i have to wait until spring now to go out and just skate.

Feb 22, 2007AnthoFlex

i hear that,

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

Of course soaps are better, because what are heelys, shoes with wheels a.k.a skates, now they have grind plates, AGGRESSIVE SKATES

Feb 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeh but technically, they aren't agressive. It the wheel count is under two wheels, one in the fron and one in the back, then tome it's not an agressive inline skate.

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

Im saying that they are practically aggressive skates, not litteral. Heeleys could never amount to anything close as aggressive skates

Feb 26, 2007SapAuthor

they are designed after aggressive inliners. HSL and heelys tried to copy the wheel aspect of it, SOAPs focused on the grinding (really the "aggressive" part of inline skating).If i ever take up another sport though, i would probably do inline to go a little faster, and I can work on my grinds too. Originally it was suppose to be "wear your boots [skates] in the park, and wear your SOAPs anywhere else" type of deal.

Feb 26, 2007kobansora

That's whta I thought to. Before buying Soaps, I was considering Heelys until I saw they weren't made in my size... And then I saw that they were kind of ugly.

But if they were made in my size, I would totally sport them...


Feb 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru

SOAPs Forever

Feb 26, 2007SonicSoaper

True man.
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