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A Dire Video Question open for Debate
Jul 22, 2002 by alexei

As many of you should know, DEOS5 is still in processs of filming. Within a matter of weeks, I'm going to sit down and start editing this monster, which brings me to my dilemma. Some members of the DEOS staff and a few outsiders felt that DEOS4 was hurt by not the grinding, editing, or music, but because it was too long.

Read more to find out why...

We think perhaps it's from the nature of the video, too many ups and downs from the personal sections, if DEOS5 were to have 4 sections (intro, grinds, falls, grinds + ending) how long would you want it to be?

We've already decided that DEOS5 will not have personal sections because of the sheer number of the crew and the unbalanced amount of skill (the big four verse the rest). So, is 15 minutes too much for a non-personal section (profiles) video?

Kyle Lefler vouches for 7-8 minutes, but we'd really like to know what the fans want.

Now, don't worry, we at DEOS all feel DEOS4 was a success, so feel free to talk negative about it (just not too much :) ), but we want DEOS5 to be perfect, and that can't be done unless we have input from you.

We also understand the difference between a soaper watching it and a non-soaper. Non-soapers just can not relate to the video as a soaper can, there is just no understanding of baffling over a trick, the difficulty, or a rail.

(btw: this applys to any type of grinding videos, not just soaps - so you skates, bladers, etc feel free to comment)
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