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Leicester, England

» Real NameDan
» Age38
» Comments2
» Forum Posts1
» Member SinceMay 31, 2006
» Last LoginJun 4, 2006
» Web Sitehttp://www.throneoflies.com
» ProfileA reclusive, gloomy musician from Leicester who decided one day that actually the sun wouldn\'t hurt him after all. Then he got sunburn and needed therapy. Several years later, he developed a keen interest in parkour and soap shoes. That is to say, both of these things had interested him for the better part of four years, but he just hated the outdoors so goddamn much. He puts out albums for free. If you ask him nicely he\'ll tell you where to download them.

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» ShoesBoltar
» PhotoDunk hittin a Unity during the U...
Louis Selby styling out a tweaked UFO for the cameras during the UKFSW Ipswich trip.
Louis Selby, knocking out another frontside for the bystanders during the UKFSW Fleet trip.
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Joe Fitzgerald hittin a UFO
Wyatt Peterson hitting a royale at Summer Slam