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Broox Extreme in the palm of your hands!
Oct 30, 2001 by broox

Broox Extreme is now PDA ready! What does this mean? If you have any kind of palm device (Palm Pilots, Handsprings, Clie, etc) you can have all the latest broox.com news with you at all times. All you have to do is use AvantGo, and click on the link in the AvantGo block (on the right side of broox.com). It will automatically add the channel to your account, and the next time you sync you'll have broox.com with you, everywhere you go. That way you can read the extreme news in class, meetings, or anywhere else you might be!

If you dont have AvantGo on your PDA, you can get it at avantgo.com.
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Ryan Dawes hittin a Frontside on a big ol kinked rail.
Darren McCall hittin a Phat royale
Trevor G hittin a Front Side
Derek Brooks hittin a Royale
Derek hittin a Cheese Grater at the Cedar Rapids demo