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Feb 8, 2007 by AnthoFlex

I think i'll start believing in god now....

The Soapshoes Myspace went from having 387 friend requests, to (currently) 449 friends!!!!!

IN JUST ONE DAY, Soapshoes popularity has SKY-ROCKETED! I cant think of any explanations for it! Looks like all of our hard work is paying off!

I'll keep this forum post updated for every few numbers (of friend requests) that happens


Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

I forgot to mention that that huge number boost started from Midnight of the day before yesterday, to now

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

I hope HSL is reading this

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

455! What the hell is going on!? Its like Atremis Days ALL OVER AGAIN!

Feb 8, 2007DaSholZ

W00t!!! Awesome!!

Feb 8, 2007ordnanceflint91

hell yeah Renny, maybe just maybe we have got people to realize Soaps are great agian....ill keep on promoting it from my myspace page too

Feb 8, 2007matrix8967

yeah, i'm promo-ing hard. i mean, HARD, i tell so many kids at school, any time i can mention it i do.


Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo Trey, Have you requested me?

gimme ur URL so i can put u on my top friends

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

bump up to top

Feb 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Feb 8th, 2007
6:24 PM

465 friends on list

Feb 8, 2007ordnanceflint91

Renny, you already got me lol.....its ok we all forget sometimes lol

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex


i think imma have a heart attack....

Feb 8th, 2007
8:50 PM

475 firends on list

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

damn 487 now at 9:00pm central time

Feb 9, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, I need some of you guys to friend the E.O.B. Myspace as well. So far I've gotten about...six or seven people on there.

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

thats the whole thing, we arent requesting anybody, They're just coming to us!

Feb 9, 2007RamenRadio

that's the URL peoples ^^
And this is so awesome, MORE SOAPERS!! YAY! I wish there were a lot more in NY. However, a lot of people now want soaps just by seeing something as simple as a UFO lol. HSL, I hope you are getting the message! :P

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

Sonicsoaper, if u would take it off that private bullshit people could add you without having to know your email or last name, i was gonna add you but i cant so change the private profile bullshit that way more people can see it

Feb 9, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, Orders are doing awesome :) We sold like...um....about 60 some shoes, and we've only had the shop open for 2 months, that's an average of a shoe a day! And sales are still going. We could really use though people helping push SOAPs, we are still trying to get HSL to back us with some advertisement, but so far we've been doing great :-)

Big thanks to Renny too, you've been a huge asset. I hope you make it on team SOAP man! Can't wait to get you guys demo shoes so you can shoe the new york youth what SOAPing is all about!

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo SonicSoaper, didnt i tell you how to take off the private stuff?

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

In response to ur comment Trev....

Fo Real lol

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91


Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

510 as of 1:06pm central time...keep promoting people its working

Feb 9, 2007asitfalls

How many of these people actually soap?
How many of these people added the space as a friend to up their numbers?

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

it jumped over a 100 people in less than 24 hours

You wanna imply sumthing else?

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

what does it matter if they soap or not? they may like soap shoes and wanna help promote it...the more people that wanna be friends, the bigger chance of new people finding out about soap shoes and maybe HSL will take it seriously

Feb 9, 2007asitfalls

I want Soap to be strong. I want people who are really interested to place orders at sonic and pals so Soaps can be ordered and profit can be made. If profit is made and popularity is gained then the product will be in high demand causing a sellers market and the Soap shoes will be mainstream again.

I dont think friend-whores who dont care about the product count as "friends" to SOAP.

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

asitfalls- the point is that if HSL SEES OVER 500 People as friends on the myspace soap shoes site, it may halp HSL decide to market soaps better...think about it dude b4 u down the idea. those people had to find the soap shoes myspage page somehow now didnt they? so quit trying to think its not helping b/c it is. the more friends on the soap shoes myspace page the better. no if ands or buts about it.

Feb 9, 2007shdook

I dont think that HSL isnt going to do anything to big beacause of a soapshoes myspace but at least its getting somewhere

Feb 9, 2007ordnanceflint91

yeah i know that but who knows what they may be thinking...maybe if they see it, they will see that there is big interest in soap shoes still

Feb 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Exactly....and i would like to point out that the ONLY people i have EVER requested for the Soapshoes myspace were people on Solidgrind, and a few of my friends. The rest came every now and then, but this is outrageous!

We are currently:

Feb, 9th, 2007
529 friends

Feb 9, 2007DaSholZ

Don't forget to have them all sign the petition too.
But I don't need to tell you that. ;)

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh SHIT! You're RIGHT!

I was sooo caught up in the exciment!

Thanx dude!

Feb 10, 2007shdook

I really hope HSL appreciates that petition.

Feb 10, 2007Surfaced

lol why would HSL appreciate it?

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

I rather them give me, and Soapshoes the respect and recognize me for who i am.....a Reviver

If they were to tell me that they "appreciate" the petition, i'll head to Houston myself and pimp-smack all of them

Feb 10, 2007RamenRadio

Thanks Renny. I would die if soap shoes died too lol. Thanks so much for keeping it alive, and for "reviving it".

Feb 10, 2007davebellair

sall seems abit pointless to me.... u really think 500 friends here 200 signitures there is gonna make tha slightest bit of diffrence??? .....to a company with a million dollar turnover who r only concerned with increasing there bottom line. you guys are dillusional!!!!!

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

whatever, when us hard working Soapers get start the new team,

you are welcome to change ur mind and join us

and for the record, we arent dillusional

Feb 10, 2007asitfalls

Im for soaps being put back into power. And your right I need to be more supportive.

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

I knew u'd come around asitfalls, thats why i feel lashing out at people is pointless

As for Davebelliar over there, hes a hater, but i dunt care

Feb 10, 2007matrix8967

I'm proud of all of us. sportin soap stuff the past few months pays off. look at us. we're awesome lol


Feb 10, 2007Slidey

Dude! This is crazy! If we get more friends than Team Heelys then they can't Ignore Soap!

Feb 10, 2007SonicSoaper

Speaking of which...

Team Heelys: 1074
Soap Shoes Official Myspace: 533

Let's start busting some balls.

Feb 10, 2007DaSholZ

Dude! Half way their. I'm gonna start asking everyone I know to support SOAP's.

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Ighht.....but im still sticking by my morals....im ONLY requesting people that i know. Sorry...but look on the bright side, if we get up to like....1000 lets say, that will DEFINETLY show Soap has a GOOD rep

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex

i think HSL is shitting their pants right now

Im going to post a bulliten informing people to inform their friends about Soapshoes.....lets see if it helps even more

Feb 10, 2007shdook

Ive been trying to get people to add soapshoes but only about 6 of them did. I will have to post another bullentin then.

Feb 10, 2007shdook

Oh yeah what i meant by apreciates it was they will see what a mistake it was to forget about soapshoes.

Feb 10, 2007AnthoFlex


Feb 10, 2007shdook

I got 2 more of my friends to add you.

Feb 11, 2007DarkVermillion

Sweet! I hope HSL see's this as a good opportunity to bring soaps back. It's a great sport, and if they'd bring them back it could become a sport. I need to make a demo of all my grinds.

Feb 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Did anyone else know this.....

It was in some CNN site or sumthing....

HSL....is trying to put Heelys................
In the olympics?! wtf

Feb 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Thanx shdook

Feb 11, 2007SonicSoaper

I can see it now.

"We bring to the next most useless sport next to curling, Heelying!" Some guy offstage yells "HEELING!" The competitors come out of the gate and try to pull of "tricks n' stunts" like the old skate comps from back in the day. of course since it's Heelys, it shames those days of freestyle land tricks.

Feb 11, 2007SonicSoaper

*We bring you

Feb 11, 2007Slidey

hahahaaa what a joke! Heelys, in the olympics!?! Their soo stupid for trying

Feb 11, 2007AnthoFlex

i know

Feb 11, 2007Louis

Alrighty everyone!
Yeah, I know it's been a stupidly long time since I've been on here, but I've been completely bogged down with work for Uni. Just wanted to say well done on your effort to put the spark back into soaping, hopefully you'll reignite the flames (<--oh god....)
By the way, just so you all know, a number of mainstream popular Newspapers over here in the UK reported that a council in an area of Britain has placed an outright ban on Heelys (except on ones own property). hehe
Regardless, and I hate to suggest it, I still think it would be a good idea for if we could somehow bring the two cultures together, because lets face it, the little 6-14 year olds buying Heelys could just as easily be won over by the idea of soapshoes (all over again), especially as they've already got sucked into the whole Heelys thing: "look guys, it's like totally another cool radical thingy to do with your shoes! wooooo!"
Maybe if you could get word out about Soapshoes on Heelying sites or myspace pages. No doubt some Heelers would know of them already, but I'm sure theres a huge untapped potential market for Soaps among young Heelers who just don't know about Soaps yet.
Anyway, keep up the good work!

Feb 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo Louis, thats been my plan all along.

There was once a day where Heelys and Soap co-existed peacefully. I want that to happen again. BUT WITH the advertising of Soapshoes again.

And about the untapped resources of Heeler, i have done that as well.....today as a matter of fact. All the little kids with Heelys want Soapshoes now

Feb 12, 2007SonicSoaper

Except the older and much more sadder Heelys wearers. Those people just like to diss something that deserve credit.
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